Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

It is saddening when we see Americans who are too ignorant or too full of anger to understand and appreciate how fortunate they are to be born Americans. The freedoms and prosperity one enjoys as an American, though they do exist in many countries, do not exist for the majority of the people on Earth.


What is so funny is how many on the left hold up these other places as examples of what we should be....

I am still waiting for the day Chris tells us he is moving to Denmark.

If RW moved to Cuba, he'd raise the collective I.Q. of both Cuba and the U.S.

Liberals are judged in the context of the era in which they lived

But conservatives aren't.


You guys crack me up.

You are apparently unable to realize it, but your posts illustrate my point: you are ignorant about the rest of the world and too full of anger and partisanship to appreciate being an American.

How, by any stretch of the imagination, does this comment apply to the post you quoted ?
Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Obama was elected by a majority of the American people. so were the Congressmen who passed the law

You mean the congresscritters that were BRIBED to pass the law...

And who then got their asses kicked out in huge numbers (oh....here it comes....gerrymandering...spare me) two years later when they were supposed to hold the house for ten years (even after redistricting).
We live in a society where a mixed race black man raised by a single mother can rise to the Presidency of the United States

A level of freedom our founding fathers never could have imagined

Happy 4th of July

Only got elected because he is black, and became the worst president in modern history. Yeah we can thank liberals for that. Celebrate liberals destroying America, no thanks.

Still Butthurt after all these years?

Me butthurt? How could I be, everything I first said about Obama has turned out to be right. Your the one who should be butthurt, your the one that voted for a loser.
The 4th is always a good day for joke.

Thanks for the laugh.

They were liberal in one sense (but not as your uneducated and limited mind sees it).

If they were here today, they'd be fomenting another revolution to get out from under what you dicks have done to the country.

So, any thanks I'd give a liberal would include a generous dose of rock salt.

Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:

Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Too bad you cannot substantiate that with any actual facts! As in provide evidence that you have been taxed and have zero representaton.

BTW the FF created a healthcare system for sailors with a mandatory payroll tax deduction very similar to Obamacare. They even had state run hospitals and vouchers for care.
Our founding fathers were for equal right ?

How is it that the left never cuts them any slack over the slavery issue ?

As your post exemplifies.....liberals have never been short on selective memory or overall bullshit.

The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.

You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

Good God! :eek:

Food, shelter and healthcare

The bastards

Good thing we still have "Let em die" conservatism
Too bad liberals have forgotten the definition of liberty

You mean this one?

lib·er·al [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

Right out of Michael Moore's book of Fairy Tales.

Since when did Michael Moore write the DICTIONARY?

Liberal | Define Liberal at Dictionary.com
Sure, why don't you list all of the grievances you believe exist today and compare them to those that FF listed in the DoI?

Now that would be good for a :lol:

Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Too bad you cannot substantiate that with any actual facts! As in provide evidence that you have been taxed and have zero representaton.

BTW the FF created a healthcare system for sailors with a mandatory payroll tax deduction very similar to Obamacare. They even had state run hospitals and vouchers for care.

States also supported religion in the 1830's with tax dollars and were never challenged by the federal government.

Healthcare for sailors (involved in international trade) could be seen as being in the perview of the congress (as per the USC).

As to zero factuals.....

The Secretary of HHS can rewrite the regulations to include adjustments and Obama himself has delayed the mandate....all with no congressional agreement.....affecting the tax structure of the law.

And Roberts didn't say the law was a tax.....right.
Our founding fathers were for equal right ?

How is it that the left never cuts them any slack over the slavery issue ?

As your post exemplifies.....liberals have never been short on selective memory or overall bullshit.

The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.

You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

What do conservatives want instead?

1. No place to live
2. Nothing to eat
3. Sickness and death

That is called being a 3rd World Nation.
The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.

You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

What do conservatives want instead?

1. No place to live
2. Nothing to eat
3. Sickness and death

That is called being a 3rd World Nation.

Please provide specific evidence that cons want nothing to eat.

You morons are way too funny.
The Constitution was the COMPROMISE that this nation was founded upon between liberals and conservatives.

The notable trend has been for the Constitution to become ever more liberal towards the rights of We the People ever since.

So the "equal rights" that were compromised by the FF were eventually incorporated as we matured as a nation.

You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

Good God! :eek:

Food, shelter and healthcare

The bastards

Good thing we still have "Let em die" conservatism

It is always amusing to watch people trying to defend extortion as a 'good thing'.


What is so funny is how many on the left hold up these other places as examples of what we should be....

I am still waiting for the day Chris tells us he is moving to Denmark.

If RW moved to Cuba, he'd raise the collective I.Q. of both Cuba and the U.S.

But conservatives aren't.


You guys crack me up.

You are apparently unable to realize it, but your posts illustrate my point: you are ignorant about the rest of the world and too full of anger and partisanship to appreciate being an American.

How, by any stretch of the imagination, does this comment apply to the post you quoted ?

You exhibit a lack of comprehension as well as tunnel vision, and especially a serious lack of self awareness.
Oh.........you are so close

Our founders did not oppose government or big government for that matter. They opposed taxation without representation

You know....The Vote

Same thing conservatives try to restrict today

Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:
You are apparently unable to realize it, but your posts illustrate my point: you are ignorant about the rest of the world and too full of anger and partisanship to appreciate being an American.

How, by any stretch of the imagination, does this comment apply to the post you quoted ?

You exhibit a lack of comprehension as well as tunnel vision, and especially a serious lack of self awareness.

Spare me......

You come across as a true liberal....a real "tolerant" individual who has no tolerance for a different point of view.

Enjoy your holiday. Many died so you can exercise your right to be an ass.
Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:

Another gross overgeneralization that you can't support.
Taxation without representation = Obamacare.


Too bad you cannot substantiate that with any actual facts! As in provide evidence that you have been taxed and have zero representaton.

BTW the FF created a healthcare system for sailors with a mandatory payroll tax deduction very similar to Obamacare. They even had state run hospitals and vouchers for care.

States also supported religion in the 1830's with tax dollars and were never challenged by the federal government.

Healthcare for sailors (involved in international trade) could be seen as being in the perview of the congress (as per the USC).

As to zero factuals.....

The Secretary of HHS can rewrite the regulations to include adjustments and Obama himself has delayed the mandate....all with no congressional agreement.....affecting the tax structure of the law.

And Roberts didn't say the law was a tax.....right.

You utterly failed to substantiate your allegation that you have been taxed without any representation. Instead you threw up smoke screens that have no factual basis. Implementation of legislation has always been left up to the various departments. If there was anything illegal why haven't your representatives held hearings to establish that it occurred instead of the usual RW media misinformation that you are relying upon?
You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

What do conservatives want instead?

1. No place to live
2. Nothing to eat
3. Sickness and death

That is called being a 3rd World Nation.

Please provide specific evidence that cons want nothing to eat.

You morons are way too funny.

No big surprise that the sarcasm went over your head! :badgrin:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sekHkR5BKOY#t=50]John Wayne "America Why I Love Her" - YouTube[/ame]

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