Happy 4th of July --- Thank the Second Amendment!

Who do you value, Classical Liberals (Libertarians) or Modern Liberals (Progressives)

  • Thanks to Classical Liberals who enshrined the Right to Bear Arms

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Thanks to Progressives (Modern Liberals) who would prefer we fought Britain with slingshots.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

"'Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... " M.L.K.
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

"'Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... " M.L.K.

That is the reason the second amendment is no longer valid today

Return violence with violence ....you will lose
Get public opinion behind you and you will win
Seems like that is about 30+ MILLION, and growing, as you fucking subversives keep taking away peoples rights, and flaunt the established law!

Various polls have found that slightly over 10% of Americans identify as a member of the Tea Party.[9

Don't worry Just Eat Dick, it will only sting for a short time! :D

So, 10% of the population is going to take their country back? Kind of like the American Spring where a couple dozen halfwits showed up to arrest the president? :rofl: Seriously, give me a heads up when you're ready to "roll". I could use some entertainment.

The first Revolution was done with 14% of the public.....shit for brains! :badgrin:

When they roll, you won't know a fucking thing about it!

So, when are you rolling? Less talk, more action.
Still waiting for Peaches law credentials.

A.B. Harvard University, cum laude, History; J.D., Spessard Holland School of Law, UF, (now known as Levin School of Law, Holland was a rasict.)

Glad to answer for the fourth time, UF is where the Gators play:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Took you long enough, ...not bad Peach ( if true? ), but nothing compared to Ted Cruz! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Cruz went to Princeton, then Harvard Law. I went to UF law school so I could live at home, care for my diasbled mother, and grandfather. My daddy was working at FSP & UCI, after retiring from the Navy. I am glad I went to UF, my mother died 6 months after I graduated from law school. UF is about 32-33 miles from my hometown. Unlike Cruz, I went to public high school, in a poor, rural area. Scholarships paid all but 1/20th the costs of Harvard. I did work 10-15 hours a week for spending money, cleaning the rich kids bathrooms (dorm crew) freshman year, then got an off campus job. My parents paid -0- except for transporatation home three times a year. :D

No 'alumni preference'* got me into the Ivy League, no trust fund baby am I.

*I have read some posters use the term "legacy student", we used 'alumni preference'. There is my bio. Grays Hall in the Yard, then Winthrop House, any questions about Cambridge?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Then a hat tip to you young lady!
The First Amendment covers your right to tax exempt status?

You get more bizarre with every post

Are you this myopic? The tax issue CURTAILED their RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY when campaigning against the obomanation!
Making it impossible to spend money on ads against the current regime.

You do try with every comeback to look sane, unfortunately you continue to fail. Besides NOT comprehending the first amendment rights and what they entail, makes one wonder if you ever took history or civic in school...or did you flunk those courses! :cuckoo:

Stop the presses.......stop the presses

Because TeaTards had to fill out some additional tax forms explaining their tax free status, they were not allowed to speak freely

Can you be any bigger a pussy whining about your rights?

I KNOW you didn't read that they held up the tax exempt status for over a year, WELL PAST THE ELECTION OF THE POTUS, so these groups could not buy ads against the obomanation and be effective in their political role.

The only reason I ever answer you is to bitch slap your stupid ass! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The First Amendment covers your right to tax exempt status?

You get more bizarre with every post

Are you this myopic? The tax issue CURTAILED their RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY when campaigning against the obomanation!
Making it impossible to spend money on ads against the current regime.

You do try with every comeback to look sane, unfortunately you continue to fail. Besides NOT comprehending the first amendment rights and what they entail, makes one wonder if you ever took history or civic in school...or did you flunk those courses! :cuckoo:

Stop the presses.......stop the presses

Because TeaTards had to fill out some additional tax forms explaining their tax free status, they were not allowed to speak freely

Can you be any bigger a pussy whining about your rights?

