Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Sounds like today, I don't have to imagine that time, I'm living it --- because of Progressives. The State Czars are superior and we're shit.

Have a good one.
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Sounds like today, I don't have to imagine that time, I'm living it --- because of Progressives. The State Czars are superior and we're shit.

Have a good one.

We live in a society where a mixed race black man raised by a single mother can rise to the Presidency of the United States

A level of freedom our founding fathers never could have imagined

Happy 4th of July
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Thanks for being partisan on the day that should bring us all together.
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Yes, we know that you love definitions that fit your view of the world.

Most of our founding fathers were interested in NOT leaving the crown and only saw revolution as a last resort. I guess that makes most of them conservative.

As true liberals, they sought negotiation and reason as their first option. When that failed they turned to open rebellion

Upon that rebellion, conservatives of the day chose to side with the crown. Why not? That is where the money was

As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?
Think of a time when we actually had a class of people who were born to rule. By blood, they were considered better than you. They had more rights and they had a birthright to power. That was the concept of royalty

Our liberal founding fathers were appalled by the concept of royalty......conservatives of the day defended it

Sounds like today, I don't have to imagine that time, I'm living it --- because of Progressives. The State Czars are superior and we're shit.

Have a good one.

We live in a society where a mixed race black man raised by a single mother can rise to the Presidency of the United States

A level of freedom our founding fathers never could have imagined

Happy 4th of July

Only got elected because he is black, and became the worst president in modern history. Yeah we can thank liberals for that. Celebrate liberals destroying America, no thanks.
Yes, we know that you love definitions that fit your view of the world.

Most of our founding fathers were interested in NOT leaving the crown and only saw revolution as a last resort. I guess that makes most of them conservative.

As true liberals, they sought negotiation and reason as their first option. When that failed they turned to open rebellion

Upon that rebellion, conservatives of the day chose to side with the crown. Why not? That is where the money was

As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?

Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today
As true liberals, they sought negotiation and reason as their first option. When that failed they turned to open rebellion

Upon that rebellion, conservatives of the day chose to side with the crown. Why not? That is where the money was

As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?

Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Absolute radicals they were, and male, female, of differing skin colors, and ethnic heritages.
Liberals of today hate our founding fathers. To them they were slave owners, who stole the land from others. Liberals hate the original version of America, that's why they are trying to change it.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

You can tell things are going south for the libs when they have to resort to tooting there own horns.

What sheep like RW forget is that the founding fathers were revolutionaries.

And we know how the left loathes revolutionaries.


The founders didn't like things....they revolt...they are heros (I agree).

The south didn't like things...they revolt....they are traitors (well so were the founders).

Calling RW a sheep is an insult to sheep.
As true liberals, they sought negotiation and reason as their first option. When that failed they turned to open rebellion

Upon that rebellion, conservatives of the day chose to side with the crown. Why not? That is where the money was

As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?

Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.
Liberals of today hate our founding fathers. To them they were slave owners, who stole the land from others. Liberals hate the original version of America, that's why they are trying to change it.

You forgot that we adore Hitler, Stalin, and Castro. We also want to enslave white southerners for their injustice to blacks. Also force Christian women to get abortion.

Yep us evil commie liberals. (Sarcasm ended)
Sounds like today, I don't have to imagine that time, I'm living it --- because of Progressives. The State Czars are superior and we're shit.

Have a good one.

We live in a society where a mixed race black man raised by a single mother can rise to the Presidency of the United States

A level of freedom our founding fathers never could have imagined

Happy 4th of July

Only got elected because he is black, and became the worst president in modern history. Yeah we can thank liberals for that. Celebrate liberals destroying America, no thanks.

Still Butthurt after all these years?
We live in a society where a mixed race black man raised by a single mother can rise to the Presidency of the United States

A level of freedom our founding fathers never could have imagined

Happy 4th of July

Only got elected because he is black, and became the worst president in modern history. Yeah we can thank liberals for that. Celebrate liberals destroying America, no thanks.

Still Butthurt after all these years?

Well, most of the country seems to butthurt (or so the polls would say)....so the probability of a "yes" answer to your question is very high.
As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?

Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Hasn't that always been the conservative way?

Deciding who is eligible to vote? First it was race and sex. Then it became poll taxes and voter literacy. Today it is ID, restricted voting hours, and long lines
The FF were true liberals but the so-called liberals of today bear no resemblance to the FF. As a matter of fact today's so-called liberals make JFK look like a member of the Tea Party.
Liberal is a mindset

It looks at where we are today and what can be done to make it better. Liberalism is not frozen in time, it evolves to face the challenges of each succeeding generation

True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.

I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves


Super high insurance premiums.....

Overregulation of business.....

Creating a housing bubble by forcing banks to make bad loans......

Supporting wars (when it is fashionable)......

Making money off the miliary industrial complex (check out Diane Feinstein).

Making money off of bogus land deals (Harry Reid)....

Sweetheart mortgage deals.......

Thems the goodies.......
Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Hasn't that always been the conservative way?

Deciding who is eligible to vote? First it was race and sex. Then it became poll taxes and voter literacy. Today it is ID, restricted voting hours, and long lines

I think the founders (you know...the guys you call liberals) started that (blacks and women).

Why I bother to point out to sloppy ADD bastards that conservative states like Wyoming were letting women vote in local elections long before the 19th passed is beyond me.

You are either uneducated or a liar (my guess is that you are both).

Please argue with something that hasn't been debunked 100 times already.
Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Hasn't that always been the conservative way?

Deciding who is eligible to vote? First it was race and sex. Then it became poll taxes and voter literacy. Today it is ID, restricted voting hours, and long lines

Yes, though I will not blame conservatives, just reactionary fools.

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