Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People

lots of Liberals seem to be in that boat too RW....there was someone the other day saying that it was written back in a different time and it needs to changed to reflect our times....and he got 4-5 thanx on that.....

Yes, it's been changed repeatedly through the years, living document and all...

so then its not just Conservatives right?.....tell that to RW....
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

BULLSHIT! Liberals want us to go back to what our founding fathers hated.

The liberals are bringing back the shit that our founding fathers ran from in the first place. If any liberal deserves thanks, it's only because they prompted our forefathers to commit treason in order to escape the unfair taxes and oppressive government.

The right knows that we are all created equal and that is why we prefer to treat people that way. It's the left that puts forth policies that show their belief that minorities are not as good. They even want white people to feel guilty for being privileged. Only people who believe that whites are better would think that way.

Liberals want to force equal outcomes, which is impossible.

Democrats were against freeing the slaves and against equal rights for minorities. They never saw them as equals and still don't. They see them as helpless, ignorant being who need to be guided constantly.

Love the way you liberals are trying to rewrite history because you are ashamed of the past. You should be ashamed of the present, too. You can't keep patting yourself on the back for what you claim are your intentions. The results of liberalism are disastrous.

The right knows that we are all created equal and that is why we prefer to treat people that way. It's the left that puts forth policies that show their belief that minorities are not as good.

have you ever read a post from KatznDogs about Mexicans?....she is a "righty" that sure as hell dont see it that way......its righties like her that make Mexicans not want to support the Republicans....even though they may agree with them....
Let us declare January 20 (the day that Obama was sworn in as prez) as Dependence Day.

We could celebrate by giving free abortions and hand out condoms and birth control pills out like candy and then bill the people for all of it. Oh wait, we all ready do that everyday.

We could also have orgies and gay and lesbian parades and burn effigies of straight,white, Christian males. Wouldn't that be a hoot :party:

Excellent post ! :eusa_clap:
Madison (veto over states) and Washington too were strong FEDERAL rights supporters. Weird Who won the fight again, the federalist or anti?

From Federalist 45 (Madison);

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.


And so once again we see that the left does not understand the concept of government within government.

Who lost was the American people when FDR through his court packing effort bullied the SCOTUS into passing the New Deal legislation they kept knocking down.

Please....learn something.

Madison also penned the 10th amendment.

Federalist papers? Oh you mean that PROPAGANDA the Federalists used to sell the US Constitution? The advertisements of the day?

At the Constitutional Convention, James Madison proposed granting Congress the power to veto state legislation. Madison’s “negative” was intended to connect Congress and the states in a single compound legislature, giving Congress the power either to veto or to ratify by silence the acts of state legislatures. The negative failed to gain the approval of the convention delegates, however, and they instead chose to build federal supremacy into the Constitution via the judiciary-centered mechanisms of the Supremacy Clause and Article III.

What If Madison Had Won? Imagining a Constitutional World of Legislative Supremacy by Alison L. LaCroix :: SSRN

All you can supply is some thought experiment ?

Looks like you should be the one watering your brain in the hopes it might grow a little.

The Federalist Papers support just what is in the constitution.

Read the 10th amendment dickweed.
Should we thank the Founding Fathers for the Articles of Confederation ?

After all, that was the first government they tried.

I wonder why ?

You think it was because they just dumped a strong central government ?

Weird, they got rid of that weak federal Gov't thing (because it didn't work), the Articles, for STRONG federalism US Constitution

Strong within a limited scope as has been shown 100 times.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

BULLSHIT! Liberals want us to go back to what our founding fathers hated.

The liberals are bringing back the shit that our founding fathers ran from in the first place. If any liberal deserves thanks, it's only because they prompted our forefathers to commit treason in order to escape the unfair taxes and oppressive government.

The right knows that we are all created equal and that is why we prefer to treat people that way. It's the left that puts forth policies that show their belief that minorities are not as good. They even want white people to feel guilty for being privileged. Only people who believe that whites are better would think that way.

Liberals want to force equal outcomes, which is impossible.

Democrats were against freeing the slaves and against equal rights for minorities. They never saw them as equals and still don't. They see them as helpless, ignorant being who need to be guided constantly.

Love the way you liberals are trying to rewrite history because you are ashamed of the past. You should be ashamed of the present, too. You can't keep patting yourself on the back for what you claim are your intentions. The results of liberalism are disastrous.

Weird how you want to conflate party with ideology? Oh right a conservative CAN'T be honest because they've NEVER stood on the correct side of history in the US

False premises, distortions and LIES is the ONLY thing right wingers have today

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing
By David Cay Johnston

The founders, despite decades of rancorous disagreements about almost every other aspect of their grand experiment, agreed that America would survive and thrive only if there was widespread ownership of land and businesses.

