Harris / Trump Election Polls

If you want to take half an hour, I assure you - you will subsequently know far more about how polls work - and understand what is happening with this election far more than virtually anyone else.

Attention deficit disordered Leftist partisans need not apply.

There aren’t going to be any bread lines

Glad we agree she's not winning.

OMG: You're gonna be so embarrassed :)

See, the thing about people like you is you simply say you're rooting for whoever you THINK is going to win.

It's not like you've ever had an original thought or instinct.

You're the ultimate conformist.

The ultimate pack animal.

We can smell it a mile away.

In a sense, it's even worse than being a true Leftist.

Having no beliefs whatsoever.

But here's the problem:

Ya thought wrong.

Trump wins.

Not just the electoral college.

The popular vote.

And it's fucking OBVIOUS.

Like SO obvious.

Ya best get right with the political gods, son.

Cuz we ain't gonna forget this pathetic display of pasting crap polls with no in depth analysis whatsoever.

Ya heard it here first. ;)
I don't think it.

I know it.

All the signs are there.

Coalescing, moreso than ever.

Not to surface level mindless NPCs like you. (Of course.)

But let me just say this, maybe sort out your own peeps before worrying about my opinion on anything:

Democrats privately worry the Teamsters non-endorsement is a warning sign​

You have a few prayers.

Arabs. But I think they’ll sit it out. Not vote for trump.

Kamala will win the teamsters back. The individual teamsters still vote who they’re going to vote for. They didn’t endorse trump and even if they did how many minds will that change?

You either believe trump is a threat to democracy or you don’t.

Bill maher was on last night. He said, polls will be 50% 50% the night before, but it’s over. We’re sick of trump. He’s been exposed. Rambling obvious lies. It’s done.

I’m still nervous though.
Glad we agree she's not winning.

OMG: You're gonna be so embarrassed :)

See, the thing about people like you is you simply say you're rooting for whoever you THINK is going to win.

It's not like you've ever had an original thought or instinct.

You're the ultimate conformist.

The ultimate pack animal.

We can smell it a mile away.

In a sense, it's even worse than being a true Leftist.

Having no beliefs whatsoever.

But here's the problem:

Ya thought wrong.

Trump wins.

Not just the electoral college.

The popular vote.

And it's fucking OBVIOUS.

Like SO obvious.

Ya best get right with the political gods, son.

Cuz we ain't gonna forget this pathetic display of pasting crap polls with no in depth analysis whatsoever.

Ya heard it here first. ;)
Trump needs another fake assassin
You have a few prayers.

Arabs. But I think they’ll sit it out. Not vote for trump.

Kamala will win the teamsters back. The individual teamsters still vote who they’re going to vote for. They didn’t endorse trump and even if they did how many minds will that change?

You either believe trump is a threat to democracy or you don’t.

Bill maher was on last night. He said, polls will be 50% 50% the night before, but it’s over. We’re sick of trump. He’s been exposed. Rambling obvious lies. It’s done.

I’m still nervous though.

Think on this. If Harris is leading why does she want another debate? She's not good at it. This only works if she needs a hail Mary.

Reason: she's not leading. Her internal polls are bad enough to at least make her nervous. So it's this--take the chance--or lose.

Add to that, walked through the neighborhood today and saw not a single Harris sign. I usually see a mix, but leaning R. But not one. I don't remember that happening ever.
Think on this. If Harris is leading why does she want another debate? She's not good at it. This only works if she needs a hail Mary.

Reason: she's not leading. Her internal polls are bad enough to at least make her nervous. So it's this--take the chance--or lose.

Add to that, walked through the neighborhood today and saw not a single Harris sign. I usually see a mix, but leaning R. But not one. I don't remember that happening ever.
You and another poster here who insists things are going well for your side only prove you live in an alternate reality.

Everyone know even Fox News and RFK Jr that Kamala crushed trump. Wake up
I know tweeting I HATE TAYLOR swift was a dumb thing to do. And bragging about overturning roe

It was dumb. He does dumb things. Kamala has terrible policies, she lying about them, and she cackles like a fiend. I'm a grown up, so you don't see me all over the boards obsessing about her cackles.

Idk it just seems American men have lost a lot when you all are obsessing about someone's "behavior". It's very feminine actually. But you're not alone; it's cultural.
It was dumb. He does dumb things. Kamala has terrible policies, she lying about them, and she cackles like a fiend. I'm a grown up, so you don't see me all over the boards obsessing about her cackles.

Idk it just seems American men have lost a lot when you all are obsessing about someone's "behavior". It's very feminine actually. But you're not alone; it's cultural.
A. You’re just repeating Republican talking points bout her lying.
B pot meet kettle
C. Talking about her laugh is so misogynistic yet you’re doing it. Like trump did to carli fiorino. “Look at that face. Who’d vote for that?” Bird brain Nikki. You’re a subservient woman no question. Or all that matters to you is abortion.
D. You’re like that black Nazi Republican.
E. Funny you want us to ignore or forgive bad behavior.
F. Weird
Trump needs another fake assassin

How does it feel to be the very partisan nutjob conspiracy theorist freak you project on the other side?

And to definitively hate yourself?

Was the Russiagate real?

Was the Hunter laptop real?

Keep watching ABC/CBS/CNN/NBC and reading NYT/WAPO.

In 6 weeks you'll be reminded that you were completely, utterly, fucking wrong.

Cuz yer an idiot.

A gullible, misinformed tool - who THINKS he knows what he's talking about but doesn't have a remote clue.

I'm done with you ignorant fuckers.

Wow, that's way worse than the lead they gave Biden at this time in 2020.

And that was a 5 point overestimation back then.

But I am sure you've already considered that and have a comprehensive rebuttal, given the fact you're an expert and not just some internet dumbass randomly pasting polls that confirm his pre-conceived notions without looking at any context whatsoever.

Amirite? ;)
Political pollster Matt Towery suggested that former President Donald Trump is running “way ahead” of where he was during the 2020 election cycle.

During an interview with Fox News's Laura Ingraham, Towery predicted that with the month and a half left until the November election, left-wing media would claim Vice President Kamala Harris is gaining speed in the national polls and various battleground states.

They're going to say that she's going to win and Trump will lose. It makes no sense.People have to understand. Trump is running way ahead of where he has in the last two cycles that he ran in the national average.

But people don't understand Mr. Towery.

Because people are emotional gullible fools.

Oh, did I say "people"?

I meant Leftists.

Boy oh boy is this going to look like smart money oh so very soon.

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