Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

He's still what? And who cares but YOU?



Get over it and yourself.

Yes, he is HUMAN. A black human. Did I say he was an alien?

You also remain IGNORANT to the point. Dr. King had a word for the likes of you...

I belive it was ignorant...but I already stated it.

Enjoy your lonliness in your realm.



Look, there was no real conversation with you about this matter any way. I noticed right away when you brought in the "melanin" factor. Sleep well in your patchouli sheets.
I have no doubt you do. And you have done it well, but I do not agree with you....and I have yet to hear him rant and scream as you put it. Maybe you are listening to Michael Savage?? LOL I do NOT believe he is a Rush or Boortz puppet, as you are trying to say he is. I see what you are doing.
Marc, Cain may not have a chance, but as of this moment, he is the only one I would consider voting for in the Primary election.
I will not vote for Palin. I will not vote for Huckabee. Would consider Romney..but then again not excited over him. Newt? Bleh. I dunno.

Thing is, if any of your other posts here are any indication, you will definitely be voting for Obama. You are a big time Obama man, correct? So that sort of makes your assessment moot for me.

And btw...the criteria you have put out for a POTUS?? Obama doesn't pass most of that either. So what to do, what to to.
Impossible...unless, of course, you're some sort of super-psychic mind-reader, which I somehow doubt you are.

Anyway, to go on your argument that because I'm a "fan of Obama" as you put it, so therefore that renders my argument moot (I suppose on anything that may oppose him of course) is quite an illogical premise and fallacy. That would mean that anything that you would oppose and/or are against your fans...you would have no credibility to speak about.

Which is silly. Isn't it?

You think for yourself. I think for myself. Your arguments and positions are credible and my arguments are positions are credible. I would imagine a person who's in the part of personal responsibility would respect and admire individual thought...no matter what spectrum of the political dial it comes from. So it's either we're both credible on any and everything. Or we're both only credible on things we are fans of.

I think there is more than simply melanin that defines a race, but that's really a distraction.

Let's go with no "melanin" factor as you would like us all make believe in this little childhood fantasy. There exists a certain "black" culture with all its black this and that. I don't like that (regardless of melanin in the skin of the adherents), how's that? Acceptable?

NO it isn't a distraction.

He is a MAN...a HUMAN.


He's still black. Unfortunately we still, even in 2011, have a black this and a black that (and a racist affirmative action program that HE supported), so I can still not like them. And I don't. Like you may hate the French. I hate blacks (but I'd vote for him over the mulatto President).

What a pussy! You don't know how to hate! I hate all kinds of people. Some blacks..some whites..some asians...all communists.. some arabs... some jews... myself sometimes... You amateur haters make my skin crawl...

Just sayin...:lol:
I have no doubt you do. And you have done it well, but I do not agree with you....and I have yet to hear him rant and scream as you put it. Maybe you are listening to Michael Savage?? LOL I do NOT believe he is a Rush or Boortz puppet, as you are trying to say he is. I see what you are doing.
Marc, Cain may not have a chance, but as of this moment, he is the only one I would consider voting for in the Primary election.
I will not vote for Palin. I will not vote for Huckabee. Would consider Romney..but then again not excited over him. Newt? Bleh. I dunno.

Thing is, if any of your other posts here are any indication, you will definitely be voting for Obama. You are a big time Obama man, correct? So that sort of makes your assessment moot for me.

And btw...the criteria you have put out for a POTUS?? Obama doesn't pass most of that either. So what to do, what to to.
Impossible...unless, of course, you're some sort of super-psychic mind-reader, which I somehow doubt you are.

Anyway, to go on your argument that because I'm a "fan of Obama" as you put it, so therefore that renders my argument moot (I suppose on anything that may oppose him of course) is quite an illogical premise and fallacy. That would mean that anything that you would oppose and/or are against your fans...you would have no credibility to speak about.

Which is silly. Isn't it?

