Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.
I would think that the 4th of July is a day for us all to celebrate, irrespective of personal or political ideology. No need for snark like this today in any direction.

I don't thank Liberals or Conservatives for this day.

I do thank our founding fathers for it.
They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

Post an essay consisting of not less than 250 words on what "liberal" means, how rightwinger is using it, and how rightwinger's usage differs from the liberalism demonstrated by the Founding Manpigs. Cite no less than two sources, no more than one of which can be from the internet.

Go on, we're waiting.
I'm surprised I haven't seen a Thank You President Obama yet....


Happy Birthday America.
We are a bit screwed up right now but I have faith we will fix it.
They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

Post an essay consisting of not less than 250 words on what "liberal" means, how rightwinger is using it, and how rightwinger's usage differs from the liberalism demonstrated by the Founding Manpigs. Cite no less than two sources, no more than one of which can be from the internet.

Go on, we're waiting.

Here's the start of my essay....

Bite me!
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Liberal is a mindset

It looks at where we are today and what can be done to make it better. Liberalism is not frozen in time, it evolves to face the challenges of each succeeding generation
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Yes, we know that you love definitions that fit your view of the world.

Most of our founding fathers were interested in NOT leaving the crown and only saw revolution as a last resort. I guess that makes most of them conservative.
I would think that the 4th of July is a day for us all to celebrate, irrespective of personal or political ideology. No need for snark like this today in any direction.

I don't thank Liberals or Conservatives for this day.

I do thank our founding fathers for it.

And the women standing by their sides. They also served this nation.
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Liberal is a mindset

It looks at where we are today and what can be done to make it better. Liberalism is not frozen in time, it evolves to face the challenges of each succeeding generation

True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.
They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

Post an essay consisting of not less than 250 words on what "liberal" means, how rightwinger is using it, and how rightwinger's usage differs from the liberalism demonstrated by the Founding Manpigs. Cite no less than two sources, no more than one of which can be from the internet.

Go on, we're waiting.

My apologies, but since when do I take orders from you ?

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States.
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Yes, we know that you love definitions that fit your view of the world.

Most of our founding fathers were interested in NOT leaving the crown and only saw revolution as a last resort. I guess that makes most of them conservative.

As true liberals, they sought negotiation and reason as their first option. When that failed they turned to open rebellion

Upon that rebellion, conservatives of the day chose to side with the crown. Why not? That is where the money was
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Liberal is a mindset

It looks at where we are today and what can be done to make it better. Liberalism is not frozen in time, it evolves to face the challenges of each succeeding generation

True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.

I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves

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