Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23

A new photo emerges of Trump after he declines to debate Harris:

Isn't this the same CNN where Trump won against Biden? What changed?

The candidate. They will not repeat the same objectivity with Harris. Their orders are clear. "Let Biden sink, feign neutrality, go hard on Trump when he goes against Bidens replacement".

The entire system in the U.S has become singular in focus, a massive, bloated career government Establishment in which only the most optimistic person believes can be funded at the current rates for the next 30 years.

From the worst "leaders" in the U.S screaming "Trump MUST NEVER be president again", spitting in the face of your democracy and voter rights, to the Neo-Cons and their friends who have been wrong about everything for 30 years. An embarrassment in riches in naivety, delusion and deception that has only served themselves, rarely Americas long term interest. They want to play smoke and mirrors with American voters while Putin, Xi and Irans intelligence agencies await.

Furthermore, why would there be TWO debates on the same network in one election cycle?
CNN was praised by MAGA after Trump’s debate with Biden. Why is Trump now too scared to debate now on the same forum?
They wanted Biden out so they played even handed knowing Biden would not hold up. Which is why they had the debate in late June so Thief in Chief Biden's plug would get pulled so to speak.

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