Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

It is saddening when we see Americans who are too ignorant or too full of anger to understand and appreciate how fortunate they are to be born Americans. The freedoms and prosperity one enjoys as an American, though they do exist in many countries, do not exist for the majority of the people on Earth.
Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Hasn't that always been the conservative way?

Deciding who is eligible to vote? First it was race and sex. Then it became poll taxes and voter literacy. Today it is ID, restricted voting hours, and long lines

Have you mailed in your absentee ballot for the President of France yet? I understand they are letting American liberals vote in the next election.
Liberals are big on labels. Everything has to have a label or a cliche so you don't have to think too much. Nobody in their right mind would compare the mess in the democrat party to the Founding Fathers.
Happy 4th of July. Don't forget to thank a slave owner.

The Founders were surely not liberals. Not that the concept of liberal or conservative existed at the time. Evaluated by today's standards, a person who wanted the people to have an opportunity to make their own way WITHOUT any government help or interference was certainly no liberal.
Happy 4th of July. Don't forget to thank a slave owner.

The Founders were surely not liberals. Not that the concept of liberal or conservative existed at the time. Evaluated by today's standards, a person who wanted the people to have an opportunity to make their own way WITHOUT any government help or interference was certainly no liberal.

Liberals are judged in the context of the era in which they lived
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:
It is saddening when we see Americans who are too ignorant or too full of anger to understand and appreciate how fortunate they are to be born Americans. The freedoms and prosperity one enjoys as an American, though they do exist in many countries, do not exist for the majority of the people on Earth.


What is so funny is how many on the left hold up these other places as examples of what we should be....

I am still waiting for the day Chris tells us he is moving to Denmark.

If RW moved to Cuba, he'd raise the collective I.Q. of both Cuba and the U.S.
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:

Taxation without representation = Obamacare.

Happy 4th of July. Don't forget to thank a slave owner.

The Founders were surely not liberals. Not that the concept of liberal or conservative existed at the time. Evaluated by today's standards, a person who wanted the people to have an opportunity to make their own way WITHOUT any government help or interference was certainly no liberal.

Liberals are judged in the context of the era in which they lived

But conservatives aren't.


You guys crack me up.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

Too bad liberals have forgotten the definition of liberty

You mean this one?

lib·er·al [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:

Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Obama was elected by a majority of the American people. so were the Congressmen who passed the law
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept
You are so right, rightwinger!! Thanks so much for the reminder! You too have an excellent 4th of July!!
True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.

I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves

Our founding fathers were for equal right ?

How is it that the left never cuts them any slack over the slavery issue ?

As your post exemplifies.....liberals have never been short on selective memory or overall bullshit.

The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

Too bad liberals have forgotten the definition of liberty

You mean this one?

lib·er·al [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

Right out of Michael Moore's book of Fairy Tales.
It is saddening when we see Americans who are too ignorant or too full of anger to understand and appreciate how fortunate they are to be born Americans. The freedoms and prosperity one enjoys as an American, though they do exist in many countries, do not exist for the majority of the people on Earth.


What is so funny is how many on the left hold up these other places as examples of what we should be....

I am still waiting for the day Chris tells us he is moving to Denmark.

If RW moved to Cuba, he'd raise the collective I.Q. of both Cuba and the U.S.

The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:

Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Happy 4th of July. Don't forget to thank a slave owner.

The Founders were surely not liberals. Not that the concept of liberal or conservative existed at the time. Evaluated by today's standards, a person who wanted the people to have an opportunity to make their own way WITHOUT any government help or interference was certainly no liberal.

Liberals are judged in the context of the era in which they lived

But conservatives aren't.


You guys crack me up.

You are apparently unable to realize it, but your posts illustrate my point: you are ignorant about the rest of the world and too full of anger and partisanship to appreciate being an American.
I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves

Our founding fathers were for equal right ?

How is it that the left never cuts them any slack over the slavery issue ?

As your post exemplifies.....liberals have never been short on selective memory or overall bullshit.

The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.

You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.
As I recall from early American history - England imposed numerous taxes onto the colonies, used government power to subject the early settlers to their control, the colonies worked more only to see a greater portion of their goods and hard labor go to serve their government while those in power enjoyed the luxury and benefits of the people's labor, the government had the greater voice and power over the lives of the people, but to name a few. Yet... I thought these were all the same liberal concepts of government that we see "evolving" (to use Rightwinger's term) in our country today?

Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?
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