Hamas official: "50 out of the 62 Gaza victims- OUR MEN"


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Call it stupidity and honesty combined:

With translation:

Jonathan Conricus on Twitter

You couldn't be more clear about that. Salah Albardawil, Hamas official, boasted on a Palestinian talk show, "Biladna Al'alamiyya", the fact that most of Gaza 'victims' on May 14th clashes were Hamas activists...

"If 62 were killed in the last confrontation (may 14th), I found at least 50 of them were our men," he said. He meant it to be a boast, a pride of sorts, that so many of the victims were in fact members of the movement. Taking to mind that this video turned viral, I doubt he realizes how fast this blessing turned into a curse.

البردويل: مصر لم تطلب وقف مسيرة العودة لكنها كانت متخوفة - إذاعة صوت الأقصى 106.7FM


Not enough Hamas deception? then how about this? Hamas claimed that among the 62 'martyrs' was a 9 months old baby-girl. It is enough to raise an eyebrow in questioning. Why was such a small infant in the area of violent clashes to begin with. Any devoted parents would have kept her as far from the fence as possible...

Turns out, though, that Layla Ghaben, the child in question, was doubtfully killed by IDF as they first claimed. Layla had a terminate heart decease, it appears, and has small chances of durvival. Now they believed she "somehow" got mixed up and addes to the list of May 14th 'martyrs'. It may had something to do with the 300$ her family was given for that "mix up" to happen. But shhh, you haven't heard that from me:

Gaza health official says Gazan baby may not have been killed by IDF tear gas
Speaking of stupidity, such an admission won't sway all the leftist useful idiots here, one bit.
Call it stupidity and honesty combined:

With translation:

Jonathan Conricus on Twitter

You couldn't be more clear about that. Salah Albardawil, Hamas official, boasted on a Palestinian talk show, "Biladna Al'alamiyya", the fact that most of Gaza 'victims' on May 14th clashes were Hamas activists...

"If 62 were killed in the last confrontation (may 14th), I found at least 50 of them were our men," he said. He meant it to be a boast, a pride of sorts, that so many of the victims were in fact members of the movement. Taking to mind that this video turned viral, I doubt he realizes how fast this blessing turned into a curse.

البردويل: مصر لم تطلب وقف مسيرة العودة لكنها كانت متخوفة - إذاعة صوت الأقصى 106.7FM


Not enough Hamas deception? then how about this? Hamas claimed that among the 62 'martyrs' was a 9 months old baby-girl. It is enough to raise an eyebrow in questioning. Why was such a small infant in the area of violent clashes to begin with. Any devoted parents would have kept her as far from the fence as possible...

Turns out, though, that Layla Ghaben, the child in question, was doubtfully killed by IDF as they first claimed. Layla had a terminate heart decease, it appears, and has small chances of durvival. Now they believed she "somehow" got mixed up and addes to the list of May 14th 'martyrs'. It may had something to do with the 300$ her family was given for that "mix up" to happen. But shhh, you haven't heard that from me:

Gaza health official says Gazan baby may not have been killed by IDF tear gas

Whether or not you think it is stupid of Hamas to brag about this depends on what you think they were trying to do. While no one would give Hamas high marks for intelligence, certainly they knew Israel would not allow them to breach the fence and invade Israel and by now they should have known that all the anti Israel rhetoric these deaths would generate would change nothing on the ground. If one of these had been the reason for sending so many young people to the hospital or the grave, Hamas would indeed be stupid to brag about it, but suppose Hamas was not looking for a victory over Israel but over the PA; it has shown the Palestinian people Hamas is willing to fight and die over the "right of return" while the PA is not. In the context of Palestinian politics, would that be so stupid?
And many were paid US$100 to demonstrate.
150% the Left in the US and Europe were behind this staged protest. They needed to show the side by side of the embassy opening and the peaceful Palestinians protesting violently on their fake news screens.
Hamas is so extremist and terrorist that it actually thinks claiming that everyone is a martyr and terrorist is a GOOD thing. That just messes up the PR machine in the West, but what the hell, they can always put it down to a misunderstanding or error in translation.
It's not the least bit shocking fake news liberals support Hamas over Trump making the appropriate and honorable decision...

Obama kept his tail between his legs... they loved that...:dunno:
The Islamic terrorist PR machine is going into overdrive. The
Tire Burning Riots 2018™️ have been shown to be just another failed publicity stunt. Hamas is being forced to acknowledge that Israeli snipers were very effective at delivering very generous “Islamic Terrorist Early Retirement Benefits” to the more excitable Islamic terrorists,

A stroll down “Memri” lane

MEMRI TV Compilation: Gaza "March Of Return [Into Israel]" Clips – Calls For Jihad & Martyrdom, Chants Of Anti-Semitic Slogans And Incitement


MEMRI has just released a new MEMRI TV compilation on the Hamas-led "March of Return [into Israel]," including rallies, Friday sermons, children's participation, and statements by activists, scholars, and others.

Nick Boles MP:
"Yesterday I criticised Israel's handling of the protests at the Gaza border. I should not have been so quick to judge. We now learn that the 50 of those killed were Hamas terrorists. Israel had an absolute right to defend itself against such attacks."


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