Hannity loves Trumps detailed tax plan

Do you WIN or LOSE under Trump's tax plan?
Trump's Tax Plan ^ | 9-28-15 | Rkba Democrat

I've been reading the articles and analysis on Donald Trump's tax plan. I've read several articles, and everyone has an opinion as to whether it helps the poor, hurts the poor, if it taxes people enough, whether it's conservative enough....blah, blah, blah.

I couldn't care less what the theoretical impact is on some hypothetical person that exists in someone's imagination. What I care about are MY taxes. I have yet to see any posts or articles where someone takes out their tax return and figures it out. So I did that. I took out a piece of scrap paper and figured it out. It took all of 5 minutes, including the time to find the calculator.

The result: using conservative assumptions my Federal income taxes will go down by 42%.

I LIKE Donald Trump's tax plan! I like it a lot!

Me me me me me me me. Of course people want tax cuts for themselves. But they don't want cuts to spending that benefits them, only cuts to spending that benefits other people.

Obama didn't cut 800 billion from Medicare. All you've got is factually poor talking points.

He certainly did, but the left spins it so it looks like it is all money from FUTURE medicare holdbacks! Like when they complain about budget cuts which in reality are simply LESS money spent than what originally was called for but still more than the previous bill!

And WHO do you care about, yourself having to pay less, or your neighbor?

Well, with this kind of tax cut, you're going to need real budget cuts.

I don't want to see Medicare and Medicaid go to pot. That's what I care about. Folks who need those programs get no second chances if those go away. For them, no Healthcare means no life. A tax cut would just allow me to spend more that I don't need to spend or save.

Trump already said, and MANY TIMES that those programs would NOT LOSE any benefits!
so where is he going to get money for the tax cuts?
Do you WIN or LOSE under Trump's tax plan?
Trump's Tax Plan ^ | 9-28-15 | Rkba Democrat

I've been reading the articles and analysis on Donald Trump's tax plan. I've read several articles, and everyone has an opinion as to whether it helps the poor, hurts the poor, if it taxes people enough, whether it's conservative enough....blah, blah, blah.

I couldn't care less what the theoretical impact is on some hypothetical person that exists in someone's imagination. What I care about are MY taxes. I have yet to see any posts or articles where someone takes out their tax return and figures it out. So I did that. I took out a piece of scrap paper and figured it out. It took all of 5 minutes, including the time to find the calculator.

The result: using conservative assumptions my Federal income taxes will go down by 42%.

I LIKE Donald Trump's tax plan! I like it a lot!

Me me me me me me me. Of course people want tax cuts for themselves. But they don't want cuts to spending that benefits them, only cuts to spending that benefits other people.

Obama didn't cut 800 billion from Medicare. All you've got is factually poor talking points.

He certainly did, but the left spins it so it looks like it is all money from FUTURE medicare holdbacks! Like when they complain about budget cuts which in reality are simply LESS money spent than what originally was called for but still more than the previous bill!

And WHO do you care about, yourself having to pay less, or your neighbor?

Well, with this kind of tax cut, you're going to need real budget cuts.

I don't want to see Medicare and Medicaid go to pot. That's what I care about. Folks who need those programs get no second chances if those go away. For them, no Healthcare means no life. A tax cut would just allow me to spend more that I don't need to spend or save.

Trump already said, and MANY TIMES that those programs would NOT LOSE any benefits!
so where is he going to get money for the tax cuts?
It'll "Trickle Down".
those making up to 25 grand no taxes

the i win form
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
In spite of what Trump promised, his tax plan is a give away to the rich and hedge fund folks. Trump lied again.

Please give details!

Let's see. The top marginal tax rate goes down from 40 to 25 percent. So for each million they make they get to keep 150,000 more. Someone makes 40 million a year ... they keep 6 million more dollars per year. Sounds like a giveaway to me. But of course "it's their money". Well, no, right now by current law it's our money, not theirs.

Aren't THOSE the folks, the EXTREMELY RICH, that Trump cuts out their loopholes and effectively raises their taxes?...Well, YES it is!
which loopholes? capital gains get a tax cut. are the extremely rich suddenly working for their money?
In spite of what Trump promised, his tax plan is a give away to the rich and hedge fund folks. Trump lied again.

Please give details!

Let's see. The top marginal tax rate goes down from 40 to 25 percent. So for each million they make they get to keep 150,000 more. Someone makes 40 million a year ... they keep 6 million more dollars per year. Sounds like a giveaway to me. But of course "it's their money". Well, no, right now by current law it's our money, not theirs.

Aren't THOSE the folks, the EXTREMELY RICH, that Trump cuts out their loopholes and effectively raises their taxes?...Well, YES it is!
which loopholes? capital gains get a tax cut. are the extremely rich suddenly working for their money?

