Harris' loss, instability & the "palestine" 'Hitler youth' like rioters?


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Nov 6, 2023
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Harris loss, instability & the "palestine" 'Hitler youth' like rioters?

2024 elections, with a Kamala Harris' huge 1B dollar campaign, spreading all over. Unleashing millions of door knocking; all that star power, the Obamas, Clintons, some former Republicans; the WMD of 'abortion.'

And what?

The Dems. couldn't get the first female, and of color to be President?

Of course, it's the economy stupid. But it's linked/part of one concept: stability.

Border insecurity and uncontrolled influx, is that toonis part of it.

Here's another chaotic scene that makes people nervous.

Well, with all her pandering to the Islamic-Arab [immigrants'] lobby, AKA "undocumented" big noise and threats. Maybe the average American, deep inside, is simply in fear of these rioters?

Their actions (swastika Palestine, physical attacks, hyperbolic language: Pallyweid) actually exposes the "Palestinian" cause for that it is at its core: bigotry.

(Not that most aren't aware which side is the cynical one, using its civilians).

And yes, unvetted immigrants and the "protestsers" are also not unrelated

Yup, America was too racist and misogynistic to save itself.

We will all live to regret it, except those who don't live.
Mexicans, Blacks, and Women voted for Trump.

Democrats after being humiliated and destroyed by the Trump victory are still living their lies. Nobody wants to be a part of the hate filled democrat cult.
Mexicans, Blacks, and Women voted for Trump.
Trump didn't carry any of those groups.

Democrats after being humiliated and destroyed by the Trump victory are still living their lies. Nobody wants to be a part of the hate filled democrat cult.

Except for half the country.

Now, here's the thing. This will probably be one of the lowest participation elections in recent history, if the numbers hold up. It's not so much Americans wanted Fascism, it was that they just didn't care.
Yup, America was too racist and misogynistic to save itself.

We will all live to regret it, except those who don't live.
She wasn’t strong enough a candidate; she was too radical, and could not articulate a vision. Please stop the “America is racist and misogynistic” bullshit. We elected a Black President to two terms and a woman damn near won in 2016 by winning the popular vote.
Trump didn't carry any of those groups.

Except for half the country.

Now, here's the thing. This will probably be one of the lowest participation elections in recent history, if the numbers hold up. It's not so much Americans wanted Fascism, it was that they just didn't care
So much denial, and so early in the game. We won't have real numbers until honest Republicans audit the results.

Either way, the vast majority support Trump.
Yup, America was too racist and misogynistic to save itself.

We will all live to regret it, except those who don't live.
Expecting an incompetent person to win because of her race and gender is what is truly racist and misogynistic.
She wasn’t strong enough a candidate; she was too radical, and could not articulate a vision. Please stop the “America is racist and misogynistic” bullshit. We elected a Black President to two terms and a woman damn near won in 2016 by winning the popular vote.

You didn't elect a black man to two terms. You probably fought tooth and nail against him.

The fact is, you didn't elect a black woman because you are too mired in your racism and misogyny.
You didn't elect a black man to two terms. You probably fought tooth and nail against him.

The fact is, you didn't elect a black woman because you are too mired in your racism and misogyny.
We as a Nation elected a Black man to be President. I supported Herman Cain and Ben Carson while your side fought tooth and nail against them. Put Condoleeza Rice on the Ticket and I will support her above all. Keep your Uncle Tom ticket in your pocket to justify your own racism. It just doesn’t work.
We as a Nation elected a Black man to be President. I supported Herman Cain and Ben Carson while your side fought tooth and nail against them. Put Condoleeza Rice on the Ticket and I will support her above all. Keep your Uncle Tom ticket in your pocket to justify your own racism. It just doesn’t work.

Nobody had to fight against Cain and Carson, they were just the "crazy black guy who wanders onto the GOP stage so they can claim they aren't racist."

Shit, why not include Alan Keyes on that list.

God, I remember when the GOP made that guy our Senate Candidate after Judy Barr Topinka sandbagged Mr. Seven of Nine.
Nobody had to fight against Cain and Carson, they were just the "crazy black guy who wanders onto the GOP stage so they can claim they aren't racist."

