Has the Libertarian moment arrived with Rand Paul? NY Times

Sooner or later the GOP will nominate so done who doesn't come off as entirely full of shit.

I realize that the typical USMB nutter doesn't think very highly of his fellow Americans. But the fact is that most people can tell when the the person asking for their vote is pandering, grandstanding or flat out lying.

Therefore, Rand Paul won't become POTUS.

Leave your boy king out of this.

You can't help it. You start a thread about Paul....and can't help but bring it around to Obama. Why is that?

Actually you did.. Your boy is a serial liar.. I didn't realize you made thread rules???? . Does that go for all of you Booooooooshhhhhhhhhh creepers too?
Those who have the pulse of the nation as a whole and aren't lockstep wingnuts that call anyone they disagree with a RINO.

Who are those?? Link it.. For any IDIOT who thinks the Bush Dynasty is the only answer, here's a get a free lobotomy coupon.. use it.

Link? I think I made my OPINION perfectly clear. It's not my problem that you can't handle it.

You mean the far left opinion that you believe without question or hesitation. It is not really your opinion.
Who are those?? Link it.. For any IDIOT who thinks the Bush Dynasty is the only answer, here's a get a free lobotomy coupon.. use it.

Link? I think I made my OPINION perfectly clear. It's not my problem that you can't handle it.

You mean the far left opinion that you believe without question or hesitation. It is not really your opinion.

Look who's talking!!! You've proven yourself to be no more than a parrot for the most scurrilous elements of the right.
Link? I think I made my OPINION perfectly clear. It's not my problem that you can't handle it.

You mean the far left opinion that you believe without question or hesitation. It is not really your opinion.

Look who's talking!!! You've proven yourself to be no more than a parrot for the most scurrilous elements of the right.

Nothing more than a parrot lemming. :lol: Truly pathetic. She doesn't have an original thought in her head.
Link? I think I made my OPINION perfectly clear. It's not my problem that you can't handle it.

You mean the far left opinion that you believe without question or hesitation. It is not really your opinion.

Look who's talking!!! You've proven yourself to be no more than a parrot for the most scurrilous elements of the right.

Of course anything that is not far left is automatically right wing, but that puts me in the majority of the 95%.
You mean the far left opinion that you believe without question or hesitation. It is not really your opinion.

Look who's talking!!! You've proven yourself to be no more than a parrot for the most scurrilous elements of the right.

Nothing more than a parrot lemming. :lol: Truly pathetic. She doesn't have an original thought in her head.

Oh look another ironic post from a far left Obama drone!
Look who's talking!!! You've proven yourself to be no more than a parrot for the most scurrilous elements of the right.

Nothing more than a parrot lemming. :lol: Truly pathetic. She doesn't have an original thought in her head.

Oh look another ironic post from a far left Obama drone!

Like I said, suck some more grand wizard cock...he might share some better zingers with you.

:lol: Pathetic teaper.
Nothing more than a parrot lemming. :lol: Truly pathetic. She doesn't have an original thought in her head.

Oh look another ironic post from a far left Obama drone!

Like I said, suck some more grand wizard cock...he might share some better zingers with you.

:lol: Pathetic teaper.

And the racist far left Obama drone typical posting style comes out, but who would not have guessed that one coming.
Like I said, suck some more grand wizard cock...he might share some better zingers with you.

:lol: Pathetic teaper.

And the racist far left Obama drone typical posting style comes out, but who would not have guessed that one coming.

:lol: And you originality stuns me...teaper lemming!

And yet another post from the racist far left Obama drone...
From the OP's linked article:

[T]he relationship between the libertarian movement and the Republican Party is a fraught one, to say the least. The G.O.P.'s traditional “three-legged stool” is propped up by not only libertarian advocates of free markets but also by hawks, who believe in a well-financed and forward-leaning military, and by social conservatives, who believe that the government should play a role in preserving family values. Neither of the other legs feels supported by libertarians, and with cause. It’s hard to know whether Republicans in one or both of these other camps can ever make peace with a movement that they have spent a generation deriding. In a 1997 Weekly Standard article titled “The Libertarian Temptation,” David Frum belittled its followers as feckless hedonists who “claim that snorting cocaine is some sort of fundamental human right.” When I recently asked Frum if his feelings toward libertarianism had mellowed, he assured me that they had not.

“It’s a completely closed and airless ideological system that doesn’t respond well to reality,” he said. “Libertarians are like Marxists in that they have prophets like von Mises and Hayek, and they quote from their holy scripture, and they don’t have to engage.”


'Libertarianism' will always be a naïve and reactionary dogma, with its adherents seeking to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.
From the OP's linked article:

[T]he relationship between the libertarian movement and the Republican Party is a fraught one, to say the least. The G.O.P.'s traditional “three-legged stool” is propped up by not only libertarian advocates of free markets but also by hawks, who believe in a well-financed and forward-leaning military, and by social conservatives, who believe that the government should play a role in preserving family values. Neither of the other legs feels supported by libertarians, and with cause. It’s hard to know whether Republicans in one or both of these other camps can ever make peace with a movement that they have spent a generation deriding. In a 1997 Weekly Standard article titled “The Libertarian Temptation,” David Frum belittled its followers as feckless hedonists who “claim that snorting cocaine is some sort of fundamental human right.” When I recently asked Frum if his feelings toward libertarianism had mellowed, he assured me that they had not.

“It’s a completely closed and airless ideological system that doesn’t respond well to reality,” he said. “Libertarians are like Marxists in that they have prophets like von Mises and Hayek, and they quote from their holy scripture, and they don’t have to engage.”


'Libertarianism' will always be a naïve and reactionary dogma, with its adherents seeking to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

That should read far leftism..
From the OP's linked article:

[T]he relationship between the libertarian movement and the Republican Party is a fraught one, to say the least. The G.O.P.'s traditional “three-legged stool” is propped up by not only libertarian advocates of free markets but also by hawks, who believe in a well-financed and forward-leaning military, and by social conservatives, who believe that the government should play a role in preserving family values. Neither of the other legs feels supported by libertarians, and with cause. It’s hard to know whether Republicans in one or both of these other camps can ever make peace with a movement that they have spent a generation deriding. In a 1997 Weekly Standard article titled “The Libertarian Temptation,” David Frum belittled its followers as feckless hedonists who “claim that snorting cocaine is some sort of fundamental human right.” When I recently asked Frum if his feelings toward libertarianism had mellowed, he assured me that they had not.

“It’s a completely closed and airless ideological system that doesn’t respond well to reality,” he said. “Libertarians are like Marxists in that they have prophets like von Mises and Hayek, and they quote from their holy scripture, and they don’t have to engage.”


'Libertarianism' will always be a naïve and reactionary dogma, with its adherents seeking to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

It attracts reactionary hard-liners. Such are never friendly to personal liberty when holding power. I do not believe a word of their stated belief system.
I like a lot of things about libertarianism except libertarians themselves. No way am I going to sit with those assholes no matter what they say they believe.

I have some libertarian leanings myself, but I have to agree with you about how a lot of libertarians comes off. They have a different level of offensiveness than liberals and their craziness leads to different policy disasters but what both share is a delusion where their idealism never really intersects with the real world.

As for Paul, he's probably one of the brightest lights in the up and coming Republican back field. No matter his beliefs he'd be too constrained by the reality on the ground to implement them.

My worry would be that that crazy libertarians policies would come to life while the sensible ones would die a quick death. That would be a nightmare for me.

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