Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

Dude, it's a major plank of your parties platform these days. I agree that it's something that they don't REALLY believe in...and only a political talking point...but it's what the progressives are running on. That and an equally dubious GOP "war on women"!
You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

You better let these folks know....

Income Inequality | Inequality.org
I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

Dude, it's a major plank of your parties platform these days. I agree that it's something that they don't REALLY believe in...and only a political talking point...but it's what the progressives are running on. That and an equally dubious GOP "war on women"!

Afraid it isn't

Income equality only exists in the fear mongering fantasies of the right wing
I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

You better let these folks know....

Income Inequality | Inequality.org

Nice try....but the claim was income EQUALITY

NOBODY but NOBODY claims income should be EQUAL
your ignorance is amazing. Trying to compare today's definitions of conservative and liberal to 1776 is juvenile and disengenuous.

using today's definitions, the tories were raving liberals who supported dictatorial rule by the King of England. The founders and the revolutionaries were much more akin to today's conservatives.

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing
By David Cay Johnston

The founders, despite decades of rancorous disagreements about almost every other aspect of their grand experiment, agreed that America would survive and thrive only if there was widespread ownership of land and businesses.

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Alexander Hamilton, who championed manufacturing and banking as the first Treasury secretary, also argued for widespread ownership of assets, warning in 1782 that, "whenever a discretionary power is lodged in any set of men over the property of their neighbors, they will abuse it."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."

Need more?

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You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

this guy does

You are moving the goal posts

We judge people in the time they lived. You can't expect an 18th century patriot to have 21st century values

I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing
By David Cay Johnston

The founders, despite decades of rancorous disagreements about almost every other aspect of their grand experiment, agreed that America would survive and thrive only if there was widespread ownership of land and businesses.

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Alexander Hamilton, who championed manufacturing and banking as the first Treasury secretary, also argued for widespread ownership of assets, warning in 1782 that, "whenever a discretionary power is lodged in any set of men over the property of their neighbors, they will abuse it."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."


profit sharing is not income redistribution. Many US corporations utilize profit sharing with their employees. It works.
I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Try again

Nobody today believes in income equality

You better let these folks know....

Income Inequality | Inequality.org


Income inequality refers to the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population.

In the United States, income inequality, or the gap between the rich and everyone else, has been growing markedly, by every major statistical measure, for some 30 years.


THIS LEVEL of income inequality, research shows, endangers our society, on a variety of fronts.

Income Inequality | Inequality.org
I hate to break this to you, Winger...but the Founding Fathers didn't believe in income equality. They would have been horrified by the very idea. The majority of them were what would now be considered the "1%" crowd. They also would have been appalled at our entitlement society. When progressives claim the Founding Fathers as their own it never fails to amuse me.

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing
By David Cay Johnston

The founders, despite decades of rancorous disagreements about almost every other aspect of their grand experiment, agreed that America would survive and thrive only if there was widespread ownership of land and businesses.

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Alexander Hamilton, who championed manufacturing and banking as the first Treasury secretary, also argued for widespread ownership of assets, warning in 1782 that, "whenever a discretionary power is lodged in any set of men over the property of their neighbors, they will abuse it."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."


profit sharing is not income redistribution. Many US corporations utilize profit sharing with their employees. It works.

So you are to lazy to even read past the first sentence, lol
The entire Constitution is a progressive document

Liberals are happy with it.......Conservatives demand it be changed
Mostl to take away rights from We the People

What a load of bullshit! :eusa_liar:

If liberals were indeed happy with the Constitution, they wouldn’t spend so much time trying to subvert it?

Just because We the People do not vote in favor of Conservative issues does not mean the Constitution is being subverted

Just the opposite

You are a fucking idiot and a liar! :eusa_liar:

Fact is liberals hate the Constitution, because they believe in their small and weak minds that it's a poorly written document. They want to change and subvert the Constitution to fit more to their liking.

