Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Who said anything about Democrats?

This thread is about liberals
There is no liberal party. Just the Democrat Party - founders of KKK and big time slave owners.

Willfully ignorant that the GOP/Dems switched places several times the last couple hundreds years, lol

Conservative confederate traitors started the KKK, we call them the GOP base today

1st Klan:
White supremacy
Christian terrorism

2nd Klan:
White nationalism

3rd Klan:

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

Yeah, sounds like Liberals *shaking head*
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?
Dixiecrat politicians remained Democrats to their dying day.
With all discussion facts should be analyzed. So let us compare the founders with the modern liberal.

Can anyone see Jefferson mounting Madison? No.

Can anyone see George Washington stabbing the new army in the back because they were fighting a war the tory liberals didn't agree with?

Who would be more closely connected to a liberal, Washington or Arnold, Arnold for sure.

Were the founders Satan worshiping atheists? No.

Were the founders honest and upfront, yes.

Most of all, did the founders post on internet blogs by more then one name? No, that would be too dishonest even for Arnold.

So it does appear that through a carefully controlled study, as I have done. The founders have very little in common with the modern liberal, or any liberal for that matter.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?

The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

There is no such thing as a /concervative Party; they were the democrat Party.
Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

The Civil Rights Act was supported based on geographic lines. The support amongst Northern Democrats was, in fact, higher than the support amongst Republicans. The Southern Democrats almost universally opposed it. That's why the South is Republican today.

Learn something new every day, doncha?
Dixiecrat politicians remained Democrats to their dying day.

The voting on the civil rights bill was closely correlated to one thing: regionality. Southerners mostly voted against, Northern and Westerners mostly voted for.

Since then the GOP has disgraced itself by enthusiastically embracing Nixon's Southern Strategy which purposely took advantage of white resentment in the south. This is why today the south is largely a GOP stronghold--something to be ashamed of, not proud of.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s?
Once you control for region, it turns out that Democrats were actually more likely to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act

In fact, 90% of members of Congress from states (or territories) that were part of the Union voted in favor of the act, while less than 10% of members of Congress from the old Confederate states voted for it.

In this case, it becomes clear that Democrats in the north and the south were more likely to vote for the bill than Republicans in the north and south respectively. This difference in both houses is statistically significant with over 95% confidence. It just so happened southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the initial impression than Republicans were more in favor of the act.

Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did.

The same pattern holds true when looking at ideology instead of party affiliation. The folks over at Voteview.com, who created DW-nominate scores to measure the ideology of congressmen and senators, found that the more liberal a congressman or senator was the more likely he would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, once one controlled for a factor closely linked to geography.

That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party soon after the Civil Right Act passed. He recognized that of the two parties, it was the Republican party that was more hospitable to his message. The Republican candidate for president in 1964, Barry Goldwater, was one of the few non-Confederate state senators to vote against the bill. He carried his home state of Arizona and swept the deep southern states – a first for a Republican ever.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | theguardian.com
The fact is that democrats nearly stopped the bill.

The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

There is no such thing as a /concervative Party; they were the democrat Party.

LOL, I love this perennial attempt by conservatives to claim credit for Civil Rights by pointing to the existence of liberals in the Republican party of the 1960s and suggesting that the party today is somehow heir to the traditions they've spent the last 40 years purging out.
Strom Thurmond. Sure. You really are stupid, aren't you?

The Republicans love the blacks so much they want to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Got it.

Here is another that's unfamiliar with the Civil Rights Act of 1865, or of Senator Robert Byrd and which party or ideology persuasion he supports. Perhaps you should take the time to see where your beloved senator stood during that time in history before coming up with a response.

Ideology? You mean conservatives who were confederates and fought EVERY civil rights push?
It was Democrats. Senate leaders like Al Gore Sr weren't concervative. Neither was J William Fullbright.
Civil rights
Handicapped rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections
Worker protections

Thank a liberal

Could you tell us which party and ideology Senator Robert Byrd was affiliated with? Did he happen to fully support the Civil Rights bill in 1964? Who filibustered and stood in the way of its passage?

