Hamas renews rocket fire at Israel after Gaza lull

2 Israeli dead since the "ceasefire" began this evening.

I am truly wondering what's the point of those ceasefires, "humanitarian" ceasefires, ONESIDED "humanitarian ceasefires", if those gets our people killed and our hands are tied from responding.
The cease fire was intended to allow civilians a chance to do what they need to do..The humanitarians which condemn Israel never say a damn word about Hamas except they are they victims..
Wasn't the ceasefire supposed to be respected by Hamas, as well?

Or I'm just being way too nai've to assume they need to respect their own call for ceasfire and not launch rockets to piss Israel off even more?
Absolutely crazy

Israel extends Gaza truce until Sunday despite Hamas rocket fire
Security Cabinet votes in favor of UN humanitarian ceasefire after Hamas answers Israel's extended four-hour lull with rocket fire; Hamas: No deal if Israel does not remove forces, source: Calm in fighting means we can focus on dismantling Gaza tunnels.
Moran Azulay
Latest Update: 07.27.14, 01:02 / Israel News

Prime Minister Netanyahu has extended Saturday's ceasefire until midnight Sunday, despite the renewal of rocket fire by Hamas, which seriously wounded an Israeli.

Earlier Saturday, Israel agreed to extend a 12-hour ceasefire by four hours until midnight Saturday, even though Hamas and the Islamic Jihad refused to do so, firing rockets at Israel. Israeli tank fire killed a man in the southern Gaza Strip, a local official said.

Israel extends Gaza truce until Sunday despite Hamas rocket fire - Israel News, Ynetnews
Whenever Kerry and Hussein Obama see that Hamas is losing its terrorist war.....they go and ask Israel for a ceasefire or a truce ...have you noticed that?

I hope Israel can see through their disgusting schemes.
Whenever Kerry and Hussein Obama see that Hamas is losing its terrorist war.....they go and ask Israel for a ceasefire or a truce ...have you noticed that?

I hope Israel can see through their disgusting schemes.

John Kerry simply took Hamas demands and turned it to an American proposal in the aid of Qatar, I don't wonder why Hamas attacking Israel knowingly it would cost a huge price for Gaza, well that idiot is giving them another motivation to continue, put me in Mashaal shoes and Ill go launch rockets myself haha
2 Israeli dead since the "ceasefire" began this evening.

I am truly wondering what's the point of those ceasefires, "humanitarian" ceasefires, ONESIDED "humanitarian ceasefires", if those gets our people killed and our hands are tied from responding.

Try to understand the "logic", Lipush. It is a matter of "LAW"-----you can ask the lawyer
who posts here-----and the various other caliphate supporters------UNDER ISLAMIC LAW----
muslims can legally murder jews. In fact, they can LEGALLY murder any non muslim.
I realize that some people get tired of their hero adolf----but the fact is that under the
Nuremburg laws------Aryans could legally murder jews. Pay attention to those people who
cite "LAW" Legal codes are whatever the persons writing the legal codes decide.

the 100s of millions of persons killed in genocides by the ISALLAH worshippers in the past 1700
years ------were LEGALLY killed
Ahaha Ceasefire?!
For them its only a term for "OUT OF AMMO!"
Don't fret, [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] , the red friends of Hamas are galloping to the rescue.

Security officials say the deal between Hamas and North Korea is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and is being handled by a Lebanese-based trading company with close ties to the militant Palestinian organisation based in east Beirut.

Hamas officials are believed to have already made an initial cash down payment to secure the deal, and are now hoping that North Korea will soon begin shipping extra supplies of weapons to Gaza.

Gaza Conflict Day 20: Hamas Seeking North Korean Weaponry | HonestReporting
Whenever Kerry and Hussein Obama see that Hamas is losing its terrorist war.....they go and ask Israel for a ceasefire or a truce ...have you noticed that?

I hope Israel can see through their disgusting schemes.
Goofus and Doofus are keeping the people unaware of what Türkiye is contemplating.

Pro-Palestinian activists in Turkey are organizing another “Freedom Flotilla” for Gaza. And the organizers, the IHH (the Foundation of Human Rights and Freedom), claim the Turkish Navy will provide protection from a potential Israeli intercept. See Jerusalem Post coverage.

Gaza Conflict Day 20: Hamas Seeking North Korean Weaponry | HonestReporting
Why the cease fire was so the Pro-Pali protesters could have potty break, before being fired upon by missiles from Hamas..

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