Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23

Come on Slade...that "bill" was never about fixing the border...it was ALWAYS about diverting attention from the god awful mess that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have created with their open border policy and give them a talking point when the border was brought up. The votes were never there and everyone involved knew they weren't there!
Which brings us right back to the REAL question! Why didn't Joe Biden and Kamala Harris use Executive Orders to secure the border because they've ALWAYS had that ability!
See you care more about why the bill was supported by the Dems than about the actual impact it would have had on the border. When you did address impact you made false accusations which tells me you havent even looked at the actual bill. Stop repeating what others tell you. Do your homework and think for yourself.
No I wasn’t. You seem to be confused!



Giving Biden more money to rush more illegal aliens with fake asylum claims into the country even faster was a bad idea.
The bill actually put more limits on asylum claims. You might know that if you actually read the bill.


This bill addresses issues regarding immigration and border security, including by imposing limits to asylum eligibility.

For example, the bill

requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;

provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;

prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;

limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;

authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;

expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;

authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;

prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;

authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;

imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and

requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.
Why would the Republicans help Biden make things worse and allow him to claim
he fixed the border, 6 months before the election?
Can’t have it both ways. If it makes things worse then it isn’t a fix. If it would be a fix then you’re blocking something that’s good for the country for political purposes… which is what happened
Yes, have you?
Yep, when the bill was released. You up all night then?

Conservative senator Langford would disagree with you. It injected funding for border agents and technology.
It also would codify a daily total of illegals permitted to enter. Something like 4000-5000 give or take, before the DHS head decides the border needs to be shut down after a week.....if DHS wants to.
But Trump and some of the GOP didn’t want to give the Dems a win in an election year so they killed. Politics over country. Pathetic

What's pathetic is you fell for the old tried and true dem tactic of bringing up hot topic legislation they knew wouldn't pass, to use it as an election issue.

And yes the proposed bill helped with all this.

It also created a lot of other problems.............it failed in the Senate with dems voting against it......so it's all the GOP's fault.

If they are determined to have a legit asylum claim then bussing them somewhere makes sense. If not they can be deported.

Hungary turns them around at the door....seems to work quite well.

Only problem with that is the determination would be basically in the hands of the gate agents on the border. No chance that would become a highly partisan issue?

Beyond all that, there already is a ten year backlog on immigration hearings........with a continual influx of say 5000 a day, this bill won't 'fix' anything.

Obama's DHS head, Jeh Johnson claimed at 1000 people a day, the system would be overloaded. So why would some 5000 a day be any better?
Senator Langford would disagree with you and he coauthored it. You’re just repeating right wing media spin. Try looking at the actual bill. Here….

This bill addresses issues regarding immigration and border security, including by imposing limits to asylum eligibility.

For example, the bill

requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;

provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;

prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;

limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;

authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;

expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;

authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;

prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;

authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;

imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and

requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.
You know what the problem with ALL of that is, Slade? It relies on the Mayorkas DHS to implement all of those things...the same little lying worm that allowed the border crisis to happen in the first place! Langford was a gullible fool. Trusting the Biden DHS and Mayorkas to do the right thing is like putting Jeffrey Epstein in charge of an exploited women's center!
Actually all that first debate proved is that ABC has ZERO integrity!
That...and whenever Kamala Harris is asked a tough question...you're going to get an answer that doesn't address the question!
WTF are you smoking? Did you watch the debate? She answered every question specifically and succinctly.

In contrast, no matter what question Trump was asked, he kept answering with dog eating migrants?

Fuck you, dude! You are out there!
WTF are you smoking? Did you watch the debate? She answered every question specifically and succinctly.

In contrast, no matter what question Trump was asked, he kept answering with dog eating migrants?

Fuck you, dude! You are out there!
Wow...you think Harris answered every question "specifically and succinctly"? Did you REALLY just claim that, Billo?

Did you even watch the debate?
It also would codify a daily total of illegals permitted to enter. Something like 4000-5000 give or take, before the DHS head decides the border needs to be shut down after a week.....if DHS wants to.
That’s not accurate. It would put a limit that triggers a shutdown of the border. Right now there is no limit that triggers a shut down.
pathetic is you fell for the old tried and true dem tactic of bringing up hot topic legislation they knew wouldn't pass, to use it as an election issue.
Except for this bill is bipartisan. Authored by a very conservative member. So that blows up your tried and true tactic of blindly discrediting.
It also created a lot of other problems.............it failed in the Senate with dems voting against it......so it's all the GOP's fault
It is the fault of the Dems and GOP who voted against it. And Trump who rallied the GOP to shut it down
Hungary turns them around at the door....seems to work quite well.

Only problem with that is the determination would be basically in the hands of the gate agents on the border. No chance that would become a highly partisan issue?

Beyond all that, there already is a ten year backlog on immigration hearings........with a continual influx of say 5000 a day, this bill won't 'fix' anything.
did you ever consider that perhaps the 10 year backlog and near impossible legal process as being factors in driving masses of people to the border to illegally cross? Perhaps if we fixed those systems it would lighten the load of illegal crossings and make the border easier to enforce against criminals and traffickers.

Also, as I showed, the bill reopened and funded wall/fence construction, and supported many border enforcement measures. You keep lying saying it didn't address this stuff. You obviously didn't read the bill. Here try again...

The bill...

requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;

provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;

prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;

limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;

authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;

expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;

authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;

prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;

authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;

imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and

requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.

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