Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tina Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopie Goldberg
Ralph Lauren
J K Rowling (Harry Potter novelist)
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight novelist)
Howard Stern

All of them started out dirt poor and went on to great wealth or accomplish great things.

Good start

Now if you can only expand your list by a couple hundred thousand we can declare a trend where poor people do better when you remove public benefits

You better get busy

Nothing will help your ilk.

Guys like you believe that Parasitism is profitable hobby .


Yeah, and unemployment creates jobs too......:eusa_angel:
Look at the landscape of our country this morning. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! Could it possibly be heading more directly to a Jonestown? The world is burning. The country is burning!! Indeed......liberals in America are making sure that one day, The 4th of July holiday will be obsolete.
Look at the landscape of our country this morning. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! Could it possibly be heading more directly to a Jonestown? The world is burning. The country is burning!! Indeed......liberals in America are making sure that one day, The 4th of July holiday will be obsolete.

aren't you the one who's always ranting about alarmists?

jonestown? only if the radical religious right gets its way.
Look at the landscape of our country this morning. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! Could it possibly be heading more directly to a Jonestown? The world is burning. The country is burning!! Indeed......liberals in America are making sure that one day, The 4th of July holiday will be obsolete.

aren't you the one who's always ranting about alarmists?

jonestown? only if the radical religious right gets its way.

Islamic radicals?

By definition they are the only true religious radicals left.

Folks that chop off heads for shaving aren't exactly moderates.
So were most of the tribes in Africa, what's your point?

Tribes in Africa signed the Declaration of Independence?

He asked what was your point......you respond with a question.

That is the liberal of today.....far from the accountable individuals of 200 years ago.

My point was in response to the statement that Jefferson and Madison would have spit on President Obama

As slave owners, they probably would have raped his family
Tribes in Africa signed the Declaration of Independence?

He asked what was your point......you respond with a question.

That is the liberal of today.....far from the accountable individuals of 200 years ago.

My point was in response to the statement that Jefferson and Madison would have spit on President Obama

As slave owners, they probably would have raped his family


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Tribes in Africa signed the Declaration of Independence?

He asked what was your point......you respond with a question.

That is the liberal of today.....far from the accountable individuals of 200 years ago.

My point was in response to the statement that Jefferson and Madison would have spit on President Obama

As slave owners, they probably would have raped his family

These are the liberals you want to take credit for ? Right ?
I'd wager that if Jefferson or Madison were here, they'd spit on Obama.

they'd be more likely to spit on you

but thanks for your "opinion".

And why is that ?

Because I read and study their works.

And I don't call myself a "constitutional scholar" (code word for someone who works to end-run the constitution).

You are a moron.

And thanks for confirming it again.
I'd wager that if Jefferson or Madison were here, they'd spit on Obama.

they'd be more likely to spit on you

but thanks for your "opinion".

Of course Listening ignorantly assumes that Jefferson and Madison would have the exact same outlook as they had back then without first taking a good hard look at what had transpired during the intervening 200+ years.

Odds are neither of those astute founding fathers would be pleased with the TP'ers trampling all over the concepts they had to shed blood to achieve.

They would also endorse the ACA since it was Adams who signed a similar law that had the support of both Jefferson and Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson Also Supported Government Run Health Care - Forbes

So when it comes to being used as a spittoon Listening should try using his head before he opens his mouth in my opinion.
If they were so liberal (as defined by today's definition) then why are you all tryin so hard to change the Constitution they wrote?

Oh, the Irony....

It's not Liberals who want to rip out the 17th amendment. That would be conservatives.

And those who think that only white, male landowners should have the right to vote? Well, they would like to gut the 15th and 19th amendments. And guess what? Those people aint Liberals. They're Conservatives.

And those who don't like income tax? Well, they would like to rip up the 16th amendment. And guess what? They're not Liberals.

The ones who want to destroy the first amendment -- also not liberals.

Whatever. A statist states. That's what he do. Doesn't matter their stripes.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) insisted on limiting the legal protection to "real reporters" and not, she said, a 17-year-old with his own website.

"I can't support it if everyone who has a blog has a special privilege … or if Edward Snowden were to sit down and write this stuff, he would have a privilege. I'm not going to go there," she said.

Feinstein introduced an amendment that defines a "covered journalist" as someone who gathers and reports news for "an entity or service that disseminates news and information." The definition includes freelancers, part-timers and student journalists, and it permits a judge to go further and extend the protections to any "legitimate news-gathering activities."

But the bill also makes it clear that the legal protection is not absolute. Federal officials still may "compel disclosure" from a journalist who has information that could stop or prevent crimes such as murder, kidnapping or child abduction or prevent "acts of terrorism" or significant harm to national security.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill on a 13-5 vote and sent it to the Senate floor. Its sponsors are optimistic it will win passage there, but its fate remains in doubt in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

The first Amendment isn't a "privilege," it's a right. That's the thinking of statists. The don't view the Constitution as guaranteeing rights, they view it as granting privileges. Corporate state Republicans are the same way. They don't see citizens as having rights, they think the government grants them privileges.
Yes, Freedom isn't so FREE under the subversive liberals...Enjoy!


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