Zone1 Hello from Acadiana

Here's my bet. You don't know what Communism is.

Why? Because every so often, when Trump barks "Communist, Communist" at Biden or Kamala or whoever, we ask Trump supporters what Communism is. And the replies are usually so ignorant, so bad, so fucking stupid, and usually lacking in any substance whatsoever.

The last one, the only "evidence" Kamala is Communist was that she wants anti-price gouging legislation. So that, apparently, makes her a Communist. Even though many right wing states have, recently, had anti-price gouging legislation.

If you ask for a definition, it's usually "whatever I didn't like about the USSR" and usually they know nothing about the USSR.
very true!


I'm on a quest to help put Trump back in office. Why? Because he's the only man that can be our savior from full future communism that's inevitable if Harris is elected. It's a must that Trump get elected. Our future depends on it.

blah blah blah.gif

Other than that, I'm a hunter and avid fisherman who's retired. I have two grandkids I adore so I want them to have a prosperous future


and an intact Constitution.

hillary giggle.gif

Oh well, see you around the forums.

don't forget to stop by the reception desk to pick up yer complimentary hazmat suit!
Welcome and well said. Like you I am retired and set. It isn't about our generation it is about the next generations having the same great country this has been and can be again. That only happens by cleaning out the Democrat rot that is infecting the country.
There are hardly any Communists in the United States, and virtually no Stalinists.
Hello 👋

I'm on a quest to help put Trump back in office. Why? Because he's the only man that can be our savior from full future communism that's inevitable if Harris is elected. It's a must that Trump get elected. Our future depends on it. Other than that, I'm a hunter and avid fisherman who's retired. I have two grandkids I adore so I want them to have a prosperous future and an intact Constitution. Oh well, see you around the forums.
Don't kid yourself ..if they can't cheat big enough even if he gets in he'll be just another 4 year speed bump...

I'll get positive if I see public executions an mass the least

Till then ....jus be ready. Cause no one is coming to save us

Why us ...cause we're here now dats why
Get right with the Lord


Hello 👋

I'm on a quest to help put Trump back in office. Why? Because he's the only man that can be our savior from full future communism that's inevitable if Harris is elected. It's a must that Trump get elected. Our future depends on it. Other than that, I'm a hunter and avid fisherman who's retired. I have two grandkids I adore so I want them to have a prosperous future and an intact Constitution. Oh well, see you around the forums.
Was “MAGA” Macho Man the only previous handle you had?
Hello 👋

I'm on a quest to help put Trump back in office. Why? Because he's the only man that can be our savior from full future communism that's inevitable if Harris is elected. It's a must that Trump get elected. Our future depends on it. Other than that, I'm a hunter and avid fisherman who's retired. I have two grandkids I adore so I want them to have a prosperous future and an intact Constitution. Oh well, see you around the forums.
Communism is not a possibility in the United States. Democratic socialism might be.

Trump is a poor defender of the United States Constitution. During the 2016 Republican primary campaign an aide tried to explain the Constitution to Trump. When he was halfway through he realized that Trump was responding with indifference and incomprehension.

After Trump was elected president, he was asked to read a section of the Constitution. He had difficulty, and complained that it was like "a foreign language."

Communism is not a possibility in the United States. Democratic socialism might be.

Trump is a poor defender of the United States Constitution. During the 2016 Republican primary campaign an aide tried to explain the Constitution to Trump. When he was halfway through he realized that Trump was responding with indifference and incomprehension.

After Trump was elected president, he was asked to read a section of the Constitution. He had difficulty, and complained that it was like "a foreign language."

The words of the Constitution is a term of art.
Hello 👋

I'm on a quest to help put Trump back in office. Why? Because he's the only man that can be our savior from full future communism that's inevitable if Harris is elected. It's a must that Trump get elected. Our future depends on it. Other than that, I'm a hunter and avid fisherman who's retired. I have two grandkids I adore so I want them to have a prosperous future and an intact Constitution. Oh well, see you around the forums.
Welcome to USMB, TIOS. Trump is a good gentleman who was a great president in the past, and I hope that with Christ, our Lord's help, he can bring America to serve all good restoration of being the world's beacon of peace, hope, and prosperity around thist beautiful planet given us by the creator of joy, peace, and brotherly and sisterly love. Prayers up!
Welcome to USMB, TIOS. Trump is a good gentleman who was a great president in the past, and I hope that with Christ, our Lord's help, he can bring America to serve all good restoration of being the world's beacon of peace, hope, and prosperity around thist beautiful planet given us by the creator of joy, peace, and brotherly and sisterly love. Prayers up!
If Jesus Christ chose our next president, he would have made a better choice than a foul mouthed, dishonest, adulterous pagan like Donald Trump.

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