Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Future generations of liberals extended the RIGHT to vote to blacks and women

Thank a liberal

As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

You called it a "PRIVILEGE"

our rights are a privilege. You can only enjoy our rights if you comply with the laws of our nation and are a citizen over the age of majority.
As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

You called it a "PRIVILEGE"

our rights are a privilege. You can only enjoy our rights if you comply with the laws of our nation and are a citizen over the age of majority.


This is just amazing.

In another thread you were arguing about Natural Rights.


You basically have taken the position, I had in that thread.

That rights? Are given to us by government.

You guys are like eels.

How is forcing someone to violate their religious beliefs not destroying the first amendment? That's exactly your goal and you want to blame us? Fuck off.

the first amendment gives YOU the right to practice your religion of choice. it does NOT allow you to impose your brand of religion on OTHERS.

THAT is the point. but theocrats have problems with that.

Liberalism is a religion and makes your statement true.
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As has been pointed out 100 times, conservative states like Wyoming were allowing women to vote in local elections nearly 50 years before the 19th passed.

Any thanks you get is for smoking and taking yourself out of circulation ASAP.

You called it a "PRIVILEGE"

our rights are a privilege. You can only enjoy our rights if you comply with the laws of our nation and are a citizen over the age of majority.

They can't tell the difference.

Like monkeys in a cage, you throw them a curveball and they start throwing s**t all over the place.

I enjoy the show.
Voting isn't a "PRIVILEGE".

It's a right.

Is that so hard to understand?

The only ones that gave you that right and set you free was the Republicans

Not a damn Democrat voted for the 14th amendment

They weren't conservatives.

Today's conservatives still call it a PRIVILEGE.

And are trying to roll it back.

Don't try to spin you're way out of this

So moron you still going to claim Reagan was a famous dixiecrat when he was born in Illinois
Curator & Mgr. of Reagan Birthplace & Museum

President Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico on Feb. 6, 1911 in an apartment above a bakery. The bakery was purchased by the First National Bank in 1919 and continued as a Bank until the 1930's. The apartment where he was born has been refinished to look as it did when he was born there. The bank has been restored to again look like a working bank of the early 1900's. The store located to the South of the Bank originally was a grocery store and now houses the gift shop for the Reagan Museum.
Curator & Mgr. of Reagan Birthplace & Museum

President Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico on Feb. 6, 1911 in an apartment above a bakery. The bakery was purchased by the First National Bank in 1919 and continued as a Bank until the 1930's. The apartment where he was born has been refinished to look as it did when he was born there. The bank has been restored to again look like a working bank of the early 1900's. The store located to the South of the Bank originally was a grocery store and now houses the gift shop for the Reagan Museum.

You are wasting your breath.

These guys, like so many libs, live off of the fed.

They need their world..........
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Got some numbers to back up that bullshit, or do you just need to cry some?


On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Liberals made this country

Conservatives supported the King.........even then, they followed the money
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Liberals made this country

Conservatives supported the King.........even then, they followed the money

Actually, people of many stripes made our Union.

What part of "conservatives tried to stop the bill" aren't you getting?

The Democrat/Republican dynamic was vastly different before the 1960s.

George Wallace, Strum Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, and many other conservatives were once Democrats.

Just recently? Rand Paul said he would have removed the part of the civil rights act that compelled private businesses to be colorblind.

That was the whole foundation of the act. It started at a Woolworth's lunch counter.

Just because you don't like the disgusting history of your party doesn't give you the right to change it.

George Wallace lived and died a DEMOCRAT.

You would have voted for George Wallace.

True dat! :thup:

Never have I voted for a democrat president, NEVER and by what I see I NEVER will.

More importantly I would not vote for a segregationist democrat that is like a double whammy.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Liberals made this country

Conservatives supported the King.........even then, they followed the money
Bennidict Arnold was a liberal
And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Got some numbers to back up that bullshit, or do you just need to cry some?



Why would I cry ?

I have what I want.

I just worry about your kids living off of others and teaching your grandkids the same.

Well, I assume you have kids....maybe that is a bad assumption (and possibly a good situation).

Are you attacking my family?

You might want to re-read the rules of USMB about attacking family members.
Got some numbers to back up that bullshit, or do you just need to cry some?



Why would I cry ?

I have what I want.

I just worry about your kids living off of others and teaching your grandkids the same.

Well, I assume you have kids....maybe that is a bad assumption (and possibly a good situation).

Are you attacking my family?

You might want to re-read the rules of USMB about attacking family members.

Spare me the lecture, asshole.

Report it.

You have a family ? OMG
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