You think for yourself. I think for myself. Your arguments and positions are credible and my arguments are positions are credible. I would imagine a person who's in the part of personal responsibility would respect and admire individual thought...no matter what spectrum of the political dial it comes from. So it's either we're both credible on any and everything. Or we're both only credible on things we are fans of.


I can pretty much agree with you there, except no, I did not say fan. I said you were a ''big time Obama man''.
I appreciate you saying I think for myself, as I definitely do. It appears you do, yes.

I am guessing you are aligned with the Dem party. I am not aligned with any party, am just a conservative, looking for the one I possibly can align with my beliefs.

It's late, and I am off..

Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

We need an economic minded President to get the economy on the right track. We need a guy who knows how to run businesses, big and small. We need a guy that knows business period. We need a number cruncher. Not another community organizer (Obama), failed businessman (Bush) or Career Politician WHO NEVER WORKED ON ANYTHING BUT CAMPAIGNS FORM HIMSELF AND OTHERS (Clinton - Worst President ever)!

Yes, Cain supports some issues I'm at odd with me (abortion and fag marriage - he is against both), but his economic and business success is undeniable and that should matter most to ALL OF US!!!

Look at his accomplishments IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR:
(1) Former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza for 10 years - Ran a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Business
(2) Former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association (ran a PRIVATE SECTOR Organization to promote and grow an important PRIVATE INDUSTRY)
(3) Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (A MAN WHO ACTUALLY HAS BANKING EXPERIENCE)
(3) He's been vice president of Burger King (More experience running a large GLOBAL CHAIN)
(4) Vice president of Pillsbury Company (Ditto),
(5) A mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy (A HIGHLY Successful business man that knows numbers! Slight different than a failed community organizer)
(6) A business analyst for Coca-Cola (Analyst for one of the largest wholesalers in the world - NICE). .
(7) Author of a Best Seller - "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" –
(8) Now president and CEO of The New Voice and host of "The Herman Cain Show"
(9) An associate Baptist minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta.
He is author of several books, including "They Think You're Stupid."

What Cain Supports:
(2) Suspend the Small Business Killing Payroll tax!
(3) Alternative to the Fair Tax is cutting taxes
(4) Cutting Spending
(5) Restructure Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security - Don't add new taxes to attempt to fund them.
(6) Maintain Military and Defense spending at, at least 4% of GDP
(7) Maximize US's natural resources - Drill Baby Drill!!!
(8) Promote Alternative Energy - including nuclear
(9) Get off foreign oil
(10) Be Tough on Illegal Immigration!
(11) Repeal Obamacare
(12) Abortion - Against it (I am at odds with him here)
(13) Fag Marriage - Against it (I am also at odds with him here)

He does seem to have a strong grasp of buisiness and how it works.

Don't know much about him.

Will have to wait and see if actually does run.

Someone to watch.
No. Your stipulations are saying if a person agrees with you THEN they are honest.

So now Cain is not only an extremest, but also unstable? Shame on you man. Just shame.

How silly to say he answers to Boortz and Rush. LOL!!

You can see it that way, or you can see it as me saying that if a person is able to get past their bias and consider all the facts and variables on the table...you'll see that Cain won't stand a chance beyond the relatively few fans within the Republican party. I bet he won't even past the Republicans' smell test. Time will tell though...he's put it out there.

Like I said, I listen to his show. I find him to be unstable as to how he quickly descends to screaming and shouting. As a matter of fact, he often starts his show off with shouting rants. He doesn't even need a caller to get him to the point of screaming and shouting. He does it all by himself. I find that to be an unstable characteristic. Would you feel comfortable around an individual that was always ranting, screaming and shouting? Be honest.