Fact is shit-for-brains liberal idiots hate the First Amendment and we all know how much they despise the 2nd, and you have the audacity to lie and claim "liberals are happy with it". :cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :lol:
You better let these folks know....

Income Inequality | Inequality.org

Nice try....but the claim was income EQUALITY

NOBODY but NOBODY claims income should be EQUAL

what exactly does "redistribute the wealth" mean then?

Good question

Income EQUALITY means everyone makes the same income. Nobody but NOBODY is suggesting that all income should be equal

Redistribution of wealth looks at where our money is going. Right now, one percent of the population controls 35 percent of the wealth. 40 percent of the population controls four tenths of a percent of the wealth

The question is....why do we continue programs that help the one percent?
Nice try....but the claim was income EQUALITY

NOBODY but NOBODY claims income should be EQUAL

what exactly does "redistribute the wealth" mean then?

Good question

Income EQUALITY means everyone makes the same income. Nobody but NOBODY is suggesting that all income should be equal

Redistribution of wealth looks at where our money is going. Right now, one percent of the population controls 35 percent of the wealth. 40 percent of the population controls four tenths of a percent of the wealth

The question is....why do we continue programs that help the one percent?

Because the one percent are all liberal Democrats, and that is what they wish.

what exactly does "redistribute the wealth" mean then?

Good question

Income EQUALITY means everyone makes the same income. Nobody but NOBODY is suggesting that all income should be equal

Redistribution of wealth looks at where our money is going. Right now, one percent of the population controls 35 percent of the wealth. 40 percent of the population controls four tenths of a percent of the wealth

The question is....why do we continue programs that help the one percent?

Because the one percent are all liberal Democrats, and that is what they wish.


That would be an amazing fact if you could prove it
Nice try....but the claim was income EQUALITY

NOBODY but NOBODY claims income should be EQUAL

what exactly does "redistribute the wealth" mean then?

Good question

Income EQUALITY means everyone makes the same income. Nobody but NOBODY is suggesting that all income should be equal

Redistribution of wealth looks at where our money is going. Right now, one percent of the population controls 35 percent of the wealth. 40 percent of the population controls four tenths of a percent of the wealth

The question is....why do we continue programs that help the one percent?

Why don't you answer that question and provide an example of how we do continue such programs.

I agree it happens and I would like to see it end.

But the 1% like Harry Reid, use their positions to obtain more wealth....

Reid Got $1.1M In Shady NV Land Deals | Sweetness & Light

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? | National Review Online

And there are members of the GOP who do the same.....

But, you'll keep Harry in there at all costs.
The Progressive "answer" to a stagnant economy and a Middle Class that's being decimated by out of control costs is to try and pull the those who HAVE become successful back to the Middle Class pack. Instead of giving the Middle Class opportunities to become successful...you "economic whiz kids" think the solution is to seize the wealth of those who have succeeded, run it through an unbelievably inefficient Federal Government and then distribute it to the poor.

Good luck on that, Sparky...it's a debacle just waiting to happen!
The Progressive "answer" to a stagnant economy and a Middle Class that's being decimated by out of control costs is to try and pull the those who HAVE become successful back to the Middle Class pack. Instead of giving the Middle Class opportunities to become successful...you "economic whiz kids" think the solution is to seize the wealth of those who have succeeded, run it through an unbelievably inefficient Federal Government and then distribute it to the poor.

Good luck on that, Sparky...it's a debacle just waiting to happen!

Good question

Income EQUALITY means everyone makes the same income. Nobody but NOBODY is suggesting that all income should be equal

Redistribution of wealth looks at where our money is going. Right now, one percent of the population controls 35 percent of the wealth. 40 percent of the population controls four tenths of a percent of the wealth

The question is....why do we continue programs that help the one percent?

Because the one percent are all liberal Democrats, and that is what they wish.


That would be an amazing fact if you could prove it

Who are the richest members of Congress?

Take all the time you want on this one....

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