Supposedly there's something about raising taxes on hedge fund managers or something.
those making up to 25 grand no taxes

the i win form
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
I care about what's best for everyone not just myself. If even half of that money was brought back it would have a major impact. Course unlike you I don't believe the rich hide their money in coffee cans. I know they invest it, that's how they make it grow. A foreign concept for you to be sure
You can't have a tax cut like that without drastic cuts in spending. So where are these spending cuts going to be? There's plenty of political will for tax cuts, very little for spending cuts. Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid would hurt a lot of needy people. All to fatten the take home pay of the wealthy. What will the wealthy do to help people who lose Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
why don't we audit, and quit paying six hundred for pencil sharpeners
You can't have a tax cut like that without drastic cuts in spending. So where are these spending cuts going to be? There's plenty of political will for tax cuts, very little for spending cuts. Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid would hurt a lot of needy people. All to fatten the take home pay of the wealthy. What will the wealthy do to help people who lose Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
why don't we audit, and quit paying six hundred for pencil sharpeners

I don't know anyone who would oppose that. But it simply doesn't add up to much.
You can't have a tax cut like that without drastic cuts in spending. So where are these spending cuts going to be? There's plenty of political will for tax cuts, very little for spending cuts. Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid would hurt a lot of needy people. All to fatten the take home pay of the wealthy. What will the wealthy do to help people who lose Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
why don't we audit, and quit paying six hundred for pencil sharpeners
I once got paid $150 to deliver a mouse pad to Brevard Community School Board. It isn't the object that cost so much but the delivery method. If they had sent someone to the store they could've gotten one for 15 bucks. Our delivery fees were based on mileage and on demand convenience. If they had ordered 4 or 5 complete computer systems the delivery charge would've been the same because the delivery cost would've still been the same.
those making up to 25 grand no taxes

the i win form
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
I care about what's best for everyone not just myself. If even half of that money was brought back it would have a major impact. Course unlike you I don't believe the rich hide their money in coffee cans. I know they invest it, that's how they make it grow. A foreign concept for you to be sure

I am aware of investment. I don't buy Trump's plan.
those making up to 25 grand no taxes

the i win form
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
I care about what's best for everyone not just myself. If even half of that money was brought back it would have a major impact. Course unlike you I don't believe the rich hide their money in coffee cans. I know they invest it, that's how they make it grow. A foreign concept for you to be sure

I am aware of investment. I don't buy Trump's plan.

What is there overseas? 2 trillion?

Right now we get NOTHING from that money.
IF this were to pass the government would get 10% more than NOTHING. Not a lot in the big picture until you consider the investments that would naturally follow. Combine that with a 15% corporate tax rate & how many new jobs that would bring in new taxes would that possibly create as those investments turn into new businesses or expansions of current businesses.
Unless they bury their new money in coffee cans I fail to see the downside.
Simply calling rich folks evil or selfish is not a valid argument
those making up to 25 grand no taxes

the i win form
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
I care about what's best for everyone not just myself. If even half of that money was brought back it would have a major impact. Course unlike you I don't believe the rich hide their money in coffee cans. I know they invest it, that's how they make it grow. A foreign concept for you to be sure

I am aware of investment. I don't buy Trump's plan.

What is there overseas? 2 trillion?

Right now we get NOTHING from that money.
IF this were to pass the government would get 10% more than NOTHING. Not a lot in the big picture until you consider the investments that would naturally follow. Combine that with a 15% corporate tax rate & how many new jobs that would bring in new taxes would that possibly create as those investments turn into new businesses or expansions of current businesses.
Unless they bury their new money in coffee cans I fail to see the downside.
Simply calling rich folks evil or selfish is not a valid argument

But it's the only argument I've got. :wink:

Seriously, though, everybody running for office says that he can pass incentives for oversees investments to come home. What makes you believe Trump's promise of the same?
They currently pay nothing when you consider all the deductions they get which ends with most of them getting more back than they put in. A wash

The rich pay less but get less deductions. A wash

The 10% to repatriate overseas money could be a game changer however. Would create a massive influx into the economy if they choose to reinvest their money here instead. A couple trillion plus potentially

Suuuure. Thaaaaaat's exactly right.

Now run along little fellow with your $1,000 tax cut. And keeeeep fighting the good fight for us robber Barron's ... ahem ... I mean for the hard working red blooded up by their own bootstraps Americans such as yourself. Fight on!
I care about what's best for everyone not just myself. If even half of that money was brought back it would have a major impact. Course unlike you I don't believe the rich hide their money in coffee cans. I know they invest it, that's how they make it grow. A foreign concept for you to be sure

I am aware of investment. I don't buy Trump's plan.

What is there overseas? 2 trillion?

Right now we get NOTHING from that money.
IF this were to pass the government would get 10% more than NOTHING. Not a lot in the big picture until you consider the investments that would naturally follow. Combine that with a 15% corporate tax rate & how many new jobs that would bring in new taxes would that possibly create as those investments turn into new businesses or expansions of current businesses.
Unless they bury their new money in coffee cans I fail to see the downside.
Simply calling rich folks evil or selfish is not a valid argument

But it's the only argument I've got. :wink:

Seriously, though, everybody running for office says that he can pass incentives for oversees investments to come home. What makes you believe Trump's promise of the same?
It is a plan. No one can force their ideas upon Congress. Does that mean no one should offer a plan?
And while I think it's a wash for the average American when it comes to their personal taxes I see plenty of potential for the economy & job creation.

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