Happy 4th of July......Dont forget to thank a Liberal

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:

Another gross overgeneralization that you can't support.

Oh the IRONY!

Too bad you cannot substantiate that with any actual facts! As in provide evidence that you have been taxed and have zero representaton.

BTW the FF created a healthcare system for sailors with a mandatory payroll tax deduction very similar to Obamacare. They even had state run hospitals and vouchers for care.

States also supported religion in the 1830's with tax dollars and were never challenged by the federal government.

Healthcare for sailors (involved in international trade) could be seen as being in the perview of the congress (as per the USC).

As to zero factuals.....

The Secretary of HHS can rewrite the regulations to include adjustments and Obama himself has delayed the mandate....all with no congressional agreement.....affecting the tax structure of the law.

And Roberts didn't say the law was a tax.....right.

You utterly failed to substantiate your allegation that you have been taxed without any representation. Instead you threw up smoke screens that have no factual basis. Implementation of legislation has always been left up to the various departments. If there was anything illegal why haven't your representatives held hearings to establish that it occurred instead of the usual RW media misinformation that you are relying upon?

Only in your estimation.

Smoke screen is the constant delays......

Implementation does not include adjustments to taxes like this law allows for.

They have held hearings. They've also voted to repeal it. Or do you not hear about that ?

The law was challenged and the SCOTUS allowed it (under the guise of taxation...when it was sold to us as not being a tax).

Does the SS vary the amount of payrole deductions without congressional approval.

Have a happy fourth....but please don't sit on your flagpole in publc.
Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:

Another gross overgeneralization that you can't support.

Oh the IRONY!


Oh the lack of support.

Have a day.

May those who died so you can demonstrate your ignorance be blessed in the eternities for what they have provided us.
You bet....now liberals want everyone to have

1. A place to live.
2. Food to eat
3. Health care

Through government coercion.....egardless of cost.....

As Alan Keyes pointed out...his ancestors had the same thing...they called them slaves.

Good God! :eek:

Food, shelter and healthcare

The bastards

Good thing we still have "Let em die" conservatism

It is always amusing to watch people trying to defend extortion as a 'good thing'.


Paying your taxes like all citizens is extortion?
All men are created equal.....what a sexist concept

Fixed that for you.

Strong, independent womyn made this country great.

Strong interdependent women have always been the backbone of this great country.

They are the nurturing class that is so absolutely necessary to civilization.

And we are ruining them by turning them into men.
States also supported religion in the 1830's with tax dollars and were never challenged by the federal government.

Healthcare for sailors (involved in international trade) could be seen as being in the perview of the congress (as per the USC).

As to zero factuals.....

The Secretary of HHS can rewrite the regulations to include adjustments and Obama himself has delayed the mandate....all with no congressional agreement.....affecting the tax structure of the law.

And Roberts didn't say the law was a tax.....right.

You utterly failed to substantiate your allegation that you have been taxed without any representation. Instead you threw up smoke screens that have no factual basis. Implementation of legislation has always been left up to the various departments. If there was anything illegal why haven't your representatives held hearings to establish that it occurred instead of the usual RW media misinformation that you are relying upon?

Only in your estimation.

Smoke screen is the constant delays......

Implementation does not include adjustments to taxes like this law allows for.

They have held hearings. They've also voted to repeal it. Or do you not hear about that ?

The law was challenged and the SCOTUS allowed it (under the guise of taxation...when it was sold to us as not being a tax).

Does the SS vary the amount of payrole deductions without congressional approval.

Have a happy fourth....but please don't sit on your flagpole in publc.

Please list all of the criminal charges that were the result of those hearings?

Oh wait, there wasn't a single one!

Yet another strike out! :lol:
Good God! :eek:

Food, shelter and healthcare

The bastards

Good thing we still have "Let em die" conservatism

It is always amusing to watch people trying to defend extortion as a 'good thing'.


Paying your taxes like all citizens is extortion?

Have fun connecting those dots.

Let's hope your mother doesn't stuff you full of burgers and brats. Instead something to tune up the old thinker (or in your case bring it to life) would in order.

Enjoy your day.

Thanks for starting this thread and reminding us that we didn't build that (somebody else did).

And that you fuckers have never been ashamed to live off of the labor (or deeds) of others.
You utterly failed to substantiate your allegation that you have been taxed without any representation. Instead you threw up smoke screens that have no factual basis. Implementation of legislation has always been left up to the various departments. If there was anything illegal why haven't your representatives held hearings to establish that it occurred instead of the usual RW media misinformation that you are relying upon?

Only in your estimation.

Smoke screen is the constant delays......

Implementation does not include adjustments to taxes like this law allows for.

They have held hearings. They've also voted to repeal it. Or do you not hear about that ?

The law was challenged and the SCOTUS allowed it (under the guise of taxation...when it was sold to us as not being a tax).

Does the SS vary the amount of payrole deductions without congressional approval.

Have a happy fourth....but please don't sit on your flagpole in publc.

Please list all of the criminal charges that were the result of those hearings?

Oh wait, there wasn't a single one!

Yet another strike out! :lol:

If SCOTUS declares a law unconstitutional...there are criminal charges that follow ?


Does that mean someone will go to jail over Hobby Lobby.

Or are you concentrating more on your Obama blow up doll and not thinking about what you are posting ?

