Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23

Hey Dems.

She doesn't propose this if her internal polls show her winning handily

trump leads with independent voters.
So this is news, and the fact that Fox News has offered countless times to sponsor and hold a debate - offers which the Democrats don't even acknowledge. So we are supposed to take THIS invitation seriously, knowing what a Journalistic disaster CNN is, but ignore Fox's offer.

Got it.
Naw, I figure if Trump doesn't show up, they'll just give her a free hour of airtime.

The real problem is, Trump is so demented at this point, his handlers want him nowhere near Harris or a debate podium.
Lol, Harris couldn't answer the first question in that debate.
So this is news, and the fact that Fox News has offered countless times to sponsor and hold a debate - offers which the Democrats don't even acknowledge. So we are supposed to take THIS invitation seriously, knowing what a Journalistic disaster CNN is, but ignore Fox's offer.

Got it.
FOX “news” is not a news organization.
Naw, I figure if Trump doesn't show up, they'll just give her a free hour of airtime.

The real problem is, Trump is so demented at this point, his handlers want him nowhere near Harris or a debate podium.
You think Trump has handlers? Trump has never had handlers. Kamala Harris is only 59 and has plenty of handlers.
If Kamala Harris believed that she was going to win she would agree to take Trump on anytime anywhere. Not just on liberal news stations.

That is if she even thought that she needed a third debate at all. Clearly she wants a rematch though.
If Kamala Harris believed that she was going to win she would agree to take Trump on anytime anywhere. Not just on liberal news stations.

Btw, I was just using this as a saying. It's not meant to be taken literally about the anytime part as it's sort of too late for another debate now. It just felt like I was driving my point harder with saying anytime anywhere instead of just anywhere.
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