Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

That is by design.

Why did Obama raise excise taxes on booze, tobacco, and fatty foods?

To curb consumption.

Why is his policies costing billions to businesses? Because he says he wants to punish the rush. Instead he ends up jacking up the cost of living for the 'poor' e tworkers that still have jobs. Raising the cost of electricity, water, food, fuel, and everything else. Blame that prick in the Whitehouse for the increase in poverty since he got into office.

Nice try.....Fox would be proud

But we can really thank the Reagan Revolution and its resulting destruction of the American Middle Class


Obama is setting new records. Poverty under his watch is higher than at any time during the last 50 yrs. Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times

All he seems to want to do about it is hold meetings, play golf, and do fundraisers.....

When the housing market bubble burst and the financial meltdown happened around Sept of 2008, I told people that I thought it would take about 10 years (plus or minus) for our economy to recover, and even then, it wouldn't be like it was before.

If you think anyone has forgotten who was in power and which party was in power during the financial meltdown of 2008, you're sadly mistaken.

With that said, it doesn't surprise me in the least that people focus their anger on President Obama because presidents get the lion's share of blame when things go wrong or when they don't go well, whether it's his fault or not. But don't be fooled by his poll numbers because even though people are not happy with the speed of the recovery, it's not as if people expect miracles. And do you know why? It's because everyone knows it takes longer to build something than it takes to destroy it.
When the housing market bubble burst and the financial meltdown happened around Sept of 2008, I told people that I thought it would take about 10 years (plus or minus) for our economy to recover, and even then, it wouldn't be like it was before.


When the housing market bubble burst and the financial meltdown happened around Sept of 2008, I told people that I thought it would take a long , long time for our economy to recover. The reason being that Obama would intensify further federal intervention in the economy thereby UNnecessarily prolonging recovery. "

Why Central Bank Stimulus Cannot Bring Economic Recovery

Nice try.....Fox would be proud

But we can really thank the Reagan Revolution and its resulting destruction of the American Middle Class


Obama is setting new records. Poverty under his watch is higher than at any time during the last 50 yrs. Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times

All he seems to want to do about it is hold meetings, play golf, and do fundraisers.....

When the housing market bubble burst and the financial meltdown happened around Sept of 2008, I told people that I thought it would take about 10 years (plus or minus) for our economy to recover, and even then, it wouldn't be like it was before.

If you think anyone has forgotten who was in power and which party was in power during the financial meltdown of 2008, you're sadly mistaken.

With that said, it doesn't surprise me in the least that people focus their anger on President Obama because presidents get the lion's share of blame when things go wrong or when they don't go well, whether it's his fault or not. But don't be fooled by his poll numbers because even though people are not happy with the speed of the recovery, it's not as if people expect miracles. And do you know why? It's because everyone knows it takes longer to build something than it takes to destroy it.

Yes, the dems controlled congress----what's your point?
Damn...you guys are funny

Thank you.

Now tell the social workers in each and every state where you have applied, to drop you off from the welfare rolls.

Go to a technical community college, read their catalogue, talk to a counselor, find out which jobs are really in demand, sign up for it and come back in a couple of years and tell me if you don't feel better about yourself.



I have no idea what you are babbling about
That is because you are an uneducated libtarded dimwit.
What it means today is that you work full time and still need government assistance to "make ends meet"

That is by design.

Why did Obama raise excise taxes on booze, tobacco, and fatty foods?

To curb consumption.

Why is his policies costing billions to businesses? Because he says he wants to punish the rush. Instead he ends up jacking up the cost of living for the 'poor' workers that still have jobs. Raising the cost of electricity, water, food, fuel, and everything else. Blame that prick in the Whitehouse for the increase in poverty since he got into office.

Nice try.....Fox would be proud

But we can really thank the Reagan Revolution and its resulting destruction of the American Middle Class

You are just so cute.....

26 years since the greatest president of my life time left office. Approximately 14 of those years have been under democrat despotic rule and you don't think in those 14 years they could have rolled back whatever you think Reagan had done? Really?