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Alexander Hamilton, who championed manufacturing and banking as the first Treasury secretary, also argued for widespread ownership of assets, warning in 1782 that, "whenever a discretionary power is lodged in any set of men over the property of their neighbors, they will abuse it."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."


Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Conservatives only seem to have one solution to any problem - make life harder for those on the bottom.

In the end, Hamilton was a communist.

Long live Aaron Burr.
Shitstain....you rely on bullshit liberal links when I have been around the military my entire life. :cuckoo:

You're a cock-sucking piece of shit bloviating about things you have no clue about.

The minority of people in the military are liberals and many times they are enlisted minority troops that only serve 1-2 tours then punch out for some civilian job scum like you do. I view them like you as the uneducated, I had to babysit them when they are were in my command.

But go ahead and find us some more stupid fuck liberal websites trying to make yourself feel better about being low-life shit.

The MAJORITY of people that served and now serve are conservative, period.

I went to a well known liberal university, not one of my fellow ROTC cadets was a liberal, zero.

No liberal back in the early 90s was going to join the military from my university, a top 5 public university in the US.

You didn't serve, my point is made.

You mean conservatives are more willing and compliant, therefore make up a larger portion of the military? True...

My Dad had 22 years also, grew up next to Ft Ord, in the Legion/VFW AND?

Various yardsticks suggest the U.S. military – or at least the officer corps, which accounts for 17% of the 1.4 million-strong active-duty force – leans Republican. But they’re not the monolithic bloc many believe.

Outsiders tend to think the U.S. military is made up entirely of blood-and-gut conservatives, à la John Wayne, but there’s little real evidence to back that up. When the Iraq war was launched, the consensus among U.S. military officers interviewed at the time was that one in three officers opposed it, suggesting they all weren’t gun ho.

“The officers by and large are more conservative,” says an Army sergeant just back from Afghanistan. “But the enlisted tend to be more liberal.”

But the U.S. military plainly tilts toward the GOP. That’s largely because today’s military is an all-volunteer force increasingly drawn from the Sunbelt, where the Pentagon has focused its recruiting efforts since the draft ended 40 years ago. And traits the military prizes — like aggressiveness and respect for authority — tend to be more pronounced in conservatives.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? | TIME.com

Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.
Oh, the irony. The 16th and 17th amendments are Progressive Era amendments that altered the Constitution.

The 16th Amendment was the direct consequence of the decision in 1895 whereby the attempt of Congress the previous year to tax incomes uniformly throughout the states was held to be unconstitutional. The amendment supersedes Article I, section 2, clause 3, and section 9, clause 4.

The 17th was the outcome of increasing popular dissatisfaction with the constitutionally established method of selecting senators. It supersedes Article I, section 3, clauses 1 and 2.

Was it liberals, then, who wanted to rip up the Constitution they so established? Hmm?

The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People

What a load of bullshit! :eusa_liar:

If liberals were indeed happy with the Constitution, they wouldn’t spend so much time trying to subvert it?
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With all discussion facts should be analyzed. So let us compare the founders with the modern liberal.

Can anyone see Jefferson mounting Madison? No.

Can anyone see George Washington stabbing the new army in the back because they were fighting a war the tory liberals didn't agree with?

Who would be more closely connected to a liberal, Washington or Arnold, Arnold for sure.

Were the founders Satan worshiping atheists? No.

Were the founders honest and upfront, yes.

Most of all, did the founders post on internet blogs by more then one name? No, that would be too dishonest even for Arnold.

So it does appear that through a carefully controlled study, as I have done. The founders have very little in common with the modern liberal, or any liberal for that matter.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Could you tell us which party and ideology Senator Robert Byrd was affiliated with? Did he happen to fully support the Civil Rights bill in 1964? Who filibustered and stood in the way of its passage?
Harry Byrd, like so many Southern Democrats deserted the party after the Civil Rights Bill passed. Byrd became an independent. George Wallace formed the American Independent Party. Still others such as Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator Jesse Helms, Grand Wizard of KKK, David Duke found a home in the Republican Party. As integration took hold in the South and blacks began voting solidly Democrat, white voters in the south deserted the Democratic Party. The solid Democratic South in 50 years has become the solid Republican South with Republicans control all 11 state legislatures.

Conservative Republicans as well as Southern Democrats opposed civil rights legislation. Mr Conservative, Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and had he been in the Senate, he would have surely have voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ronald Reagan, the great conservative communicator opposed both laws. Eisenhower now given credit for the 1957 Civil Rights Act gave it minimum support in Congress and refused to endorse it. William H. Buckley Jr, Probably the strongest voice in the conservative movement, openly opposed civil rights legislation. In his endorsement of white supremacy he wrote, the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically.”

