Harris Inflation Continues Crushing Middle Class – Only Donald Trump Has the Policies to Stop it

Voodoo Economics at play...

Do you know how much that has been debunked...

It is the big con at this stage... A rich guy is telling you that you can get richer if the rich guy can keep more of his money...
Think about that for a while, do you not see the scam?
so you can't name one? gotcha

Why do I can if a rich guy gets to keep more of his money, so long as I can keep more of mine? why do you?
No. The price may not go up as fast, but it does not go down. If the price of oil was to magically go down to COVID era prices, do you truly believe companies would lower their prices, or would they just be happy for the higher profits?
You know you are saying the competition in the Markets don't decide prices and Capitalism is fundamentally flawed...

So you would be avocating the Government interjecting to artifically bring down prices..
And the price of oil is not controlled by the US. If the US was to somehow be able to flood the market with enough oil to significantly affect the price per bbl, other producing countries would lower their production to stabilize the price. Plus, there is a lot of places where extraction is only profitable if oil trades at a certain price.
Well that is what Trump did...

He actually set up a cartel for Oil supply which brought together OPEC+ and US Oil producers... Then got them to cut Oil Supply by 17%....

That had the knock on effect of sending Oil from $15 bbl to $115 bbl... Oil went from $15 bbl to $62 bbl while under Trump while they were cutting the supply... So prices were increasing and supply was dropping... Rigged Market... This Chrony Capitalism for Oil Suppliers.

But don't worry Trump wanted his cut....

This why he likes Putin... At the end of the day, Putin gets paid.... The people get screwed but the big guy always get paid..
so you can't name one? gotcha

Why do I can if a rich guy gets to keep more of his money, so long as I can keep more of mine? why do you?
You know those Tax Cuts just increased the National Debt...

85% of the tax cuts went to the Rich...

But everyone pays off the Debt...

Ever see GOP famous excuse for no paying for stuff like 911 responders health bills... They don't have the money...
Because they gave it in tax cuts to the rich.

This tax cuts as paying for themselves i debunked... Economists laugh at it... It is bullshit when I was doing Economics in College..

Reason being, if you want to stimulate the economy, give money to the poor, it immediately changes there spending habits and they spend it quickly...
You know those Tax Cuts just increased the National Debt...

85% of the tax cuts went to the Rich...

But everyone pays off the Debt...

Ever see GOP famous excuse for no paying for stuff like 911 responders health bills... They don't have the money...
Because they gave it in tax cuts to the rich.

This tax cuts as paying for themselves i debunked... Economists laugh at it... It is bullshit when I was doing Economics in College..

Reason being, if you want to stimulate the economy, give money to the poor, it immediately changes there spending habits and they spend it quickly...
Spending increased the debt, tax cuts increased revenue.

85 percent? What are you talking about? The income tax rate was cut the most for middle class, the rich got the smallest cut of tax payers

Why do you lie when we can all see the tax rates?
Spending increased the debt, tax cuts increased revenue.

85 percent? What are you talking about? The income tax rate was cut the most for middle class, the rich got the smallest cut of tax payers

Why do you lie when we can all see the tax rates?

Sorry correction.... 61.4% went to the top 1%... That is making over $787,712 in 2024 per year.
$335,891 for top 5%... which 71.7% so not 85% but definitely the most...

They did not pay for themselves

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Sorry correction.... 61.4% went to the top 1%... That is making over $787,712 in 2024 per year.
$335,891 for top 5%... which 71.7% so not 85% but definitely the most...

They did not pay for themselves

Wow a dembot congressman attacked the trump tax cuts??

Haha we all see the tax rates, we know who got the largest tax rate cuts

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