Hamas kills a local commander for unnamed ‘violations’


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Hamas said in a short Twitter statement that Mahmoud Eshtewi, a local member of the group’s military wing, was killed after he confessed. It said the decision to kill Eshtewi, who was detained in January 2015, was taken by its “military and religious judiciary,” a previously unheard-of department.

Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from forces loyal to the Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007. During periods of fighting against Israel, Hamas has killed dozens of Palestinians it accused of spying.

The group is not known to have killed its own members during peacetime, and the vague language used in the statement indicated Eshtewi was killed for reasons other than spying.
Hamas kills a local commander for unnamed 'violations'

Gaza-based Palestinian terror group Hamas on Sunday executed a member who allegedly gave Israel the hideout of Mohammed Deif, leader of the group's military wing, during 2014's Operation Protective Edge.

Hamas announced that they executed Mahmoud Eshtewi because of what they dubbed offenses of conduct and ethics. The nature of the offense was not given, but it is likely that Eshtewi was suspected of collaborating with Israel.

Eshtewi , a well-known commander from the eastern Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun, was a battalion commander of the Hamas military wing. Eshtewi was arrested over a year ago as part of the investigation inyothe attempted targeted killing of Deif. During his lengthy detention, his family held several protests in front of the house of Ismail Haniyeh, deputy political leader of the group, until they were attacked by Hamas security forces.

This is a family that has had deep historic roots in the military wing of Hamas ever since its inception. Ashtiwi began a hunger strike during this detention. The execution was the first time that the military wing of Hamas publicly announced such a proceeding against one of its own members.

Hamas executes member who may have betrayed Deif's location

You have to love the differences between the Washington Post article and YNET. HRW is a laughingstock at this point.
What Hamas is doing to the Palestinians is hard to forgive. But then it was the Palestinian people themselves who elected Hamas. So just how sorry should anyone feel for the Palis?
This comparison only works in your dreams and those of IslamoNazis like yourself. Rhodesia was never the "ancient white Christian homeland" that whites had lived there thousands of years ago, nor did whites maintain a presence in Rhodesia for thousands of years, etc.

Here is another example of what Hamas animals do to one of their own if you go against their ideology.

The Jews were out of Palestine completely from when Christianity became the state-religion to the conquest of Jerusalem by the Persians. So there has not been a continuous Jewish presence. They only returned with the Muslim conquerors.
Bullshit! There has been a continuous Jewish presence, and it has been evidenced and recorded, fool.

There is no rule of law or justice system in Gaza and nobody to answer to. The apes execute and kill their own whenever they feel like it, as described in the OP.

The Palestinians are behaving admirably when compared to other national liberation movements. They don't do the necklacing thing for collaborators as the ANC did. Why do you Zionists feel it necessary to single them out, is it because the oppressor is Jewish?

Rather than send you to more academic sources, Wiki will do for this little Zionist myth.

"Heraclius later reneged on the agreement after reconquering Palestine by issuing an edict banning Judaism from the Byzantine Empire and thousands of Jewish refugees fled to Egypt, following Byzantine and Ghassanid perpetrated massacres across the Galilee and Jerusalem."

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Two can play this game.

Bullshit, lies, and conspiracies. You have no credibility, MonteNazi. However, Americans will never forget that Palestinians celebrated and danced on 9-11. Such an admirable people they are.
Ha ha ha. It said Palestinians are behaving admirably. "Heraclitus"?

Yeah, he's daft if he thinks the pali's are i any way admirable.

I suppose I could post the pictures of the pali's dragging dead victims through the streets behind motorcycles but that might offend some of the more civilized on the forum so I'll skip it.

Suffice it to say "admirable" is the last things the pali's are.

How about that ten year old suicide bomber arrested a couple years ago. Now thats "admirable" eh ;--(

Redirect Notice

Two can play this game.

Bullshit, lies, and conspiracies. You have no credibility, MonteNazi. However, Americans will never forget that Palestinians celebrated and danced on 9-11. Such an admirable people they are.

Cracks me up. You only post lies and propaganda and then complain when you get a bit of your own medicine. Anyway, here is the police officer's statement regarding the arrest of the dancing Jews:

"September 23, 2011

The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed
and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence,
agreeing to a Sept. 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.

As AFP readers are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were
working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company
at the center of Israeli involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Sgt. Scott DeCarlo has never spoken to the media about the details of that day
except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined
sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever
grant in regard to this subject.

DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-1 1 that
mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-
total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.

Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and "was
posted on the highway" to prevent traffic from entering New York City.

"There was a BOLO, which is a 'Be On the Look Out' for a particular van,
perhaps loaded with explosives," explained DeCarlo, "that may have been on its way to
destroy the George Washington Bridge."

DeCarlo explained: "It [the a\T^
suspicious van] happened to come «**** s "-<w*»*i.

our way, and I grabbed my sergeant
[DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at
that time] and said: 'Hey, man, that's
our van.' It wasn't the exact license
plate given reported — it was off by
one numeral — but I said: 'That's
gotta be it; it's just too close.'"

He continued: "The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route
3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons
drawn, and stopped it."

All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to
get physical.

"We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn't listen," he said. "So, we . . .
put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible."

AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders.
DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, "You ever have a gun pointed at your head?"

DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their
van. "When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: 'We're not
your enemy, we're your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,'" DeCarlo said. "At that
point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, 'Hey, we're on your side.'"

"We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the
Meadowlands Stadium, and that's the last I saw of them," he said. Shortly after that, the
FBI reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually
deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they
appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. "to
document the event."

Sgt. DeCarlo asked AFP to request interested parties not to contact him.

Full text of "9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad Involvement in Attacks"
Ha ha ha. Now the antisemite is claiming that Jews did 9-11. Sick sick sick.
So why were Paleshitians celebrating then? Such admirable savages.

False Footaging

Certainly CNN wasn't the only news organization to report on the reaction of some Palestinians to the events of September 11, as other outlets such as Reuters and the Los Angeles Times carried the same story. Also, other news outlets such as Fox and The Jerusalem Post reported that journalists were threatened for capturing images of Palestinian celebrations, making real footage of the event harder to obtain:

Palestinian Authority actions to confiscate film footage of Palestinians celebrating the terror attacks on the US were logical to prevent the media from painting the wrong picture of Palestinian sentiment, Bassam Abu Sharif, an adviser to PA Chairman Yasser Arafat.

"This was a normal preventive act . . . we don't want to give more to the Zionist propaganda which portrays all Palestinians as terrorists," he said. "The idea is that these people were not allowed to film, because a small group of people on film would represent the Palestinian people as a whole."

The footage was real. It's a shame, in fact, that its provenance was doubted because the lives of journalists who have attempted to capture similar acts on video have been threatened. That this tape made it out at all is a miracle.
Hamas said in a short Twitter statement that Mahmoud Eshtewi, a local member of the group’s military wing, was killed after he confessed. It said the decision to kill Eshtewi, who was detained in January 2015, was taken by its “military and religious judiciary,” a previously unheard-of department.

Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from forces loyal to the Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007. During periods of fighting against Israel, Hamas has killed dozens of Palestinians it accused of spying.

The group is not known to have killed its own members during peacetime, and the vague language used in the statement indicated Eshtewi was killed for reasons other than spying.
Hamas kills a local commander for unnamed 'violations'

Gaza-based Palestinian terror group Hamas on Sunday executed a member who allegedly gave Israel the hideout of Mohammed Deif, leader of the group's military wing, during 2014's Operation Protective Edge.

Hamas announced that they executed Mahmoud Eshtewi because of what they dubbed offenses of conduct and ethics. The nature of the offense was not given, but it is likely that Eshtewi was suspected of collaborating with Israel.

Eshtewi , a well-known commander from the eastern Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun, was a battalion commander of the Hamas military wing. Eshtewi was arrested over a year ago as part of the investigation inyothe attempted targeted killing of Deif. During his lengthy detention, his family held several protests in front of the house of Ismail Haniyeh, deputy political leader of the group, until they were attacked by Hamas security forces.

This is a family that has had deep historic roots in the military wing of Hamas ever since its inception. Ashtiwi began a hunger strike during this detention. The execution was the first time that the military wing of Hamas publicly announced such a proceeding against one of its own members.

Hamas executes member who may have betrayed Deif's location

You have to love the differences between the Washington Post article and YNET. HRW is a laughingstock at this point.
It seems there was a long investigation not a knee jerk reaction.

Collaborators are complicit in murder and treason. The death penalty does not seem unreasonable.
Miles off topic

I believe we were talking about the pali's senseless slaughter of their own

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