Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?

The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

Who signed it?

the guy who reportedly said this:

These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference
The southern traitors were arch conservatives fighting for States rights and against "all men are created equal"

Democrats, All democrats. Started the KKK. Your fore fathers in Democrat Party. Hated MLK in 50s and 60s. Killed him.

You mean SOUTHERNERS, CONSERVATIVES did that? GOP's base today? Like the Confederates who were traitorous?

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

The Republican Party that championed civil rights in the mid-to-late 19th century all but abandoned the cause in the beginning of the 20th, as white America turned away from blacks, and left them to suffer at the hands of segregationists and lynch mobs.

Yes, the Democratic Party was founded as the party of white populism, and thus, of white supremacy. But institutions change, and by the middle of the 20th century, activism, hard work, and political maneuvering had turned the Party of Andrew Johnson into a real vehicle for black rights.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Fact is the Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died. Democrats never switched to the Republican Party. GOP was founded on freeing the slaves, Dems started the KKK in response. Liberal Woodrow Wilson celebrated KKK in the White House. Liberal Lyndon Johnson said he'd have "******* voting democrat for 200 years." Liberals ruining lives of blacks even today. Black unemployment never higher than it is today.
I'm surprised I haven't seen a Thank You President Obama yet....


Happy Birthday America.
We are a bit screwed up right now but I have faith we will fix it.

Thank you President Obama for avoiding a national financial cataclysm.
For Killing Osama Bin Laden.
For putting the Chevrolet back into the baseball and hotdogs.
For Mustangs, Camaros, and really boss Teslas.
For the 17K stock market.
For making sure everyone will get health care.
For making Putin a world wide embarrassment.
But most of all?

For making the USA number one in the world, again.
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Democrats, All democrats. Started the KKK. Your fore fathers in Democrat Party. Hated MLK in 50s and 60s. Killed him.

You mean SOUTHERNERS, CONSERVATIVES did that? GOP's base today? Like the Confederates who were traitorous?

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

The Republican Party that championed civil rights in the mid-to-late 19th century all but abandoned the cause in the beginning of the 20th, as white America turned away from blacks, and left them to suffer at the hands of segregationists and lynch mobs.

Yes, the Democratic Party was founded as the party of white populism, and thus, of white supremacy. But institutions change, and by the middle of the 20th century, activism, hard work, and political maneuvering had turned the Party of Andrew Johnson into a real vehicle for black rights.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Fact is the Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died. Democrats never switched to the Republican Party. GOP was founded on freeing the slaves, Dems started the KKK in response. Liberal Woodrow Wilson celebrated KKK in the White House. Liberal Lyndon Johnson said he'd have "******* voting democrat for 200 years." Liberals ruining lives of blacks even today. Black unemployment never higher than it is today.


Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.
The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?

The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

Reality called, it would like to know if you would like to meet for lunch sometime. It misses you.

Nearly stopped, is that like saying you nearly made a valid point once?

Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm surprised I haven't seen a Thank You President Obama yet....


Happy Birthday America.
We are a bit screwed up right now but I have faith we will fix it.

Thank you President Obama for avoiding a national financial cataclysm.
For Killing Osama Bin Laden.
For putting the Chevrolet back into the baseball and hotdogs.
For Mustangs, Camaros, and really boss Teslas.
For the 17K stock market.
For making sure everyone will get health care.
For making Putin a world wide embarrassment.
But most of all?

For making the USA number in the world, again.

What world do you live in?,the wizzard of oz?
I'm surprised I haven't seen a Thank You President Obama yet....


Happy Birthday America.
We are a bit screwed up right now but I have faith we will fix it.

Thank you President Obama for avoiding a national financial cataclysm.
For Killing Osama Bin Laden.
For putting the Chevrolet back into the baseball and hotdogs.
For Mustangs, Camaros, and really boss Teslas.
For the 17K stock market.
For making sure everyone will get health care.
For making Putin a world wide embarrassment.
But most of all?

For making the USA number in the world, again.


Wow, what a list of kool-aid inspired points. From a tough list of highly competitive contestants, I'm going to have to go for my favorite as the Putin one where he embarrassed Putin by letting Putin kick sand in his face over and over.

