Harris / Trump Election Polls



Just did a deep dive on this garbage Left wing propagandist would-be suppression "poll".

So much is wrong with it that it's difficult to decide where to even begin.

But here's as good a place as any:

It has Trump winning FL by ONLY 3 points.


Is anyone, in September 2024, dumb enough to believe that?

Oh, but it gets eminently worse.

The same poll, has PA - TIED.

So PA.....is ONLY 3 points to the left of fucking FL????

Where Desantis won by 20?!

Just like the last two Presidential elections, the polls are once again PURPOSELY underestimating Trump.

And just like the first two times, it ain't gonna fuckin work.

I remember in 2020 Quinnipiac - the DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION - had Biden winning OH by 11.

The next day?


Wake the fuck up Leftist losers.

No one's falling for this pathetic shit anymore except you.

So keep banging your heads against the wall for 6 more weeks with your useless communist word salad spoutin' candidate.


MAGA's got an election to win.

And we're going to do just that.

Just did a deep dive on this garbage Left wing propagandist would-be suppression "poll".

So much is wrong with it that it's difficult to decide where to even begin.

But here's as good a place as any:

It has Trump winning FL by ONLY 3 points.


Is anyone, in September 2024, dumb enough to believe that?

Oh, but it gets eminently worse.

The same poll, has PA - TIED.

So PA.....is ONLY 3 points to the left of fucking FL????

Where Desantis won by 20?!

Just like the last two Presidential elections, the polls are once again PURPOSELY underestimating Trump.

And just like the first two times, it ain't gonna fuckin work.

I remember in 2020 Quinnipiac - the DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION - had Biden winning OH by 11.

The next day?


Wake the fuck up Leftist losers.

No one's falling for this pathetic shit anymore except you.

So keep banging your heads against the wall for 6 more weeks with your useless communist word salad spoutin' candidate.


MAGA's got an election to win.

And we're going to do just that.

Hey Dont Taz Me Bro - please tell us all about what "Vote Hub" is and walk us through the cross tabs.

And also explain why you appear to be optimistic about polls that show your present candidate performing far worse than the last two.

After all, you're clearly a knowledgeable individual when it comes to polls - right?

Can't wait to have a nuanced discussion with you.

This will be just great.

Spoiler Alert: Leftist Kamala pussy is losing and he knows it.

Remember when fools like DontTazMe used to claim we were "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" for even daring to suggest that Biden would drop out of the race?

But now we're supposed to take them and their garbage bunk sources seriously?

Me too. ;)

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