Has the Libertarian moment arrived with Rand Paul? NY Times

Out of the current crop of candidates from both parties, Rand has my vote so far.
I don't think Aqua Buddha is the savior you've been waiting for. He's a plagiarist and can't keep his lies straight.
I don't think Aqua Buddha is the savior you've been waiting for.

As if anyone cares what you think .. unlike you liberal moonbats, Conservatives dont want a messiah .. we simply want a standard bearer to represent we the people.. WHO ANSWERS TO WE THE PEOPLE, unlike your THUG messiah ..
What the US needs is real leadership on both the domestic front and the foreign policy front. Rand Paul would be more like Obama on the foreign policy front. That would be very bad right now.

On the domestic front, I am not sure he would able to get the US to be business friendly again.

The sad part is so far he smokes any candidate that either party could put up at this moment.

I don't agree with everything Rand stands for.. BUT.. No one agrees 100% of the time unless they're lockstep Zombie libs.. I could support a Paul ticket.. I read an article that stated Rand Paul is the number one target of liberals now.. :) He must be doing something right!

Not that I noticed. Still too busy witnessing the bowel movement that is the current government.

I don't agree with everything Rand stands for.. BUT.. No one agrees 100% of the time unless they're lockstep Zombie libs.. I could support a Paul ticket.. I read an article that stated Rand Paul is the number one target of liberals now.. :) He must be doing something right!

I know libertarians and Rand Paul is a far cry from a libertarian, just like you are a far cry from an conservative. You are a Neocon but you just can't see it.
Rand Paul, I like...but he flip flops too much and is an enemy of Israel. Just for the fact that he wouldn't support Israel is the reason I cannot support him.

I don't agree with everything Rand stands for.. BUT.. No one agrees 100% of the time unless they're lockstep Zombie libs.. I could support a Paul ticket.. I read an article that stated Rand Paul is the number one target of liberals now.. :) He must be doing something right!

I know libertarians and Rand Paul is a far cry from a libertarian, just like you are a far cry from an conservative. You are a Neocon but you just can't see it.

Hey you dumbazz Nazi sympathizer... I'm FAR removed from a neocon.. IDIOT.. Bring up ANY posts that support that fucking lie..
Rand Paul, I like...but he flip flops too much and is an enemy of Israel. Just for the fact that he wouldn't support Israel is the reason I cannot support him.

Nutz, he doesn't support Israel??
As long as he doesn't make a lot of mistakes on the campaign trail, Rand Paul is going to be a formidable candidate. I'd vote for him.
I like a lot of things about libertarianism except libertarians themselves. No way am I going to sit with those assholes no matter what they say they believe.
I like a lot of things about libertarianism except libertarians themselves. No way am I going to sit with those assholes no matter what they say they believe.

That's good for us.. We are repulsed by street shitters.. Stay left.
Rand Paul, I like...but he flip flops too much and is an enemy of Israel. Just for the fact that he wouldn't support Israel is the reason I cannot support him.

Nutz, he doesn't support Israel??

Check out his flip flopping. He doesn't support them, then he does, then he doesn't. He wanted to cut off all aid to Israel!

Rand Paul is a cool cat, but he has flip flopped way too much AND if you pay attention, you can see how he has abandoned his original platform to move closer to the center. We don't need any more liars in the White House.

You can choose your own source.
I like a lot of things about libertarianism except libertarians themselves. No way am I going to sit with those assholes no matter what they say they believe.

That's good for us.. We are repulsed by street shitters.. Stay left.

Yes, just like that, it's why libertarianism will never become mainstream or attractive to voters, supporters are apparently allergic to civility.

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