Here's the Most Offensive GOP Response to Obama's New Syrian Refugee Plan

He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

Vietnamese beheaded Christians and Jews? Vietnamese threated America that they would be sending hundreds of TERRORISTS to America to cause death and destruction.... Vietnamese DIDN'T BRING THEIR FAMILIES.... Your a fucking shithead, and I hope you are the first to feel the steel of a muslims knife!

Many of the male refugees plan to bring their families in at some point, and the 90% number? Cite it.

What kind of man leave family behind in war thorn zones?
I've seen refugees from former Yugoslavia and Iraq and seems they all came as families.

:Lets put it this way... Would you leave your kids behind?
Because they can't safely bring their families? Don't have the resources to take them all?

If it's safe enough in Syria to leave their families there, then it's safe enough for them.
What are you planning on doing with all of them if you bring them here? Where are you going to house them? How are you planning on feeding them? How will you get them jobs? How will you educate the children whom few if any will speak english? And yes how will you screen them to if not stop at least cut down the odds of radical jihadist slipping in with them? Yes this is a sad and tragic situation but there also important questions to asked and answered before jumping into this without thinking.
What are you planning on doing with all of them if you bring them here? Where are you going to house them? How are you planning on feeding them? How will you get them jobs? How will you educate the children whom few if any will speak english? And yes how will you screen them to if not stop at least cut down the odds of radical jihadist slipping in with them? Yes this is a sad and tragic situation but there also important questions to asked and answered before jumping into this without thinking.

Most of the refugees are men. Radical Islam (cf. ISIS) is a movement consisting of medieval, barbaric men. Considering the riots at check points in the EU, the highest probability scenario is that the refugees are herds of sheep in which the ISIS wolves are hiding.

It would be INSANE to allow such immigration to the U.S., hence, Obama will be right on it.
GOP fear mongering never stops..
Here's the most offensive GOP response to Obama's new Syrian refugee plan so far.
Rep. Peter King (L), and Syrian children at a makeshift camp for asylum seekers in southern Hungary, on Thursday. Wikimedia Commons/Muhammed Muheisen/AP
As my colleague Tim McDonnell reported earlier today, the Obama administrationhas announced that the United States will take in 10,000 Syrian refugees starting October 1, in what the White House described as a "significant scaling up" of the US commitment to the ongoing migrant crisis.

Cue the terrorism-conflating saber-rattling of one Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.), who issued the following statement this afternoon:
There's evidently much wrong with King's statement, not least of all the fact that the Tsarnaev brothers who bombed Boston spent time growing up in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, and were part of a family originally from war-torn Chechnya. Not Syria.

It also takes a long time for a Syrian refugee to apply for a coveted spot in the United States—precisely due to the fact that the United States is going to extraordinary lengths to prevent terrorists from slipping in, according to theWashington Post:

:crybaby: :laugh2:
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

we enforced immigration laws back then and actually screened immigrants before we let them in....Stick to things you understand, scooter..
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

The vietnam War was just crazy and stupid, what is ging on in the Middle east turn people into fanatics.

I know this is biased or even prejudice, but I don't even want Syrian Christians or Jews coming over here! To much f##ing insanity surrounding ISIS.
"but I don't even want Syrian Christians or Jews coming over here!
Right wing xenophobia at work. :alcoholic:

we should close ALL immigration for about a decade....AFTER we deport all the illegals first. :)
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????
All of them are not. There
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

All the Muslim countries are not rejecting them. There are over four million Syrian refugees living in Muslim countries.

Well, that's fine, then...we don't need to take ANY here...let them all go to muslim countries...

it isn't about "compassion" anyway just more racial revenge politics from obama to try to further destabilize america..
There are people just as desperate in 100 countries around the world, why aren't the goodie two shoes liberals allowing 10,000 of them in from each country too? I'm sure we can spare our tax dollars, welfare, housing, food, healthcare, education, free phones and internet. We'll just borrow the money we are already almost $19 trillion in debt no biggie. Free everything for everyone weeeee! /eyeroll
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

do vietnamese practice islam, beheading, sharia law, terrorism, suicide bombings of children, women? Or use their own women and children as suicide bombers or are waiting for their 12th? Imam to return? Or do they teach their kids jews are pigs and below humanity? Do they read a "holy book" that teaches all this sick evil twisted shit and more? Did they have a war mongering crazy pedo false prophet as well??
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If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

Yup. I agree.

I was at the Laundromat on Sat. and a man was in there doing his.

This man works out by FIT down here in Florida.

On 9-11 the police were blocking of the school so the Muslim community could celebrate UBL and his attack on America.

Talk about a kick in the teeth. Here are these Muslims enjoying the freedoms of our country and they were actually celebrating UBL and his attack on 9-11.

Of course there was nothing on the news about it and I'm sure it was going on in other Muslim communities across the nation.

Needless to say everyone in the Laundromat was pissed as hell and wondering why that moron in the White House would even consider letting ten thousand more Muslim into this country.

Mans an asshole and an idiot of epic proportions.
He does have a point that we do risk taking in isis and other bad people. Better be very careful.
Yes, and when we took in many Vietnamese immigrants in the past, there was the same fear of "bad people" coming in.

The vietnam War was just crazy and stupid, what is ging on in the Middle east turn people into fanatics.

I know this is biased or even prejudice, but I don't even want Syrian Christians or Jews coming over here! To much f##ing insanity surrounding ISIS.
"but I don't even want Syrian Christians or Jews coming over here!
Right wing xenophobia at work. :alcoholic:

we should close ALL immigration for about a decade....AFTER we deport all the illegals first. :)
Until every American who wants a job has a job paying a living wage.
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

Yup. I agree.

I was at the Laundromat on Sat. and a man was in there doing his.

This man works out by FIT down here in Florida.

On 9-11 the police were blocking of the school so the Muslim community could celebrate UBL and his attack on America.

Talk about a kick in the teeth. Here are these Muslims enjoying the freedoms of our country and they were actually celebrating UBL and his attack on 9-11.

Of course there was nothing on the news about it and I'm sure it was going on in other Muslim communities across the nation.

Needless to say everyone in the Laundromat was pissed as hell and wondering why that moron in the White House would even consider letting ten thousand more Muslim into this country.

Mans an asshole and an idiot of epic proportions.
This seems suspiciously like a big fat pants on fire lie. Just sayin'. Nobody has a cell phone video of this event for posting on youtube? No media anywhere will cover the story? It's all a big conspiracy to cover up all those Muslim's in America openly celebrating 9/11?
If it's such a great idea, why are all the Muslim countries rejecting them because of terrorism concerns????

Yup. I agree.

I was at the Laundromat on Sat. and a man was in there doing his.

This man works out by FIT down here in Florida.

On 9-11 the police were blocking of the school so the Muslim community could celebrate UBL and his attack on America.

Talk about a kick in the teeth. Here are these Muslims enjoying the freedoms of our country and they were actually celebrating UBL and his attack on 9-11.

Of course there was nothing on the news about it and I'm sure it was going on in other Muslim communities across the nation.

Needless to say everyone in the Laundromat was pissed as hell and wondering why that moron in the White House would even consider letting ten thousand more Muslim into this country.

Mans an asshole and an idiot of epic proportions.

All the people at that celebration should have their green cards yanked and then be deported.

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