Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

I find it laughable that the Marxists who make up the Democrat base are claiming we should thank a liberal for the 4th of July.

If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country

Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Tories. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today
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If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country

Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Torries. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

your ignorance is amazing. Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.
Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Torries. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

your ignorance is amazing. Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values
You idiot, he just said that as I have. The libtsrfs of today are puppets of the commies.


Is that the best you guys have? I know it plays well on rightwing propaganda sites, but in serious discussions, it makes you look like a retard
Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:
immigrants have always come here with the intent of working hard and developing a better life for their families. for hundreds of years they came here, worked hard and assimilated. they didn't have entitlements to fall back on, they didn't have special language teachers in schools, bilingual messages on everything. they came here and improved their lives while benefiting the nation and not putting a financial burden on it. today it is different. there is a steep financial cost to immigration. both from the additional services provided, the fact that a very high percentage are illegal and a very high percentage work off the books and pay no taxes, while pulling large amounts of resources through these services.
If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country

Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Torries. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

liberals of the day saw the need to protect religion from government, ensure people had the right to practice their religion unchallenged and freely, ensured people had the right to bear arms uninfringed. libs of today should take a page from the libs of the past who at least had a little common sense
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

Oh, its you, useless.

So that means that the Founding Fathers you are referring to are

Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
John Maynard Keynes
The only difference between Democrats of the slavery days and current day Democrats is their tactics. They still end up oppressing the black man.

And now the Mexicans and those from Central America.
You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.

No and No.

Southern conservatives have a huge racial bias.

Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in droves after the Civil Rights Act.

And Conservatives have been purging the Republicans of Liberals since that time period.

Don't you guys call some folks "RINOS"?

is that like "you" folks calling some in your party "Blue Dogs"?.....
I find it laughable that the Marxists who make up the Democrat base are claiming we should thank a liberal for the 4th of July.

If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country

Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

RW knew the mindset of every one living in the Colonies back then.....he claims that ANYONE even leaning on the Conservative side was not a supporter of the Revolution...NO Conservative back then wanted the British out....hey he said he knows this stuff....
If we listened to Conservatives in 1776 we wouldn't have a country

Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Tories. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

most people back then were probably pretty conservative with their lifestyles RW....so does that make them a Conservative or a Liberal?...if a "Conservative" back then also wanted the British out.....does that then make him a "Liberal" all of a sudden?....
Where do you get this shit? Did the orderly in the home give you a double dose of stupid pills this morning?

Conservatives of the day were called Torries. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

your ignorance is amazing.
Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.

Not any more.

It's a form of masturbation.
The only difference between Democrats of the slavery days and current day Democrats is their tactics. They still end up oppressing the black man.

And now the Mexicans and those from Central America.
True. Disease ridden children are not being stopped at the border and quarantined for their own good. All that matters to the Democrats is to get them thru the checkpoint and into our healthy population.
You mean the SOUTHERNERS of both parties did that? Which is why the biggest base of support for the GOP is from the south today? They were conservatives and CONservaDems
Southerners are republican because of love of individual freedom, not because they wanted slavery instituted again. Dixiecrats remained Democrats to their dying day.

No and No.

Southern conservatives have a huge racial bias.

Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in droves after the Civil Rights Act.

And Conservatives have been purging the Republicans of Liberals since that time period.

Don't you guys call some folks "RINOS"?
You're full of it Shallow...watch if you dare: Dixiecrats were the politicians.

Conservatives of the day were called Torries. They remained loyal to the crown. That is where the money was. Conservatives did not want the balance of power upset and definitely did not want more power in the hands of the common man

If we listened to Conservatives, we would not have a country today

your ignorance is amazing. Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.
your ignorance is amazing. Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

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