The man hobnobs with the likes of Boortz and Limbaugh, two of THE most incendiary RWers in media. Rush already has a reputation for making big time political leaders holding current office come on his radio show, drop to their knees, kiss his ring-finger and apologies for anything Rush deems "sorry worthy." So yes, I think its fair to say he'll be answering to Boortz and Rush, as he's not even a stranger, but a friend, so Rush will have more influence. The fact that he'll likely be more influence by the likes of Rush makes him too dangerous for me in the first place.

Now I realize you may very well be avid fans of all the above, but you must realize that at least 50 percent of the country does not share that admiration for those chaps as you do. Thats why I say, he's not Presidential material...by default, because a President has to be President for ALL of America...not just one segment. Cain comes as an uber-segmented...aka uber-partisan candidate.

I've laid out my argument logically. I believe its rather sound and realistic.

I have no doubt you do. And you have done it well, but I do not agree with you....and I have yet to hear him rant and scream as you put it. Maybe you are listening to Michael Savage?? LOL I do NOT believe he is a Rush or Boortz puppet, as you are trying to say he is. I see what you are doing.
Marc, Cain may not have a chance, but as of this moment, he is the only one I would consider voting for in the Primary election.
I will not vote for Palin. I will not vote for Huckabee. Would consider Romney..but then again not excited over him. Newt? Bleh. I dunno.

Thing is, if any of your other posts here are any indication, you will definitely be voting for Obama. You are a big time Obama man, correct? So that sort of makes your assessment moot for me.

And btw...the criteria you have put out for a POTUS?? Obama doesn't pass most of that either. So what to do, what to to.

He is not a puppet of anyone. He has his OWN radio show on WSB.

We need an economic minded President to get the economy on the right track. We need a guy who knows how to run businesses, big and small. We need a guy that knows business period. We need a number cruncher. Not another community organizer (Obama), failed businessman (Bush) or Career Politician WHO NEVER WORKED ON ANYTHING BUT CAMPAIGNS FORM HIMSELF AND OTHERS (Clinton - Worst President ever)!

Yes, Cain supports some issues I'm at odd with me (abortion and fag marriage - he is against both), but his economic and business success is undeniable and that should matter most to ALL OF US!!!

Look at his accomplishments IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR:
(1) Former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza for 10 years - Ran a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Business
(2) Former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association (ran a PRIVATE SECTOR Organization to promote and grow an important PRIVATE INDUSTRY)
(3) Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (A MAN WHO ACTUALLY HAS BANKING EXPERIENCE)
(3) He's been vice president of Burger King (More experience running a large GLOBAL CHAIN)
(4) Vice president of Pillsbury Company (Ditto),
(5) A mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy (A HIGHLY Successful business man that knows numbers! Slight different than a failed community organizer)
(6) A business analyst for Coca-Cola (Analyst for one of the largest wholesalers in the world - NICE). .
(7) Author of a Best Seller - "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" –
(8) Now president and CEO of The New Voice and host of "The Herman Cain Show"
(9) An associate Baptist minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta.
He is author of several books, including "They Think You're Stupid."

What Cain Supports:
(2) Suspend the Small Business Killing Payroll tax!
(3) Alternative to the Fair Tax is cutting taxes
(4) Cutting Spending
(5) Restructure Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security - Don't add new taxes to attempt to fund them.
(6) Maintain Military and Defense spending at, at least 4% of GDP
(7) Maximize US's natural resources - Drill Baby Drill!!!
(8) Promote Alternative Energy - including nuclear
(9) Get off foreign oil
(10) Be Tough on Illegal Immigration!
(11) Repeal Obamacare
(12) Abortion - Against it (I am at odds with him here)
(13) Fag Marriage - Against it (I am also at odds with him here)

He does seem to have a strong grasp of buisiness and how it works.

Don't know much about him.

Will have to wait and see if actually does run.

Someone to watch.

I have heard him speak. He started cleaning toilets and worked his way up.
I like him but this is a run for visibility. I have no problem with that. He will run for Senate seat when Isackson retires.
DEMOCRAT? YES. He was against Civil Rights....

And your beef is...what?