Clinton road the economic wave started by Reagan and he made sure it would not last. The effects of his "free" trade agreements was predicted and it has come true. Clinton destroy the middle and lower classes, not Reagan. Everyone did well under Reagan, only the rich under Obama are doing well.
Nice try.....Fox would be proud

But we can really thank the Reagan Revolution and its resulting destruction of the American Middle Class


Obama is setting new records. Poverty unIder his watch is higher than at any time during the last 50 yrs. Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times

All he seems to want to do about it is hold meetings, play golf, and do fundraisers.....

When the housing market bubble burst and the financial meltdown happened around Sept of 2008, I told people that I thought it would take about 10 years (plus or minus) for our economy to recover, and even then, it wouldn't be like it was before.

If you think anyone has forgotten who was in power and which party was in power during the financial meltdown of 2008, you're sadly mistaken.

With that said, it doesn't surprise me in the least that people focus their anger on President Obama because presidents get the lion's share of blame when things go wrong or when they don't go well, whether it's his fault or not. But don't be fooled by his poll numbers because even though people are not happy with the speed of the recovery, it's not as if people expect miracles. And do you know why? It's because everyone knows it takes longer to build something than it takes to destroy it.

Yup, a year to destroy it and 10 years to fix it. The Democrats had both houses in 2007, so it's no coincidence that everything went to shit soon after.

The Great Recession ended within a few months after Obama took office. He's spent the last 5plus years fundraising, campaigning, and complaining. Oh and playing 200 or more rounds of golf.
That is by design.

Why did Obama raise excise taxes on booze, tobacco, and fatty foods?

To curb consumption.

Why is his policies costing billions to businesses? Because he says he wants to punish the rush. Instead he ends up jacking up the cost of living for the 'poor' workers that still have jobs. Raising the cost of electricity, water, food, fuel, and everything else. Blame that prick in the Whitehouse for the increase in poverty since he got into office.

Nice try.....Fox would be proud

But we can really thank the Reagan Revolution and its resulting destruction of the American Middle Class

You are just so cute.....

26 years since the greatest president of my life time left office. Approximately 14 of those years have been under democrat despotic rule and you don't think in those 14 years they could have rolled back whatever you think Reagan had done? Really?

Clinton road the economic wave started by Reagan and he made sure it would not last. The effects of his "free" trade agreements was predicted and it has come true. Clinton destroy the middle and lower classes, not Reagan. Everyone did well under Reagan, only the rich under Obama are doing well.
Libtards will believe anything that the liars clinton or obamashitforbrains does is better because their brains are warped possibly due to drug abuse.
Thank a lib for what?

Constantly denouncing the founders as racist slave owners?

Undermining every true individual right in favor of a made up "collective" right of a group of deviants?

Passing Fireworks bans?

Enforcing rules against kids in schools from wearing patriotic American attire on "Cinco de mayo"?

The only thing I'll ever than a libtard for is having an abortion.

Look , you have a responsibility to support yourself and your family. How you do it is irrlevant.

But those who made it typically acquired a marketable skill.


It is a GOP mantra....gotta make poor people suffer more for them to want to succeed

Where is the evidence? Red States have been slashing benefits to the poor for decades. Where are their success stories showing poor people picking themselves up by their bottstraps and breaking out of poverty?


Read about Cornelius Vanderbilt who left school at 11 in order to become a gazillionaire.


Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.
They weren't conservatives.

Today's conservatives still call it a PRIVILEGE.

And are trying to roll it back.

There is a big problem with calling voting a right. Rights imply that they are God given without a struggle or a fight to attain them - the women's suffrage movement proved that argument wrong. Rights also imply that they can never be taken away, those who are incarcerated lost their voting rights so the argument that it's a "right" is proven invalid there too. Then there is the international "problem" that was raised in calling voting a right over a privilege as stated below.

An international perspective on voting as a right: In 2005, the European Court on Human Rights found that the United Kingdom had breached the human rights of prisoners by denying them the vote, ruling that British policies were disenfranchising 80,000 incarcerated British citizens. The Human Right Act of 1998, which had incorporated most of the European Convention on Human rights into British law, established the right to vote as an essential right of all humans. This ruling was grounded in voting as a right, not a privilege, but the British government has fought against implementing the ruling despite the 1998 law

FairVote.org | Voting: A Right, A Privilege, or A Responsibility?

You might think or believe voting is a right, but it's already been proven to be an inaccurate interpretation.


I am not in England.

In the USA?