I hate to break this to you, but when your Mom told you the kids picking on you every day were actually embarrassing themselves, they actually weren't, they were embarrassing you. She was just trying to make you feel better. Moms do that.
The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

Reality called, it would like to know if you would like to meet for lunch sometime. It misses you.

Nearly stopped, is that like saying you nearly made a valid point once?

Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What part of "Conservatives nearly stopped the bill" don't you understand?
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The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

Reality called, it would like to know if you would like to meet for lunch sometime. It misses you.

Nearly stopped, is that like saying you nearly made a valid point once?

Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What part of "conservatives tried to stop the bill" aren't you getting?

The Democrat/Republican dynamic was vastly different before the 1960s.

George Wallace, Strum Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, and many other conservatives were once Democrats.

Just recently? Rand Paul said he would have removed the part of the civil rights act that compelled private businesses to be colorblind.

That was the whole foundation of the act. It started at a Woolworth's lunch counter.
You mean SOUTHERNERS, CONSERVATIVES did that? GOP's base today? Like the Confederates who were traitorous?

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

The Republican Party that championed civil rights in the mid-to-late 19th century all but abandoned the cause in the beginning of the 20th, as white America turned away from blacks, and left them to suffer at the hands of segregationists and lynch mobs.

Yes, the Democratic Party was founded as the party of white populism, and thus, of white supremacy. But institutions change, and by the middle of the 20th century, activism, hard work, and political maneuvering had turned the Party of Andrew Johnson into a real vehicle for black rights.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Fact is the Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died. Democrats never switched to the Republican Party. GOP was founded on freeing the slaves, Dems started the KKK in response. Liberal Woodrow Wilson celebrated KKK in the White House. Liberal Lyndon Johnson said he'd have "******* voting democrat for 200 years." Liberals ruining lives of blacks even today. Black unemployment never higher than it is today.


Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.
I'm surprised I haven't seen a Thank You President Obama yet....


Happy Birthday America.
We are a bit screwed up right now but I have faith we will fix it.

Thank you President Obama for avoiding a national financial cataclysm.
For Killing Osama Bin Laden.
For putting the Chevrolet back into the baseball and hotdogs.
For Mustangs, Camaros, and really boss Teslas.
For the 17K stock market.
For making sure everyone will get health care.
For making Putin a world wide embarrassment.
But most of all?

For making the USA number in the world, again.

What world do you live in?,the wizzard of oz?

Yes, he does. Besides Putin I already addressed, Obama fixed W's financial disaster ... with W's policies... He let the military continue the hunt stared under W and get Bin Laden by saying, um, OK, sure, go ahead. The market went up not down, wow, that never happens. And we've had the slowest recovery from a recession in over a century. One tenth of the people who didn't have healthcare getting it constitutes "everyone" and now the rest of us can't afford it. And we're #1 because ... we're going socialist! Our government is what makes us great!
stocks do 9 times better with a democrat in the white house....

While republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for wall street, stock investors do better when democrats occupy the white house. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The bgov barometer shows that, over the five decades since john f. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the standard & poor’s 500 index (spx) only when democrats are in the white house would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the s&p 500 under republican presidents, starting with richard nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day george w. Bush left office.

stocks return more with democrat in white house: Bgov barometer - bloomberg
Fact is the Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died. Democrats never switched to the Republican Party. GOP was founded on freeing the slaves, Dems started the KKK in response. Liberal Woodrow Wilson celebrated KKK in the White House. Liberal Lyndon Johnson said he'd have "******* voting democrat for 200 years." Liberals ruining lives of blacks even today. Black unemployment never higher than it is today.


Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.
You mean SOUTHERNERS, CONSERVATIVES did that? GOP's base today? Like the Confederates who were traitorous?

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

The Republican Party that championed civil rights in the mid-to-late 19th century all but abandoned the cause in the beginning of the 20th, as white America turned away from blacks, and left them to suffer at the hands of segregationists and lynch mobs.

