Harris-Walz Adviser: Harris ‘Was Joking’ About Shooting an Intruder

An advisor don't mean ####. Harris needs to come out and say it. It's her gaffe own up to it what she meant

It does not sound like a gaffe. What is wrong with defending yourself, when somebody breaks into your home? I liked the statement.
Stephanies Ruhle was on Real Time with Bill Mayer, Friday. In the "Overtime" segment an audience submitter ask if she supports the Vice President's statement. She replied, she is not a gun person and but shooting an intruder would be her husband's job. I have no problem with that either, if a woman is married. At my home, it would be my job, as my wife is not into weapons, training or shooting either. When I helped found the neighborhood watch, I influence the single female heads of household, to purchase shotguns and several did. Sometimes, you must be ready and equipped to take your security into your own hands, male or female.
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Kamala has guards fully armed with Assault Weapons protecting her and her property 24/7. The kind of weapons that she doesn't think the hoi polloi should be allowed near.

Of course she wouldn't shoot the intruders personally, but they'd still end up quite deceased.
It does not sound like a gaffe. What is wrong with defending yourself, when somebody breaks into your home?…
Absolutely nothing, until you seek to deny other folks the right and the capability to do the same.

She is from a stat (California) and part of an administration (Biden’s) which have repeatedly and continuously sought to make it more difficult for individuals to acquire, keep, and use firearms to defend themselves and their families.

Seems a little hypocritical (and inconsistent with her Party’s values) to me.
Absolutely nothing, until you seek to deny other folks the right and the capability to do the same.

She is from a stat (California) and part of an administration (Biden’s) which have repeatedly and continuously sought to make it more difficult for individuals to acquire, keep, and use firearms to defend themselves and their families.

Seems a little hypocritical (and inconsistent with her Party’s values) to me.
A politician, hypocritical? I am shocked.
An advisor don't mean ####. Harris needs to come out and say it. It's her gaffe own up to it what she meant

She didn't mean she would personally shoot someone. Her staff would shoot someone.

Those she didn't fire for telling her to go f*ck herself.
I don't have a problem with her saying that, or that she & Walz are gun owners at the debate. Good, cause those comments are now public record. Though if the issue came up later if/when she would try more strict gun control measures I'm sure she would then try to wiggle out of it.

BUT I see her comments as more of pandering to gun owners for their votes, knowing full well we are a large voting group......but in reality, if there were an intruder she'd be hiding under the bed with or without her gun in hand and shaking so bad she probably would end up shooting herself in the foot, (read that into the first paragraph too) IF a shot was even fired.

She's too weak and 'fluffy' (lacking strength of character) to stand up against trouble.........and you can take that to include Presidential duties as well.
Absolutely nothing, until you seek to deny other folks the right and the capability to do the same.

She is from a stat (California) and part of an administration (Biden’s) which have repeatedly and continuously sought to make it more difficult for individuals to acquire, keep, and use firearms to defend themselves and their families.

Seems a little hypocritical (and inconsistent with her Party’s values) to me.
She is not seeking to deny anything but the right for some fool to go around shooting up people.
I don't have a problem with her saying that, or that she & Walz are gun owners at the debate. Good, cause those comments are now public record. Though if the issue came up later if/when she would try more strict gun control measures I'm sure she would then try to wiggle out of it.

BUT I see her comments as more of pandering to gun owners for their votes, knowing full well we are a large voting group......but in reality, if there were an intruder she'd be hiding under the bed with or without her gun in hand and shaking so bad she probably would end up shooting herself in the foot, (read that into the first paragraph too) IF a shot was even fired.

She's too weak and 'fluffy' (lacking strength of character) to stand up against trouble.........and you can take that to include Presidential duties as well.
She is stronger than Trump.

A woman can't be weak to be in the practice of law and accomplish what she has accomplished. Law has been a male chauvinist field since the start of this country. And she rose to the top. Unlike the 78 year old spoiled brat handed everything by his daddy that YOU think is tough.
She is not seeking to deny anything but the right for some fool to go around shooting up people.

Its already against the law for fools to go around shooting up people outside of self defense. But if some bozo comes up to me with a weapon and threatens to kill me if I don't give up my wallet or my booty, I'm going to defend myself.
She is stronger than Trump.

A woman can't be weak to be in the practice of law and accomplish what she has accomplished. Law has been a male chauvinist field since the start of this country. And she rose to the top. Unlike the 78 year old spoiled brat handed everything by his daddy that YOU think is tough.

You missed the point, as usual.

Nevermind domestic issues that everyone keeps fighting over but what about on the world stage?

Our enemies (Russia, China, Iran, Hezbolla, Hamas, Taliban and thousands of other terrorist groups that have already entered this country) are watching US and this election because whoever wins will be a representative of the mindset of the population. Those same countries and groups are well known for lack of respect toward women and don't take them seriously. And every one of those enemies have already threatened us with war and/or terrorist attacks much worse than 9/11 and on a grander scale.

Whether you like it or not, Trump has proven himself as a leader when it comes to our enemies and their threats. Hence the negotiations with the Taliban, North Korea and others that kept them from following thru on such threats and kept the peace.

And whether you like it or not, Harris hasn't shown the strength of leadership needed if any of those enemies did attack us or declare war on us. Nobody knows how she'd react in that situation because she hasn't really addressed those kinds of issues because she's too concerned about 'Orange Man Bad', just like the rest of the left. And that's a big part of her problem.....she doesn't really address the tough issues, both domestically and globally, in enough depth for anyone to truly support her. Can she be a solid figure as President to lead and represent this country and ALL of it's people thru thick and thin??? In peace as well as strife??? Nobody really knows and she's not filling in those blanks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not voting for Trump or Harris and for different reasons than you might expect. But when it comes to Harris, I don't see anything worth my vote. Heck, even Hillary has more strength and leadership skills to deal with enemies and I sure as hell didn't vote for her.
She is not seeking to deny anything but the right for some fool to go around shooting up people.
The state and Federal governments she’s been part of most definitely have sought to, and have denied individuals their God given right to use whatever means necessary to defend themselves.
The state and Federal governments she’s been part of most definitely have sought to, and have denied individuals their God given right to use whatever means necessary to defend themselves.

Tell that to every school age child who has been killed by gun violence. The number one cause of death for school age is is gun violence. Oh, no god given rights. That fuck story is myth.
Tell that to every school age child who has been killed by gun violence. The number one cause of death for school age is is gun violence. Oh, no god given rights. That fuck story is myth.
You know what would tell those kids… that’s what you get for having parents who sent you into an unsecured space. Blane your parents for their incompetence and lack of interest.

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