Voting in a right codified in the United States Constitution.

Read it sometime.

As long as those in incarceration can LOSE there ability to vote, then by DEFINITION that makes voting a privilege and not a right. A right is something you can not lose. It is also something that is given to you without having to fight to attain that supposed "right", like the women's suffrage movement .... on both counts you are incorrect, unless you can provide a Supreme Court case where it was clearly ruled a Constitutional right. I will wait until such evidence surfaces or you concede your argument because you can't provide one.
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Thank a lib for what?

Constantly denouncing the founders as racist slave owners?

Undermining every true individual right in favor of a made up "collective" right of a group of deviants?

Passing Fireworks bans?

Enforcing rules against kids in schools from wearing patriotic American attire on "Cinco de mayo"?

The only thing I'll ever than a libtard for is having an abortion.

I would thank every liberal if they took in a Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador refugee or two and gave them a home.

Same-sex couples as well.......
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

And once again we see how the left is more than willing to take credit for what others have done and to live off of the labor of others.

You didn't build that...somebody else did. But it wasn't a lib.

It got built and taxed and the taxes went to support lazy assed liberals.

Liberals made this country

Conservatives supported the King.........even then, they followed the money

Only liberals would support more taxes, increased taxes, bigger government power and influence, more government control over the lives of the people ... and then claim liberals were the ones who were behind the overthrow of such government control and increased taxes over the people in favor of greater individual liberty. You can't make this up folks, people like Rightwinger like to talk from both sides of their mouth.
I would thank a liberal if they ever just STFU. But I don't see that happening and it is their right to open their mouths and makes asses out of themselves.
It is a GOP mantra....gotta make poor people suffer more for them to want to succeed

Where is the evidence? Red States have been slashing benefits to the poor for decades. Where are their success stories showing poor people picking themselves up by their bottstraps and breaking out of poverty?


Read about Cornelius Vanderbilt who left school at 11 in order to become a gazillionaire.


Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.

Good start

Now if you can only expand your list by a couple hundred thousand we can declare a trend where poor people do better when you remove public benefits

You better get busy
It is a GOP mantra....gotta make poor people suffer more for them to want to succeed

Where is the evidence? Red States have been slashing benefits to the poor for decades. Where are their success stories showing poor people picking themselves up by their bottstraps and breaking out of poverty?


Read about Cornelius Vanderbilt who left school at 11 in order to become a gazillionaire.


Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.

Mickey Thompson comes to mind...hauled papers for the LA Times, taught himself how to build parts...and set more automotive speed & endurance records that ANYONE else, period. First man to 400MPH, designed the revolutionary "slingshot" dragster, the driving force behind indoor motocross, the man most responsible for making desert racing what it is now...tragically, his ex-business partner had him, along with his wife Trudi, murdered in 1988. :( He was 49.

You claim that removing benefits from poor people will ultimately make them more successful. Where are your success stories?

Look , you have a responsibility to support yourself and your family. How you do it is irrlevant.

But those who made it typically acquired a marketable skill.


It is a GOP mantra....gotta make poor people suffer more for them to want to succeed

Where is the evidence? Red States have been slashing benefits to the poor for decades. Where are their success stories showing poor people picking themselves up by their bottstraps and breaking out of poverty?

Again, is the Republican party the party of the rich or the party of the poor, gun toting, Bible thumbing, southern white cracker redneck? It seems to me that you folks can't figure that out.
It is a GOP mantra....gotta make poor people suffer more for them to want to succeed

Where is the evidence? Red States have been slashing benefits to the poor for decades. Where are their success stories showing poor people picking themselves up by their bottstraps and breaking out of poverty?


Read about Cornelius Vanderbilt who left school at 11 in order to become a gazillionaire.


Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.
They are also very talented in one way or another, much more so than most people. If your saying a gifted person can succeed in spite of great hardships, I certainly agree. Unfortunately, most poor people are no more gifted than the rest of the population.
Last edited:

Read about Cornelius Vanderbilt who left school at 11 in order to become a gazillionaire.


Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.

Good start

Now if you can only expand your list by a couple hundred thousand we can declare a trend where poor people do better when you remove public benefits

You better get busy

Nothing will help your ilk.

Guys like you believe that Parasitism is profitable hobby .


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