Here's the Most Offensive GOP Response to Obama's New Syrian Refugee Plan

He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

Vietnamese beheaded Christians and Jews? Vietnamese threated America that they would be sending hundreds of TERRORISTS to America to cause death and destruction.... Vietnamese DIDN'T BRING THEIR FAMILIES.... Your a fucking shithead, and I hope you are the first to feel the steel of a muslims knife!

Many of the male refugees plan to bring their families in at some point, and the 90% number? Cite it.

What kind of man leave family behind in war thorn zones?
I've seen refugees from former Yugoslavia and Iraq and seems they all came as families.

:Lets put it this way... Would you leave your kids behind?
Because they can't safely bring their families? Don't have the resources to take them all?
Bullshit you lying bastard!
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
No shit, Sherlock.

Best not to take any in, at all.

That way, there's ZERO chance that Americans will be harmed by Militant Islamist trailer-trash.

Phukk 'em.

Let 'em rot.
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

Vietnamese beheaded Christians and Jews? Vietnamese threated America that they would be sending hundreds of TERRORISTS to America to cause death and destruction.... Vietnamese DIDN'T BRING THEIR FAMILIES.... Your a fucking shithead, and I hope you are the first to feel the steel of a muslims knife!

Many of the male refugees plan to bring their families in at some point, and the 90% number? Cite it.

What kind of man leave family behind in war thorn zones?
I've seen refugees from former Yugoslavia and Iraq and seems they all came as families.

:Lets put it this way... Would you leave your kids behind?
Because they can't safely bring their families? Don't have the resources to take them all?
So you think their families are better off in a war zone crawling with ISIS fighters than here???

Or do you think it's OK for them to just abandon their families like that???

Are you on crack or something???
That King is lying scum comes as no surprise.

And whom exactly is he trying to 'frighten' – a majority of the American people are intelligent enough to know King's is a hateful, reprehensible lie, and those too stupid to not realize it's a lie vote republican anyway.
What kind of man leave family behind in war thorn zones?
I've seen refugees from former Yugoslavia and Iraq and seems they all came as families.

:Lets put it this way... Would you leave your kids behind?
Because they can't safely bring their families? Don't have the resources to take them all?


Resources? Initially, it cost them literally nothing out of pocket to get here. All expenses for who gets thru screening process and get accepted are paid by us, taxpayers, then later they pay it back.
These are fighting men, why aren't they fighting ISIS?

90% of muslim men are fucking cowards... we saw it in Iraq, when they greatly outnumbered ISIS in a fire fight, and the fucking Iraq army dropped their weapons, left tanks, jeeps, and trucks behind, along with heavier weapons that ISIS swept up.... Fuck them, let them kill each other and after all is done, we kill the remainder!
That King is lying scum comes as no surprise.

And whom exactly is he trying to 'frighten' – a majority of the American people are intelligent enough to know King's is a hateful, reprehensible lie, and those too stupid to not realize it's a lie vote republican anyway.

So now we know you're a black muslim shyster... can you get anymore fucked up then you already are? You're AA law degree can be used in Venezuela as TOILET PAPER, the socialist down there ran out!
These are fighting men, why aren't they fighting ISIS?

They are fighting-age men coming out of a war zone, where there's no way to check them out...

That's a good way for ISIS to sneak trained fighters into the US...
Obama's enabling of this refugee crisis in the first place is Far More Offensive than anything anyone else could possibly do, with the exception of ISIS' beheadings and rapes.
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

Vietnamese beheaded Christians and Jews? Vietnamese threated America that they would be sending hundreds of TERRORISTS to America to cause death and destruction.... Vietnamese DIDN'T BRING THEIR FAMILIES.... Your a fucking shithead, and I hope you are the first to feel the steel of a muslims knife!

Many of the male refugees plan to bring their families in at some point, and the 90% number? Cite it.
I cited mine, where the fuck is yours?
Obama's enabling of this refugee crisis in the first place is Far More Offensive than anything anyone else could possibly do, with the exception of ISIS' beheadings and rapes.
And all the time the ILLEGAL LATIN AMERICAN & MEXICAN ALIENS are flowing in here with NO ONE even looking to see what the fuck is going on with the ones that KILL 25 Americans each day in the OBOMALAND OF PERVERSION!
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????
All of them are not. There
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

All the Muslim countries are not rejecting them. There are over four million Syrian refugees living in Muslim countries.

Hey here is an idea...

Lets use the U.S.A military to destroy those little cockroach's once and for all...

End it, like we ended WWII
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????
All of them are not. There
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

All the Muslim countries are not rejecting them. There are over four million Syrian refugees living in Muslim countries.

Hey here is an idea...

Lets use the U.S.A military to destroy those little cockroach's once and for all...

End it, like we ended WWII
Or throw them back into the fight defending their families...

If they end up with ISIS and get bombed, their bad!!!!
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

The Vietnamese situation was in no way comparable to the Syrian situation. We aren't just talking about "bad people." We're talking terrorists who want to kill us. Even the ones who aren't terrorists would vote to impose Sharia if ever given the chance. We've already seen what happens in countries like Britain and France once the population of Muslims grows beyond a certain point. They start making demands that no rational Westerner wants to concede to.
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

Vietnamese beheaded Christians and Jews? Vietnamese threated America that they would be sending hundreds of TERRORISTS to America to cause death and destruction.... Vietnamese DIDN'T BRING THEIR FAMILIES.... Your a fucking shithead, and I hope you are the first to feel the steel of a muslims knife!

Many of the male refugees plan to bring their families in at some point, and the 90% number? Cite it.

If it's safe to leave their families behind, then why can't they stay behind? I don't see the logic in that argument.

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