YOU were the one that stated clearly SOUTHERN LIBERAL DEMOCRAT
And now you change your story because you have to.
You civil rights scholars are attempting to make the case that it was white southern liberal Democrats that were calling blacks deragotory names.
Amazing that 97+% of all blacks elected to political office in the south in the last 50 years ran as liberal Democrats and WERE ELECTED as liberal Democrats.
All the while southern liberal Democrats were calling them bad names.
You people make no damn sense and have no clue what you are talking about!:cuckoo:
Are you folks claiming that southern blacks have been ignorant and stupid and liked being called names by southern liberal Democrats?:cuckoo:

Get a different AVATAR idiot.

You have just admitted defeat.
You have no self discipline.
DEMOCRAT? YES. He was against Civil Rights....

And your beef is...what?

YOU were the one that stated clearly SOUTHERN LIBERAL DEMOCRAT
And now you change your story because you have to.
You civil rights scholars are attempting to make the case that it was white southern liberal Democrats that were calling blacks deragotory names.
Amazing that 97+% of all blacks elected to political office in the south in the last 50 years ran as liberal Democrats and WERE ELECTED as liberal Democrats.
All the while southern liberal Democrats were calling them bad names.
You people make no damn sense and have no clue what you are talking about!:cuckoo:
Are you folks claiming that southern blacks have been ignorant and stupid and liked being called names by southern liberal Democrats?:cuckoo:


Talk about not making sense.
Oh and if in any way you are speaking about me..then I kindly ask you to stop trying to put words in my mouth. Thanks.

Explain what doesn't make any sense.
Do you or do you not admit that T stated "southern liberal Democrats"?
Do you support that or not?
I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the College Entrance Examination Board IN ALABAMA. Guess what he did? Fought local school boards in the early 60s that were DENYING blacks the right to take the SAT. Many times literally was assaulted by locals.
And Wallace supported that. Are you also claiming that Wallace was a liberal Democrat?
Get in or out. I lived it. Which is it or are you also a fence sitter?

Explain what doesn't make any sense.
I don't like blacks, token or not, so I'd prefer not to vote for him.

But I will say, although he favored the racist affirmative action program, if i had to pick between the mulatto president and the black guy, I'd go with the black guy and vote for Cain.

You are an idiot then. :eusa_hand:

You have no basis to call me an idiot, so I don't take offense.

You may be right.
Idiot might not have any "basis"
But bigot does and you are an admitted one.
NO it isn't a distraction.

He is a MAN...a HUMAN.


He's still black. Unfortunately we still, even in 2011, have a black this and a black that (and a racist affirmative action program that HE supported), so I can still not like them. And I don't. Like you may hate the French. I hate blacks (but I'd vote for him over the mulatto President).

What a pussy! You don't know how to hate! I hate all kinds of people. Some blacks..some whites..some asians...all communists.. some arabs... some jews... myself sometimes... You amateur haters make my skin crawl...

Just sayin...:lol:

Lighten up Francis ......
I believe "racist" implies one race to be superior over another. I don't believe blacks are inferior. I simply do not like them. I do not like them (and I mean "them" in the general sense) for many reasons. I can not like a group of people. You can too. It's okay.

Then WHY did you make light of the amount of melanin in his DNA?

Can YOU answer that?

I think there is more than simply melanin that defines a race, but that's really a distraction.

Let's go with no "melanin" factor as you would like us all make believe in this little childhood fantasy. There exists a certain "black" culture with all its black this and that. I don't like that (regardless of melanin in the skin of the adherents), how's that? Acceptable?

What part of Cain's work ethic, character and ethics do you not like?
That is what defined HIM.
I think there is more than simply melanin that defines a race, but that's really a distraction.

Let's go with no "melanin" factor as you would like us all make believe in this little childhood fantasy. There exists a certain "black" culture with all its black this and that. I don't like that (regardless of melanin in the skin of the adherents), how's that? Acceptable?

