Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Reality called, it would like to know if you would like to meet for lunch sometime. It misses you.

Nearly stopped, is that like saying you nearly made a valid point once?

Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What part of "conservatives tried to stop the bill" aren't you getting?

The Democrat/Republican dynamic was vastly different before the 1960s.

George Wallace, Strum Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, and many other conservatives were once Democrats.

Just recently? Rand Paul said he would have removed the part of the civil rights act that compelled private businesses to be colorblind.

That was the whole foundation of the act. It started at a Woolworth's lunch counter.

Just because you don't like the disgusting history of your party doesn't give you the right to change it.

George Wallace lived and died a DEMOCRAT.

You would have voted for George Wallace.

True dat! :thup:

Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.

He won 49 states in 1984.

You probably will be forgotten once somebody dumps your ass in a home.

You can besmirch him all you want.

Nobody cares what you say.

Ronald Reagan..one of the most famous Dixiecrats, switched parties.

And he did his best to try and roll back civil rights.

Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.

Now, now, you were caught in yet another of your "fantasies" no need to lash back so viciously and keep repeating more of those "fantasies."

Really, what is wrong with you that this type of post is the level of your political discourse?
Unless of course you disagree with what a person decides makes him happy then you all want to ban it.

Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Voting isn't a "PRIVILEGE".

It's a right.

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Is that so hard to understand?
Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.

Now, now, you were caught in yet another of your "fantasies" no need to lash back so viciously and keep repeating more of those "fantasies."

Really, what is wrong with you that this type of post is the level of your political discourse?

I am annoyed with myself for even reading her drool.

When I see her prom photo (the animal), I try to just scroll on by.

Reading it is a waste of time.
Gosh you just can't keep making up history. BTW Reagan was from CA hardly from the south and the Dixiecrats went right back to the democrat party.

The good that Reagan did for black America

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

Reagan didn't do anyone any good.

Not the woman he raped.

Not the country.

He was an abomination. And a traitor.

Now, now, you were caught in yet another of your "fantasies" no need to lash back so viciously and keep repeating more of those "fantasies."

Really, what is wrong with you that this type of post is the level of your political discourse?

What fantasies?

Reagan was a bonafide traitor. What he did to get elected ALONE should have gotten him the boot.

But IRAN/CONTRA? He broke laws, lied, and actually gave an enemy of the US, weapons.

That's not all he did.

Reagan supplied the contras with weapons. The contras by the way, raped, tortured and murdered three American nuns.

And Osama Bin Laden? You could say he was a "Son of Reagan".
How is forcing someone to violate their religious beliefs not destroying the first amendment? That's exactly your goal and you want to blame us? Fuck off.

the first amendment gives YOU the right to practice your religion of choice. it does NOT allow you to impose your brand of religion on OTHERS.

THAT is the point. but theocrats have problems with that.

There needs to be a balance. You can NOT remove all religious symbols from public view to satisfy those (without faith) from being exposed to them - that's establishing atheism, a nation without the freedom to "openly" express one's religious views in favor of no open religious expression at all. Freedom of religion exactly means the freedom to express your religious views without government intervention, as long as such views -through common sense- is respectful to our nation's other laws that doesn't bring physical harm to anyone else (such as abuse or murder).
Unless of course you disagree with what a person decides makes him happy then you all want to ban it.

Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal
If they were so liberal (as defined by today's definition) then why are you all tryin so hard to change the Constitution they wrote?

They're not – see post 178.

indeed, liberals seek to retain the principles enshrined in the Constitution as originally intended by the Framers: that of individual liberty, where the inalienable rights of citizens are paramount, safeguarded by a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; as one's civil liberties are supreme to that of the states or other jurisdictions, and immune to capricious referenda.

Well that's a load of horse shit. There's been nothing but a flood of laws and even laws obie will make up or not enforce at all over the last six years.

Everything that has been passed and every action of the liberals to date has been to get away from the basic principles of the Constitution. Everything you people do is the exact opposite of individual liberty.

Everything you people do is force at the expense of those you MEN are writing laws against. Individual liberty died a long time ago on your side of the aisle.
The shocking truth is that free speech is suppressed on liberal universities. Liberals are hipocrites.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

Too bad liberals have forgotten the definition of liberty

Really? Let's see who is more in favor of Liberty between the two of us, issue by issue. This invitation extends to all so-called "freedom loving conservatives".

Freedom loving doesn't include criminality.
Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal

As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

BTW: The same group that passed the 14th.....and you check up on the way it was passed (it was an end run and a lie).....also forced 9 states back into the union and then stripped them of true representation.

Hypocrites to the man.
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They're not – see post 178.

indeed, liberals seek to retain the principles enshrined in the Constitution as originally intended by the Framers: that of individual liberty, where the inalienable rights of citizens are paramount, safeguarded by a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; as one's civil liberties are supreme to that of the states or other jurisdictions, and immune to capricious referenda.

Well that's a load of horse shit. There's been nothing but a flood of laws and even laws obie will make up or not enforce at all over the last six years.

Everything that has been passed and every action of the liberals to date has been to get away from the basic principles of the Constitution. Everything you people do is the exact opposite of individual liberty.

Everything you people do is force at the expense of those you MEN are writing laws against. Individual liberty died a long time ago on your side of the aisle.
The shocking truth is that free speech is suppressed on liberal universities. Liberals are hipocrites.

What's a hipocrite?

Is this one?

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Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Voting isn't a "PRIVILEGE".

It's a right.

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Is that so hard to understand?

The only ones that gave you that right and set you free was the Republicans

Not a damn Democrat voted for the 14th amendment
They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal

As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

You called it a "PRIVILEGE"
They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Voting isn't a "PRIVILEGE".

It's a right.

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Is that so hard to understand?

The only ones that gave you that right and set you free was the Republicans

Not a damn Democrat voted for the 14th amendment

They weren't conservatives.

Today's conservatives still call it a PRIVILEGE.

And are trying to roll it back.
They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal

As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

BTW: The same group that passed the 14th.....and you check up on the way it was passed (it was an end run and a lie).....also forced 9 states back into the union and then stripped them of true representation.

Hypocrites to the man.

Fact: Conservatives blocked a woman's right to vote
Often violently

Womens suffrage was a liberal issue
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

That is not a liberal concept. The liberal version would be: "all men are created equal except the leaders who are above all others and are destined to tell everyone else how to live"
Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal

As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

BTW: The same group that passed the 14th.....and you check up on the way it was passed (it was an end run and a lie).....also forced 9 states back into the union and then stripped them of true representation.

Hypocrites to the man.

Fact: Conservatives blocked a woman's right to vote
Often violently

Womens suffrage was a liberal issue

wrong again, those were democrats.
They gave white males a universal PRIVILEGE to vote.

They gave us a way to adjust who could vote and that has resulted in others being given voting privileges.

They put a lot of thought into what they wrote and why it was written.

That alone is proof they were NOT LIBERALS (like the libruls of today).

Voting isn't a "PRIVILEGE".

It's a right.

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Is that so hard to understand?

The only ones that gave you that right and set you free was the Republicans

Not a damn Democrat voted for the 14th amendment

I love it when conservative Republicans try to take credit for what liberal Republicans did

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