Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

Hmm thiws is the first I have heard of Herman Cain.
I did seriously consider running for president years ago. At the time it only cost $500 to get on the primary ballot in NH.

I had no expectations of becoming president, just a tax deductable fun weeks vacation thingy.
Hot Off Of Neil Cavuto! Herman Cain Has Announced That He Is Putting Together An Exploratory Commitee To Run For President!!! Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



HERMAN CAIN ???? :eek:

You gotta be joking. :badgrin:

Didn't this bozo learn his lesson in his FAILED attempt to be Senator .. from Georgia?

Now he wants to be president after coming in a distant second in the PRIMARY in a conservative state that knows who he is.


Good luck with that.

Oh, must have been a bunch of racists voting that year...... :eusa_whistle:

Yup .. and the only ones that could vote for him was republicans. :lol:
I think there is more than simply melanin that defines a race, but that's really a distraction.

Let's go with no "melanin" factor as you would like us all make believe in this little childhood fantasy. There exists a certain "black" culture with all its black this and that. I don't like that (regardless of melanin in the skin of the adherents), how's that? Acceptable?

NO it isn't a distraction.

He is a MAN...a HUMAN.


He's still black. Unfortunately we still, even in 2011, have a black this and a black that (and a racist affirmative action program that HE supported), so I can still not like them. And I don't. Like you may hate the French. I hate blacks (but I'd vote for him over the mulatto President).

You have no basis to call me an idiot, so I don't take offense.

OK Fair enough. WHY the rascist crap in your post?

I believe "racist" implies one race to be superior over another. I don't believe blacks are inferior. I simply do not like them. I do not like them (and I mean "them" in the general sense) for many reasons. I can not like a group of people. You can too. It's okay.

In that case, you are, as The T put it, an idiot. Not liking someone because of their skin color is stupid. Stupid people are idiots. That is you.
I posted a link you can read the articles.

Herman Cain - Townhall Conservative

As much as I would like to waste my afternoon reading articles that are at the latest from 2007, I rather see a list of concise and clear views.

From the looks of articles like these:

I don't give much stock into Mr. Cain. Someone who is trying to paint himself as a Conservative who can reach across the aisle doesn't use language like RINOs.

And of course, articles like these:

The truth is alien to the left

I appreciate the link, but no thanks on wasting my time with such babble. His views on positions such as the Death Penalty, War on Drugs, etc would be more helpful.

Who are we kidding here?, we already know more about Cain than we do about Obama......

And I bet the Hopey Changy slogan's were all Modbert needed to back him too. He needs more information my ass. :eusa_angel:
I don't give a rip if he is purple - I like him. If Marc hates him as it appears he does, that would most likely mean I would like him that much more. ;)

I've listened to him on the radio...he's local to Atlanta. I can hear him speak every day if I wish. And I've spent many hours in my car listening to him already.

He's too divisive.

That's not what the country needs right now.

Although Obama's doing a decent job already. I think a person like Huckabee or Romney's more suitable at this time, if it has to be someone from the right.

They seem to be the most reasonable of all I've seen or heard thus far.
If he's chosen by Limbaugh and Boortz to fill in for them, he must be as you say, divisive.

Like you two would care. Obama,Pelosi and Reid are as divisive as you can get. Yet most Democrats back them 100% in their political use of rhetoric.:eusa_liar:
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

How should it "change?"
"In order to fix Social Security, we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation's seniors that are approaching retirement age, but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts."

"Our children and our grandchildren need to hear the message that there are still some things in this world that are sacred, including life. The easy access to the abortion pill will send the message that people can engage in irresponsible behavior, just because there is a pill to kill the consequences."

-- Herman Cain, Pizza Guy Extrodinaire
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

How should it "change?"

Divest itself of racists and evil .. which of course. it can't.

The Republican Party is dependent on racism and hate .. which is why they cannot take a strong stance against either. If they did they would lose the south.

Cain is just more chocolate window-dressing and republicans would never nominate him.

I live in Georgia and I hear what republicans say about him.

Pizza guy.
Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

How should it "change?"

Divest itself of racists and evil .. which of course. it can't.

The Republican Party is dependent on racism and hate .. which is why they cannot take a strong stance against either. If they did they would lose the south.

Cain is just more chocolate window-dressing and republicans would never nominate him.

I live in Georgia and I hear what republicans say about him.

Pizza guy.

I hear that from Democrats in describing black conservatives...they are the new *******.
How should it "change?"

Divest itself of racists and evil .. which of course. it can't.

The Republican Party is dependent on racism and hate .. which is why they cannot take a strong stance against either. If they did they would lose the south.

Cain is just more chocolate window-dressing and republicans would never nominate him.

I live in Georgia and I hear what republicans say about him.

Pizza guy.

I hear that from Democrats in describing black conservatives...they are the new *******.

Sure .. except democrats are smarter than that .. even if they think it.

They know we have no tolerence for that even if talking about a black conservative.

Your side of the fence has no such reservation .. and like you, freely use the word .. then wonder why we have no tolerance for your party.
Last edited:
Then WHY did you make light of the amount of melanin in his DNA?

Can YOU answer that?

I think there is more than simply melanin that defines a race, but that's really a distraction.

Let's go with no "melanin" factor as you would like us all make believe in this little childhood fantasy. There exists a certain "black" culture with all its black this and that. I don't like that (regardless of melanin in the skin of the adherents), how's that? Acceptable?

NO it isn't a distraction.

He is a MAN...a HUMAN.


Is that all? Compare him to most of us on the board. He is creative, a problem solver, Creative and extremely successful. The color of his skin, his environment are side issues that have no relevence. He could be the answer the country needs. But we don't know enough about him yet. The attributes we know are promising, but more will come out in the future.
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

How is a BLACK man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?

BLACKS should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?

... be GLAD that there are BLACKS entering the Republican party

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.
How is a black man with conservative values in the Republican party "divisive"?
Because he is not the norm? Blacks should all be Democrats and if they do not all fall lock step with that then they are "divisive"?
Americans, be GLAD that there are blacks entering the Republican party as conservative candidates. More options IS ALWAYS BETTER.
I do not agree with a few of his views but I have listened to his show hundreds of times and he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race, handles himself rationally and debates civilly with facts.
Something most of you have no clue how to do.

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

An option is another candidate that has worked himself where he is now. Someone like me that got everything he has from hard work.
Something many Republicans and Democrats do not have.
Change comes from YOU and I and the voters. Voters and supporters of candidates formulate the platforms. That is the option you have.
Steele is not a candidate and never was.

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