NO it isn't a distraction.

He is a MAN...a HUMAN.


He's still black. Unfortunately we still, even in 2011, have a black this and a black that (and a racist affirmative action program that HE supported), so I can still not like them. And I don't. Like you may hate the French. I hate blacks (but I'd vote for him over the mulatto President).

You remind me of a player Ricky I played with in high school in the 60s when we integrated with the black school literally "across the tracks". We had some real competition with these other kids coming in, we knew most of these new players from the rec leagues and the community and we all had ran laps and practiced for 4 weeks. But Ricky still openly hated blacks and all we heard was "Well they are ........s"
He hated their music, (which was MoTown at the time and most all of us rednecks liked-it was so much better than that twang country!), hated their hair, hated their singing, hated this and that.
Fortunately I was raised right and my family, like most families in our community (which was fraudulently reported differently in the northern media) supported integration.
I learned to be a better player in the 60s as a result of that. More importantly, I became a better person. Those years and in college DEFINED MY LIFE as I was around blacks A LOT.
Hate is terrible my brother. Do NOT hate. We are all Americans. I M 57 years old and speak from experience.
How do you not love this guy? Talk about a man with a plan!

Note: No telepromoter!!! :eusa_whistle:

If anyone doesn't like or isn't impressed with Cain because he's a Black Conservative, THEN YOUR A MORON!!!

If anyone likes or is impressed with Cain simply because he is a Black Conservative, THEN YOUR A BIGGER MORON!!!

You should be highly impressed and have man(or normal)crushes on Cain, because he is simply the Best AMERICAN to lead this country!

NOTE TO CONSERVATIVES: If you support Cain because he is black and you think he will be able to tap into the 15% African American vote (which 95% vote Democrat), esp in CA, then your ignorant. African Americans will still toss blind loyalty to Obama. He might be able to pick up 2-5%, but that is still 90% going to Obama. Rather support Cain, because he is the BEST DAMN AMERICAN TO THE COUNTRY!!! Start opening your wallets to him!
Hot Off Of Neil Cavuto! Herman Cain Has Announced That He Is Putting Together An Exploratory Commitee To Run For President!!! Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



HERMAN CAIN ???? :eek:

You gotta be joking. :badgrin:

Didn't this bozo learn his lesson in his FAILED attempt to be Senator .. from Georgia?

Now he wants to be president after coming in a distant second in the PRIMARY in a conservative state that knows who he is.


Good luck with that.
If anyone doesn't like or isn't impressed with Cain because he's a Black Conservative, THEN YOUR A MORON!!!

If anyone likes or is impressed with Cain simply because he is a Black Conservative, THEN YOUR A BIGGER MORON!!!

You should be highly impressed and have man(or normal)crushes on Cain, because he is simply the Best AMERICAN to lead this country!

NOTE TO CONSERVATIVES: If you support Cain because he is black and you think he will be able to tap into the 15% African American vote (which 95% vote Democrat), esp in CA, then your ignorant. African Americans will still toss blind loyalty to Obama. He might be able to pick up 2-5%, but that is still 90% going to Obama. Rather support Cain, because he is the BEST DAMN AMERICAN TO THE COUNTRY!!! Start opening your wallets to him!

African-Americans will do what is in their best interests, not yours, not Herman Cain's.

If you like him, then you vote for him. No one is obligated to see the world through your eyes.
Hot Off Of Neil Cavuto! Herman Cain Has Announced That He Is Putting Together An Exploratory Commitee To Run For President!!! Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



HERMAN CAIN ???? :eek:

You gotta be joking. :badgrin:

Didn't this bozo learn his lesson in his FAILED attempt to be Senator .. from Georgia?

Now he wants to be president after coming in a distant second in the PRIMARY in a conservative state that knows who he is.


Good luck with that.

Oh, must have been a bunch of racists voting that year...... :eusa_whistle:

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