I shouldn't even bother with this asswipe!
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The first amendment does more to protect our rights than the second amendment ever will

Those countries lack a strong first amendment

Are you saying Tienanmen Square never would have happened if China had an amendment to their law system specifying free press?

Because apparently China always had one!

CHAPTER TWO - THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CITIZENS, Article 35, Constitution of the People's Republic of China:
Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.

Your rights aren't worth shit without the guns to back it up. You know who said that? Mao Zedong!

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

That's all that matters. For Popular Sovereignty, the Population must be Armed.
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We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

You heard it hear first folks, the Deacons of Defense and Justice never marched alongside MLK with their shotguns!

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I didn't know the Second Amendment existed on Independence Day, July 4, 1776.

Are you saying there existed no Right to Bear Arms provisions in the Magna Carta?

Information For Firearms

The Second Amendment was not a random intellectual thought dreamed up by the Founders in their study rooms. It, like the rest of the Constitution, was the result of centuries of experiences and suffering without such a provision.

GO fuck yourself commie.

Okay, even accepting your premise, do we still need that now?

Clearly, private gun ownership wouldn't do much against an oppressive government. The government has drones, and the president merely needs to push a button in Washington if he wanted to drop a drone on Wayne LaPeirre's house.

Is your fantasy about "overthrowing the government" because you can't win elections anymore worth having guns in the hands of the Lanzas and Loughners and Chos and Holmeses of the world mowing down innocent children?
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

You heard it hear first folks, the Deacons of Defense and Justice never marched alongside MLK with their shotguns!

Were they fired?

Where was the armed revolution you always fantasize about? Civil Rights protestors had a bigger grievance than our founding fathers

Where was their Lexington and Concord
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hate to break it to you guys but at the decisive victory of Yorktown there were more French soldiers than militia members. Victory ultimately came as a result of concerted efforts by regular armies.
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

Do you realize that they were also denied their 2nd amendment rights?
The First Amendment covers your right to tax exempt status?

You get more bizarre with every post

Are you this myopic? The tax issue CURTAILED their RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY when campaigning against the obomanation!
Making it impossible to spend money on ads against the current regime.

You do try with every comeback to look sane, unfortunately you continue to fail. Besides NOT comprehending the first amendment rights and what they entail, makes one wonder if you ever took history or civic in school...or did you flunk those courses! :cuckoo:

Stop the presses.......stop the presses

Because TeaTards had to fill out some additional tax forms explaining their tax free status, they were not allowed to speak freely

Can you be any bigger a pussy whining about your rights?

I think filling out 3 notebooks full of additional papers is way to over the top and they still have not gotten their tax exempt status.
Then they changed the rules so that only the older left (501)4c's can still do their get out the votes.
Even the lefties are upset at this move for their new tax exempt organizations.
Lois Learner after being let go was one of the people making those new rules.
Nothing like having a very biased person like her making new rules like that huh?
You know that the left would be screaming and rioting in the streets, if the right had done this to them.
Are you this myopic? The tax issue CURTAILED their RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY when campaigning against the obomanation!
Making it impossible to spend money on ads against the current regime.

You do try with every comeback to look sane, unfortunately you continue to fail. Besides NOT comprehending the first amendment rights and what they entail, makes one wonder if you ever took history or civic in school...or did you flunk those courses! :cuckoo:

Stop the presses.......stop the presses

Because TeaTards had to fill out some additional tax forms explaining their tax free status, they were not allowed to speak freely

Can you be any bigger a pussy whining about your rights?

I think filling out 3 notebooks full of additional papers is way to over the top and they still have not gotten their tax exempt status.
Then they changed the rules so that only the older left (501)4c's can still do their get out the votes.
Even the lefties are upset at this move for their new tax exempt organizations.
Lois Learner after being let go was one of the people making those new rules.
Nothing like having a very biased person like her making new rules like that huh?
You know that the left would be screaming and rioting in the streets, if the right had done this to them.

No TeaTard group was denied tax exempt status
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

Do you realize that they were also denied their 2nd amendment rights?

Blacks had access to guns

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