Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

LOL, wow dude!

The Constitution made provisions for it to be CHANGED through the Amendment process, thus making it a LIBERAL, Living, and Breathing document. They were FORWARD thinking, they weren't longing for "the good ole days", they wanted CHANGE.
So you're goal is to change it to what? And at what expense do you want to change it?

Good question. I don't necessarily want to change it, but I do believe in the provisions that were made to Amend it, which actually means "changing" it. One of the most important things that protects Our Liberties, were the Bill of Rights, they were all Amendments to the Constitution, thus "changes" to the Constitution.

You do agree with those changes to the Constitution, right?

What exactly would I want to change? What exactly do you want to change?

Why would you change anything?
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it
im sure there were plenty of "Conservative" leaning people back then who were also appalled by it too RW....but the bottom line is....the people who did rebel no matter what their leanings were, would be appalled by the right and left of today,especially the ones in DC.....im sure they would all have been rounded up and sent back to England if they were back in those days.....back then those people had a unique concept.....the Country before any type of political party......
How is forcing someone to violate their religious beliefs not destroying the first amendment? That's exactly your goal and you want to blame us? Fuck off.

the first amendment gives YOU the right to practice your religion of choice. it does NOT allow you to impose your brand of religion on OTHERS.

THAT is the point. but theocrats have problems with that.

What does the first amendment say.....?

It says congress (the Federal Congress) shall make no laws regarding the establishment of religion.

Where does it say others can't force it down your throat ?
If they were so liberal (as defined by today's definition) then why are you all tryin so hard to change the Constitution they wrote?

They're not – see post 178.

indeed, liberals seek to retain the principles enshrined in the Constitution as originally intended by the Framers: that of individual liberty, where the inalienable rights of citizens are paramount, safeguarded by a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; as one's civil liberties are supreme to that of the states or other jurisdictions, and immune to capricious referenda.
It is liberals who fraught for voting rights for blacks, women's right, disability rights, gay rights, equal opportunity in the workplace, child labor laws, healthcare for the aged, and minimum wage while conservatives fought to maintain the status qua.

So when Ted Kennedy and Chuck "The Buttnugget" Schumer all scream at Roberts and Alito about "preserving" the gains of the past 50 years...they became conservatives.

They were essentially telling the SCOTUS that they could not interpret the law as they (the justices ) saw it....but as Kennedy and Schumer saw it.

The pricks on the left want what they want and f**k the rest of you.
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it
im sure there were plenty of "Conservative" leaning people back then who were also appalled by it too RW....but the bottom line is....the people who did rebel no matter what their leanings were, would be appalled by the right and left of today,especially the ones in DC.....im sure they would all have been rounded up and sent back to England if they were back in those days.....back then those people had a unique concept.....the Country before any type of political party......
I think shocked is a better word than appalled; shocked that a loose confederation of colonies was able to grow into the most prosperous and powerful nation on earth, shocked not that we have done so poorly by our citizens but that we done so well.
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On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

Too bad liberals have forgotten the definition of liberty

Really? Let's see who is more in favor of Liberty between the two of us, issue by issue. This invitation extends to all so-called "freedom loving conservatives".

Ah yes another 2 dimensional thinker.

Try to get out of the box will you?
Liberals wrote the Declaration of Independence and uphold its values today

We hold these truths to be self evident that All Men are Created Equal
Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

The very values that conservatives seek to destroy

Unless of course you disagree with what a person decides makes him happy then you all want to ban it.

Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

Except for women and blacks.

Face it you cannot compare the founding fathers to modern liberals.

They are divergent species.
Thank God for our founding fathers who were told they couldn't own land west of the mississippi.

Fixed it for ya. Discombobulated I suggest you pick up a book.
If they were so liberal (as defined by today's definition) then why are you all tryin so hard to change the Constitution they wrote?

Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.
Oh, the irony. The 16th and 17th amendments are Progressive Era amendments that altered the Constitution.

The 16th Amendment was the direct consequence of the decision in 1895 whereby the attempt of Congress the previous year to tax incomes uniformly throughout the states was held to be unconstitutional. The amendment supersedes Article I, section 2, clause 3, and section 9, clause 4.

The 17th was the outcome of increasing popular dissatisfaction with the constitutionally established method of selecting senators. It supersedes Article I, section 3, clauses 1 and 2.

Was it liberals, then, who wanted to rip up the Constitution they so established? Hmm?

The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People
Unless of course you disagree with what a person decides makes him happy then you all want to ban it.

Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

Except for women and blacks.

Face it you cannot compare the founding fathers to modern liberals.

They are divergent species.

Thanks for reminding us all

Liberals got women and blacks the right to vote also

Violently opposed by Conservatives
Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

Except for women and blacks.

Face it you cannot compare the founding fathers to modern liberals.

They are divergent species.

Thanks for reminding us all

Liberals got women and blacks the right to vote also

Violently opposed by Conservatives

Just like the civil rights bill was opposed by liberals huh?
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal
Thanks a Liberal for what? Illegal immigrants? Four wars? Shit economy? $4.00/gallon gas? Crumbling infrastructure? Foreclosures? Legalized drugs? $3.8 million Hawaiian vacations (4)? Bumbling? Dithering? Racism? Terrorism?

Yeah, thanks.
Thanks a Liberal for what? Illegal immigrants? Four wars? Shit economy? $4.00/gallon gas? Crumbling infrastructure? Foreclosures? Legalized drugs? $3.8 million Hawaiian vacations (4)? Bumbling? Dithering? Racism? Terrorism?

Yeah, thanks.

All that was Bush's fault.
Richard Nixon - Civil Rights.
I didn't know Nixon was a Liberal?

Handicapped rights??
What in the fuck is that??


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