Oh wait...you and your relatives only know hearings in one respect....I forgot.
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As liberals disagree with and work against just about every tenet put forth in the Declaration of Independemce, thanking them for the 4th of July is little different than singing Hitler's praises on Passover.
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Yeah, those bad old conservatives only want people who are eligible to vote....to vote.

What a freaking nasty concept.

Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:

Immigrants from overseas enjoy the idea of one day following the American dream as citizens of this country. They file their paperwork and wait years for the process under Federal Immigration laws to obtain their opportunity. Democrats bring their attention towards one particular group of immigrants who willingly break Federal Law to cross the border and establish themselves in this country. Rather than guarantee their support Federal Law, the Democrats boast a language of amnesty in favor of votes over respect of Federal Immigration laws. There is no "equality" in the eyes of those immigrants who follow the rule of law to become citizens, rather it's a spit in the face of disrespect towards those who choose to follow those rules of law set by our government. One group of immigrants are granted favoritism over any other, where the rules of law no longer need apply. Republicans believe in the opportunity of ALL immigrants to be treated fairly, and respected of their efforts to work towards that same chance of citizenship. Democrats look to the power of gaining a voting block for political purposes and retaining power, over the need for respect and enforcement of the rule of Federal law.
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

A bunch of white Christians had the vision that laws rooted in Judeo-Christian ethics and the pursuit of happiness (Capitalism) are the only society where such a liberal concept of equality can ever be realized. How these liberals and values could ever be attacked by modern day liberals is mind boggling.
Only in your estimation.

Smoke screen is the constant delays......

Implementation does not include adjustments to taxes like this law allows for.

They have held hearings. They've also voted to repeal it. Or do you not hear about that ?

The law was challenged and the SCOTUS allowed it (under the guise of taxation...when it was sold to us as not being a tax).

Does the SS vary the amount of payrole deductions without congressional approval.

Have a happy fourth....but please don't sit on your flagpole in publc.

Please list all of the criminal charges that were the result of those hearings?

Oh wait, there wasn't a single one!

Yet another strike out! :lol:

If SCOTUS declares a law unconstitutional...there are criminal charges that follow ?


Does that mean someone will go to jail over Hobby Lobby.

Or are you concentrating more on your Obama blow up doll and not thinking about what you are posting ?

Oh wait...you and your relatives only know hearings in one respect....I forgot.

You alleged that the Secy of the HHS was breaking the law and that this amounted to taxation without representation.

The Secretary of HHS can rewrite the regulations to include adjustments and Obama himself has delayed the mandate....all with no congressional agreement.....affecting the tax structure of the law.

You were challenged to substantiate your allegation but instead came up with nothing credible.

Implementation does not include adjustments to taxes like this law allows for.

They have held hearings.

You were then asked what criminal charges came as a result of those hearings and you feebly deflected to the SCOTUS!

Your responses above meet all the criteria for an epic failure on your part to support your position and will be taken as a full blown concession that you cannot come up with anything even remotely credible.

Have a nice day!
Why do you think liberals support immigrants, who are not even legal citizens of this country, getting drivers licenses and free education? Why stop that effort to support illegals by proving they must be eligible to vote?

Immigrants come with the intention of working hard to provide for their families and ensure that their children will receive a good education. That was the basis this nation was founded on and it has worked very well.

Now suddenly coming here, working hard and obtaining an education is a bad thing according to conservatives? :cuckoo:

Immigrants from overseas enjoy the idea of one day following the American dream as citizens of this country. They file their paperwork and wait years for the process under Federal Immigration laws to obtain their opportunity. Democrats bring their attention towards one particular group of immigrants who willingly break Federal Law to cross the border and establish themselves in this country. Rather than guarantee their support Federal Law, the Democrats boast a language of amnesty in favor of votes over respect of Federal Immigration laws. There is no "equality" in the eyes of those immigrants who follow the rule of law to become citizens, rather it's a spit in the face of disrespect towards those who choose to follow those rules of law set by our government. One group of immigrants are granted favoritism over any other, where the rules of law no longer need apply. Republicans believe in the opportunity of ALL immigrants to be treated fairly, and respected of their efforts to work towards that same chance of citizenship. Democrats look to the power of gaining a voting block for political purposes and retaining power, over the need for respect and enforcement of the rule of Federal law.

So it your position that absolutely none of the illegal immigrants who came here are working hard and trying to ensure that their children can get an education?
True....the more goodies others have, the more you'll do to go get them via our vaunted welfare system.

Foodstamps = The crime of the century.

I have to agree with you

Liberals have always been concerned with the goodies

Goodies like equal rights, fair pay, a clean environment

Goodies which conservatives have tried to reserve for themselves

Sigh, you always need things repeated. The republican party has supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. Reagan signed MLK's birthday into law. Blacks did better under Reagan and Nixon then they have under Obama.

The first clean water act and the EPA both started by Republicans.

What I can't think of is ONE program that has help the poor or blacks, not one.
Yet, the Right often proposes to get rid of the EPA.
Burn in hell inbred fucktard.

On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept
On the anniversary of our country, it is time to remember the greatest liberals of their day........our founding fathers

All men are created equal.....what a liberal concept

A bunch of white Christians had the vision that laws rooted in Judeo-Christian ethics and the pursuit of happiness (Capitalism) are the only society where such a liberal concept of equality can ever be realized. How these liberals and values could ever be attacked by modern day liberals is mind boggling.


It is obvious what your values are.
Given the Founding Fathers believed in "In God We Trust," that alone eliminates them from being liberal scum.

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