You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.
Could you tell us which party and ideology Senator Robert Byrd was affiliated with? Did he happen to fully support the Civil Rights bill in 1964? Who filibustered and stood in the way of its passage?

You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.

Southerners are republican because they are still butt hurt over Civil Rights, hate gays and love their guns
Oh, the irony. The 16th and 17th amendments are Progressive Era amendments that altered the Constitution.

The 16th Amendment was the direct consequence of the decision in 1895 whereby the attempt of Congress the previous year to tax incomes uniformly throughout the states was held to be unconstitutional. The amendment supersedes Article I, section 2, clause 3, and section 9, clause 4.

The 17th was the outcome of increasing popular dissatisfaction with the constitutionally established method of selecting senators. It supersedes Article I, section 3, clauses 1 and 2.

Was it liberals, then, who wanted to rip up the Constitution they so established? Hmm?

The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People

What a load of bullshit! :eusa_liar:

If liberals were indeed happy with the Constitution, they wouldn’t spend so much time trying to subvert it?

Just because We the People do not vote in favor of Conservative issues does not mean the Constitution is being subverted

Just the opposite
Funny how you democrats opposed the civil rights bill.

Funny how people like you refuse to accept that things change. Always have and always will.
Just like the Democrat party changed. And the Republican party changed etc etc.

Is "change" news to you? Happens all the time.
Democrats haven't changed from their desire to keep blacks on a plantation.

I am not so sure. I think that the blacks MIGHT be catching on so the democrats are changing out blacks for Mexicans.
Could you tell us which party and ideology Senator Robert Byrd was affiliated with? Did he happen to fully support the Civil Rights bill in 1964? Who filibustered and stood in the way of its passage?

You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.

No and No.

Southern conservatives have a huge racial bias.

Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in droves after the Civil Rights Act.

And Conservatives have been purging the Republicans of Liberals since that time period.

Don't you guys call some folks "RINOS"?
Who said anything about Democrats?

This thread is about liberals
There is no liberal party. Just the Democrat Party - founders of KKK and big time slave owners.

Willfully ignorant that the GOP/Dems switched places several times the last couple hundreds years, lol

Conservative confederate traitors started the KKK, we call them the GOP base today

1st Klan:
White supremacy
Christian terrorism

2nd Klan:
White nationalism

3rd Klan:

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

Yeah, sounds like Liberals *shaking head*
KKK is left wing Nazis. Dixiecrats remained democrats. You can't deny that. GOP was always against Slavery and dependence on government. Liberals run the plantations today. Own it!
I find it laughable that the Marxists who make up the Democrat base are claiming we should thank a liberal for the 4th of July.
I find it laughable that the Marxists who make up the Democrat base are claiming we should thank a liberal for the 4th of July.

If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country
You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.

No and No.

Southern conservatives have a huge racial bias.

Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in droves after the Civil Rights Act.

And Conservatives have been purging the Republicans of Liberals since that time period.

Don't you guys call some folks "RINOS"?

are you really as ignorant as your posts?

Got news for you, sonny. There are as many racists in the north as there are in the south. Want to see some real racism? Go out west and see how your fellow liberals treat native americans.

here's another piece of education for you, RINOs are liberals with an R behind their name. True conservatives want equality and freedom for everyone. Unlike you libtards who only want it for those who contribute to your socialist causes.
The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People

What a load of bullshit! :eusa_liar:

If liberals were indeed happy with the Constitution, they wouldn’t spend so much time trying to subvert it?

Just because We the People do not vote in favor of Conservative issues does not mean the Constitution is being subverted

Just the opposite

Is freedom an issue that only conservatives support?
The fact is that conservatives nearly stopped the bill.

There is no such thing as a /concervative Party; they were the democrat Party.

LOL, I love this perennial attempt by conservatives to claim credit for Civil Rights by pointing to the existence of liberals in the Republican party of the 1960s and suggesting that the party today is somehow heir to the traditions they've spent the last 40 years purging out.

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

"Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “****** bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957."

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a ******" -- LJB Discussing Thurgood Marshall
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