The dramatic conservative shift that occurred in the Republican Party would have made the passage of any civil rights legislation impossible today.

We owe the passage of civil rights legislation to both Democrats and Republicans; that is Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.
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A distinction without a difference.

I always find it funny how conservative Republicans try to take credit for what liberal Republicans did

you mean those RINOS?.....
Yes, RINOS like Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, Republican from IL. who jointly sponsored and co-wrote the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. If you take a hard look at civil rights legislation, it's mostly RINOS, not the conservatives that provided the Republican leadersship to pass civil rights legislation.
Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.
Oh, the irony. The 16th and 17th amendments are Progressive Era amendments that altered the Constitution.

The 16th Amendment was the direct consequence of the decision in 1895 whereby the attempt of Congress the previous year to tax incomes uniformly throughout the states was held to be unconstitutional. The amendment supersedes Article I, section 2, clause 3, and section 9, clause 4.

The 17th was the outcome of increasing popular dissatisfaction with the constitutionally established method of selecting senators. It supersedes Article I, section 3, clauses 1 and 2.

Was it liberals, then, who wanted to rip up the Constitution they so established? Hmm?

The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People
I am embarrassed for you.
Our liberal founding fathers gave you something nobody had before......a universal right to vote

On this July 4th......thank a liberal

Except for women and blacks.

Face it you cannot compare the founding fathers to modern liberals.

They are divergent species.

Thanks for reminding us all

Liberals got women and blacks the right to vote also

Violently opposed by Conservatives
CRA passed no thanks to Democrat liberals like Al Gore Sr and J William Fullbright, the racist who was Bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas.
True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.

I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves


Super high insurance premiums.....

Overregulation of business.....

Creating a housing bubble by forcing banks to make bad loans......

Supporting wars (when it is fashionable)......

Making money off the miliary industrial complex (check out Diane Feinstein).

Making money off of bogus land deals (Harry Reid)....

Sweetheart mortgage deals.......

Thems the goodies.......

The libertarian movement is overwhelming white privileged males who never experienced living in a society where they were persecuted with bigotry. Women and minorities make up a very small fraction of libertarians. This is hardly surprising given the stances that libertarians make.

Libertarian think that the Civil Rights Acts was an act of violence. It is stomped on businesses owners freedom to discriminate.

They also believe that a males boss should have the right to sexually harass female employees since they are voluntarily working there. If you don't want to sleep with your boss, then go find another job.

Libertarians skew heavily white, male, and young. Hilariously, the number of self-identified libertarian African Americans didn't even register a full 1% on their graph.


The author of the Declaration of Independence had some firm beliefs about how a free government should treat the very rich and the not rich at all.

"Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1785

"The rich alone use imported articles, and on these alone the whole taxes of the General Government are levied. ... Our revenues liberated by the discharge of the public debt, and its surplus applied to canals, roads, schools, etc., the farmer will see his government supported, his children educated, and the face of his country made a paradise by the contributions of the rich alone, without his being called on to spend a cent from his earnings." --Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine argued that citizens must be paid a form of reparations for having their natural right to land being subverted by private property, quite literally:

"Having thus in a few words, opened the merits of the case, I shall now proceed to the plan I have to propose, which is,

To create a national fund, out of which there shall be paid to every person, when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, as a compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property." -Agrarian Justice

He also advocated for old age pensions.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.
Democrats haven't changed from their desire to keep blacks on a plantation.
Except for women and blacks.

Face it you cannot compare the founding fathers to modern liberals.

They are divergent species.

Thanks for reminding us all

Liberals got women and blacks the right to vote also

Violently opposed by Conservatives
CRA passed no thanks to Democrat liberals like Al Gore Sr and J William Fullbright, the racist who was Bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas.

You meant thanks to LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVES? As conservatives in the South, BOTH PARTIES, voted against it?

On August 3, 1980, Ronald Reagan gave his first post-convention speech at the Neshoba County Fair after being officially chosen as the Republican nominee for President of the United States. He said, "I believe in states' rights ... I believe we have distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended to be given in the Constitution to that federal establishment." He went on to promise to "restore to states and local governments the power that properly belongs to them"

Analysts believed that his use of the phrase was seen by many as a tacit appeal to Southern white voters and a continuation of Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy, while some argued it reflected Reagan's libertarian economic beliefs. The speech drew attention for his use of the phrase "states' rights" at a place just a few miles from a town associated with the 1964 murders of civil rights workers.

Philadelphia, Mississippi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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