Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Civil rights

The only people who opposed civil rights were democrats. The NAACP started by white Republcians.

Handicapped rights

Again, no such thing (rights apply to all people). American with Disability Act, G. H. W. Bush.

Gay rights

There is not such thing. Gays have the same rights as everyone else.

Environmental protections

EPA and clean water act: Nixon

Worker protections

OSHA, Nixon

Why these things need to be repeatedly explained to you is very telling.
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Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill but now take all the credit.
He is not saying Democrats he is saying liberals

A distinction without a difference.

The reason they try and make show a difference is that the liberals want to take credit for whatever they think good regardless of what their stand was at the time. OSHA, EPA, Clean water act, all under Nixon, are they claiming him to be a liberal?
Liberals hate the 2nd amendment with a passion, so the question must be asked why they taking credit for it? They we're all a bunch of slave owner's anyways?

Seperation of church and state didn't happen till Jefferson's papers years later.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.

No liberals opposed the civil rights bill.......they wrote it
Richard Nixon - Civil Rights.
I didn't know Nixon was a Liberal?

Handicapped rights??
What in the fuck is that??


Handicapped rights

Things like parking spaces, access to buildings, restrooms

Guess who opposed it? Conservatives whined like little bitches
Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:
They are coming here for the free benefits in trade for their democrat vote.
Richard Nixon - Civil Rights.
I didn't know Nixon was a Liberal?

Handicapped rights??
What in the fuck is that??


Handicapped rights

Things like parking spaces, access to buildings, restrooms

Guess who opposed it? Conservatives whined like little bitches

See this is where liberals just don't get it. The Handicapped are not getting special rights they are getting the right afforded everyone, in your example, free access.

You make claims yet back it with absolutely nothing, maybe you are jakethefake.

As pointed out to you before GHW Bush signed the ADA into law, sorry you can't claim him as a liberal.

Vote for ADA:

Passed the Senate on September 7, 1989 (76-8)
Passed the House of Representatives on May 22, 1990 (unanimous voice vote)

Sure looks like a lot of opposition.

The opposition to the bill was by private interests because of the huge cost burden placed on places like Churches.

But then again maybe this was a liberal bill, after all employment for the handicapped dropped 7 percent over the next 5 or so years.
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If they were so liberal (as defined by today's definition) then why are you all tryin so hard to change the Constitution they wrote?

Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.

The ones who want to destroy the first amendment -- also not liberals.

That's why we have individuals who wish to openly express their faith around religious holidays being told by atheists an liberal judges not to openly display your belief in public view. We also have groups who wish to tear down a cross displayed at Veteran Cemeteries, or remove the word God from our currency. Yes I'm quite sure liberals support individual freedom of expressing of one's own personal beliefs as stated under the First Amendment. That's a good one :lol:
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On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept


Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.

Since the advent of our Nation to today, liberals have fought for the principles acknowledged and codified by the Framers, allowing every generation of Americans to pursue their “search for greater freedom,” opposed by fear, ignorance, and reactionaryism.

You don't find greater freedom when you have greater government control such as Obamacare, or from greater dependence on government to supply all their needs. I think you need to look at what "greater freedom" really means first, which includes the freedom to fail without going to the feet of government to solve all your personal problems for you. Let's start by keeping government OUT of your decisions and personal lives as a start to "greater freedom".
Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.

The ones who want to destroy the first amendment -- also not liberals.

That's why we have individuals who wish to openly express their faith around religious holidays being told by atheists an liberal judges not to openly display your belief in public view. We also have groups who wish to tear down a cross displayed at Veteran Cemeteries, or remove the word God from our currency. Yes I'm quite sure liberals support individual freedom of expressing of one's own personal beliefs as stated under the First Amendment. That's a good one :lol:

Oh, so I am sure that you support Muslim's rights to put up their symbols at Veteran's Cemeteries, right?

You see, the difference between you and me is: I support EVERY person's right to express his religious beliefs, not just the rights of the Christian majority in the USA.


BTW, curious:

what is a "Shakle"?

Is the like a milk-shake with an L in it??
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.

You mean like comparing the founding fathers to modern day liberals?

Congratulations you finally got my point.
He is not saying Democrats he is saying liberals

A distinction without a difference.

I always find it funny how conservative Republicans try to take credit for what liberal Republicans did

I find it funny that the democrats who, liberal or conservative, have never produced anything that helped anyone wants to climb aboard the Republican party and take credit for what the Republicans did. Really laughable.
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Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.

You mean like comparing the founding fathers to modern day liberals?

Congratulations you finally got my point.

The Founding Fathers? You mean that group of white men - whom the majority of held the belief that-

1) Owning humans as property was OK or should at least be legal.
2) People without property should not get to vote.
3) Women should not get to vote.

Those guys?

You're right, I do disagree with them. The sad thing is you agree with them.
Richard Nixon - Civil Rights.
I didn't know Nixon was a Liberal?

Handicapped rights??
What in the fuck is that??


Handicapped rights

Things like parking spaces, access to buildings, restrooms

Guess who opposed it? Conservatives whined like little bitches

These sound like perks.
What Conservatives opposed these measures?
Of course none did.
You're a blathering idiot.
The ones who want to destroy the first amendment -- also not liberals.

That's why we have individuals who wish to openly express their faith around religious holidays being told by atheists an liberal judges not to openly display your belief in public view. We also have groups who wish to tear down a cross displayed at Veteran Cemeteries, or remove the word God from our currency. Yes I'm quite sure liberals support individual freedom of expressing of one's own personal beliefs as stated under the First Amendment. That's a good one :lol:

Oh, so I am sure that you support Muslim's rights to put up their symbols at Veteran's Cemeteries, right?

Sure, why not? No one is saying that all military graves have to be marked with a cross, whatever gives you that idea. Atheist are perfectly in their rights to not display a flag or a cross if they so desire.

You see, the difference between you and me is: I support EVERY person's right to express his religious beliefs, not just the rights of the Christian majority in the USA.

No, you think you do.


BTW, curious:

what is a "Shakle"?

Is the like a milk-shake with an L in it??

A Shakle is a STD a person gets for having sex with liberals. :D :D
Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.

You mean like comparing the founding fathers to modern day liberals?

Congratulations you finally got my point.

The Founding Fathers? You mean that group of white men - whom the majority of held the belief that-

1) Owning humans as property was OK or should at least be legal.
2) People without property should not get to vote.
3) Women should not get to vote.

Those guys?

You're right, I do disagree with them. The sad thing is you agree with them.


Please find and quote any post where I have supported slavery or the restriction of the vote.

Good luck.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?

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