Shit, why not include Alan Keyes on that list.

God, I remember when the GOP made that guy our Senate Candidate after Judy Barr Topinka sandbagged Mr. Seven of Nine.
If you vote for any Black and/or a Woman, how could that be racist? As for being a misogynist, can you define what a woman is?
Now, here's the thing. This will probably be one of the lowest participation elections in recent history, if the numbers hold up. It's not so much Americans wanted Fascism, it was that they just didn't care.
With the word fascism being thrown around Americans decided to educate themselves as to what fascism really is. They liked what they read and voted for Trump. The future is fascist.
Trump didn't carry any of those groups.

Except for half the country.

Now, here's the thing. This will probably be one of the lowest participation elections in recent history, if the numbers hold up. It's not so much Americans wanted Fascism, it was that they just didn't care.
Trump got over 71 million votes, dude. I can't help that kam was such a lousy candidate that her numbers lagged as bad as they did. :smoke:
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Yup, America was too racist and misogynistic to save itself.

We will all live to regret it, except those who don't live.
The people of love and kindness that ruled were inept, incompetent, and stupid. Except when it came to call those who they hated Deplorables, Dregs and Garbage. Leadership is not a Kamala trait. We are supposed to vote for her because she checks off the Progressive produced boxes and not on her abilities. Trump had agendas and was tireless in his many rallies. Trump is near20 years older and had more vitality and she was the senior citizen in the campaign.
You didn't elect a black man to two terms. You probably fought tooth and nail against him.

The fact is, you didn't elect a black woman because you are too mired in your racism and misogyny.
she's not black-----persons of the Indian subcontinent are defined as Caucasian by the people who invented RACE in Homo sapiens. Daddy
was "mixed breed"
JoeB131 said:
Yup, America was too racist and misogynistic to save itself.

We will all live to regret it, except those who don't live.
But you support the real pro Hitler racists "Palestinian" regimes.
chrome_screenshot_Nov 6, 2024 8_19_40 PM CST.webp
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If you vote for any Black and/or a Woman, how could that be racist? As for being a misogynist, can you define what a woman is?

Except you guys didn't make Cain or Carson your nominee. You went with the Weird Mormon Robot and Trump. So, um, yeah, you guys are still racist.

And you guys really need to stop obsessing over Trans women.
But you support the real pro Hitler racists "Palestinian" regimes.

One guy went to visit Hitler.

Thousands of Palestinians fought for the Commonwealth... and were promptly screwed by the British for their trouble.

Here's one of the ugly truths of WWII. The British Empire was saved by the Brown people they subjugated all over the world. And Churchill still try to screw them by denying them independence.
One guy went to visit Hitler.

Thousands of Palestinians fought for the Commonwealth... and were promptly screwed by the British for their trouble.

Here's one of the ugly truths of WWII. The British Empire was saved by the Brown people they subjugated all over the world. And Churchill still try to screw them by denying them independence.
Not true. An old cop out reply by Arabists The "thousands" were many from outside Palestine and most deserted after getting the weapons. And it was Jews who paid monet, so that the 9,000 Arabs [a tiny feaction of its population] get enlisted.

Palestinian Arab "Volunteers" in the British Army in WWII: A Reality Check
By Col (Res.) Dr. Raphael G. Bouchnik-ChenDecember 9, 2019


In his books - "Closed Case" and "The Hidden Side of Nazism and the Holocaust" - he claims that about 9,000 Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs did enlist to the British Army during the war (in comparison with about 27,000 Jews). But, from the moment it became evident the Germans may pass through Egypt and reach Palestine in spring 1942, Palestinian Arabs switched sides.
About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate.
These are facts...


Nakba was result of Palestinians backing Nazis during WWII

It was many more zionist Jews who fought to the end.
The Arabs were admiring Hitler already since the early 1930s.

This is an example from 1934:

The Palestine Post,⁩ 16 July 1934

"Hitler whom the Arabs admire very much."

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