Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23

I would have thought he would welcome the chance to "humiliate" her again.
His dismal campaign needs a lift as most polls see him sinking.

Or has he already given up ? He can see the writing on the wall. Maybe he is spending his time planning to avoid prison.

It all looks rather gloomy and even a nightly blow job from Loomer is a scant compensation.

Still its hard to sympathise with the fat orange loser.
Simple question...what in that bill secures the border?
The complete closure of the border will never happen.
If your dear leader were serious about "securing" the border, why did he do this?

Trump signs USMCA, revamping North American trade rules​

The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › business › 2020/01/29

Jan 29, 2020 — President Trump signed a revamped trade agreement with Canada and Mexico into law Wednesday, fulfilling his pledge to rework the North American Free Trade ...
Well, it kind of seems like both of them think the best strategy is to lay low and let the other hang themselves.

Looking at the battleground state polls (for what it's worth), it looks Kamala's momentum has slowed and Trump is coming back somewhat. This is despite all the pronouncements by Dems that she's gaining speed.

I still think it's his to lose.

I would have thought he would welcome the chance to "humiliate" her again.
His dismal campaign needs a lift as most polls see him sinking.

Or has he already given up ? He can see the writing on the wall. Maybe he is spending his time planning to avoid prison.

It all looks rather gloomy and even a nightly blow job from Loomer is a scant compensation.

Still its hard to sympathise with the fat orange loser.
Go fix your shithole country, limey vermin.

I would have thought he would welcome the chance to "humiliate" her again.
His dismal campaign needs a lift as most polls see him sinking.

Or has he already given up ? He can see the writing on the wall. Maybe he is spending his time planning to avoid prison.

It all looks rather gloomy and even a nightly blow job from Loomer is a scant compensation.

Still its hard to sympathise with the fat orange loser.
as soon as she agrees to a fox debate.
Why would anyone think she got questions in advance or that it would matter? The possible questions are well-known and then there’s debate prep. Perhaps Trump should have engaged in some! Only losers cry about the refs.


Why would anyone think she got questions in advance or that it would matter?

Because the left cheats.
They did it with Hillary, why would anyone think they wouldn't do it with Kamala?
How big a fool will she make Him look this time?
It's not about "gotcha" moments...it's about policy that works! What Kamala Harris policy works? If it does...then why hasn't it worked for the past 3 1/2 years?

Trump is better on the border. He's better on inflation. He's better on foreign policy. If this election is decided by policy and competence then it's not even close...Trump wins by a wide margin.

I would have thought he would welcome the chance to "humiliate" her again.
His dismal campaign needs a lift as most polls see him sinking.

Or has he already given up ? He can see the writing on the wall. Maybe he is spending his time planning to avoid prison.

It all looks rather gloomy and even a nightly blow job from Loomer is a scant compensation.

Still its hard to sympathise with the fat orange loser.
Will she debate on FOX? He's debated on CNN and ABC. Is asking for a little fairness so much to ask?
She kicked trumps ass in the last debate. The election is neck to neck. Big difference
Kicked his ass? She had the questions in advance. The moderators were only fact checking him and not her. Three against one isn't an ass kicking...it's just one more example of how the Main Stream Media is willing to totally abandon journalistic ethics when Trump is involved. ABC should be ashamed of itself. There is a reason why their viewership is tanking...they aren't trustworthy!

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