Yes, the Democratic Party was founded as the party of white populism, and thus, of white supremacy. But institutions change, and by the middle of the 20th century, activism, hard work, and political maneuvering had turned the Party of Andrew Johnson into a real vehicle for black rights.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Fact is the Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died. Democrats never switched to the Republican Party. GOP was founded on freeing the slaves, Dems started the KKK in response. Liberal Woodrow Wilson celebrated KKK in the White House. Liberal Lyndon Johnson said he'd have "******* voting democrat for 200 years." Liberals ruining lives of blacks even today. Black unemployment never higher than it is today.


Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Reagan was not a dixecrat you moron he was born in Illinois
Thank a liberal for our independence? You'd have to sniff massive amounts of glue to even suggest it. Liberals are trying to turn us back into England with a single ruler with government oppression. I'll thank a liberal when they leave to eff up someone else's country.

England isn't a single ruler government now and nor was it in 1776. The last time royal assent was withheld was 1708. In 1776 Parliament ruled Great Britain and if you knew any fucking history whatsoever you would know that.
I was talking about then and said so, if your head wasn't so far up your ass you would have seen it. And thanks for the history lesson Mr. History Buff...however:

King George III
The times were specially favorable for his purpose. The Old Whigs, who had retained their power in large part by the open purchase of seats in Parliament, were fast losing the confidence of the people. For two hundred years there had been no redistribution of seats, and many old towns, known as "rotten boroughs," which had dwindled to almost nothing, were still represented, while growing cities like Manchester and Leeds had no representation in Parliament. The Tory party, after a long exile from power, owing to its adherence to the pretending Stuarts, was now rapidly gaining ground. George III took advantage of these conditions, and, putting himself at the head of the Tories, soon became the real master in English politics.
What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.
- Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

And yes, Republicans used to be liberal. Where did they go wrong?

You "say" that, Chris...and yet liberals DID run away from that label...they DID treat it as if it were something to hide from.

As for the rest of your post? It's laughably incorrect but that's what you get for quoting one of the MSNBC idiots...
Liberal politicians wont run as liberals and lie about what they stand for. All because they won't get elected.
The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

Reality called, it would like to know if you would like to meet for lunch sometime. It misses you.

Nearly stopped, is that like saying you nearly made a valid point once?

Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What part of "conservatives tried to stop the bill" aren't you getting?

The Democrat/Republican dynamic was vastly different before the 1960s.

George Wallace, Strum Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, and many other conservatives were once Democrats.

Just recently? Rand Paul said he would have removed the part of the civil rights act that compelled private businesses to be colorblind.

That was the whole foundation of the act. It started at a Woolworth's lunch counter.

Just because you don't like the disgusting history of your party doesn't give you the right to change it.

George Wallace lived and died a DEMOCRAT.
Thank you President Obama for avoiding a national financial cataclysm.
For Killing Osama Bin Laden.
For putting the Chevrolet back into the baseball and hotdogs.
For Mustangs, Camaros, and really boss Teslas.
For the 17K stock market.
For making sure everyone will get health care.
For making Putin a world wide embarrassment.
But most of all?

For making the USA number in the world, again.

What world do you live in?,the wizzard of oz?

Yes, he does. Besides Putin I already addressed, Obama fixed W's financial disaster ... with W's policies... He let the military continue the hunt stared under W and get Bin Laden by saying, um, OK, sure, go ahead. The market went up not down, wow, that never happens. And we've had the slowest recovery from a recession in over a century. One tenth of the people who didn't have healthcare getting it constitutes "everyone" and now the rest of us can't afford it. And we're #1 because ... we're going socialist! Our government is what makes us great!

You didn't address Putin.

You made some dumbfuck personal crack.

Putin got himself a bunch of sanctions as a result of his belligerence.

And? No shots fired. No dead Americans.

The Russian economy is in the tank. So much so that Putin has been backing off in Ukraine. Did he back off in Georgia?

And by the way?

Bush and Bin Laden..


Bush's true concern was Saddam Hussien, a guy "who tried to kill daddy".

That guy? He got. And he took his pistol as a prize.

That. Was truly disgusting.
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Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.

Wait, just a second, Reagan voted for FDR, sure it was just to get a ticket into Heaven, but he did it.
Liberals wrote the Declaration of Independence and uphold its values today

We hold these truths to be self evident that All Men are Created Equal
Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

The very values that conservatives seek to destroy

Unless of course you disagree with what a person decides makes him happy then you all want to ban it.

Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

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