Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

... be GLAD that there are BLACKS entering the Republican party

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Successful business man does! Much more than a community organizer!

But your one of those ignorant Brothers. You think the US government is here to provide for you and that everything should be just handed to you. When someone says Successful countries don't operate that way you say they suck!

I hope you don't support Cain, because that would mean he took a serious dip to the left, since after all your a worthless socialist!
Why should blacks be happy about a black conservative?

What "option" is he?

I'm black, not a democrat .. but I see absolutely no reason to support or cheer for Cain or be GLAD.

He has about as much chance of changing the Republican Party as Michael Steele or JC Watts .. in other words, he has NONE.

His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

... be GLAD that there are BLACKS entering the Republican party

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.
His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race
Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.
that seems to be all it takes for some
His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Successful business man does! Much more than a community organizer!

But your one of those ignorant Brothers. You think the US government is here to provide for you and that everything should be just handed to you. When someone says Successful countries don't operate that way you say they suck!

I hope you don't support Cain, because that would mean he took a serious dip to the left, since after all your a worthless socialist!

I'll compare my education, resume, business and experience to yours anytime you like girlfriend.

You've already proven your limitations by posting about him being black then claiming it isn't about his race .. as I clearly exposed.

Didn't vote for Obama knucklehead. Not a democrat.

I have no concerns about him "drawing black votes." NONE

I also have no illusions .. as you seem to have, that enough whites will vote for him to be nominated. That's just silly.

But you hang onto that. :lol:

Anytime you'd like to compare resumes and education and experience, let me know.
His race has nothing to do with it! No one should support him because they think he will get black voters!

Word to dumb ass he isn't trying to change the Republican Party, he wants to change America to be more business friendly. In the private sector anything the man touched turned to goal. We need an economic genius, who is all a math genius also!

His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

... he always takes callers with other views, many from his own race

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:
His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I would rather have someone that is not a career politician.
What does bullshit that anyone states against Obama have anything to do with Herman Cain?
He is not my candidate as I support Mitt Romney but Cain is very qualified. Business experience is far more important than political experience.
The problem we have had for the last 20 years is NO president wants to make the hard CHOICES.
Choices define each and every one of us and the nation. You making the right ones in your life most of the time got you where you are.

I respect your opinion and do not laugh at them when I read them.
His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I want a smart business man economic genius not a career politician! I don't care that he has no experience in political office. He has experience running successful corporations, that is what the country needs right now!
Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I would rather have someone that is not a career politician.
What does bullshit that anyone states against Obama have anything to do with Herman Cain?
He is not my candidate as I support Mitt Romney but Cain is very qualified. Business experience is far more important than political experience.
The problem we have had for the last 20 years is NO president wants to make the hard CHOICES.
Choices define each and every one of us and the nation. You making the right ones in your life most of the time got you where you are.

I respect your opinion and do not laugh at them when I read them.

I appreciate that, apologize for the sarcasm.

The right took "Obama was just a community organizer" to screech level .. although he was also a sitting US Senator.

"Career politician" .. Cain isn't a politician at all .. and if you want to elect non-politicians to be politicians .. good luck with that brother, I don't.

With all due respect, I'm not sure that I agree with the choices you want made .. especially if you like Herman Cain.

I believe defense spending needs a drastic cut .. Cain does not.
Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I want a smart business man economic genius not a career politician! I don't care that he has no experience in political office. He has experience running successful corporations, that is what the country needs right now!

That may be what you want .. but it isn't what Americans want .. show me a record of it.

Cain cannot be elected president with his resume ,, and he is not what America needs.
His race has nothing to do with it ????????????

Word to dumb ass .. of course it's about his race ..

.. and Godfather's Pizza doesn't offer qualifications to be the president.

.. and the president isn't in the private sector

.. and he's held no elected office

.. and his attempt at being a Senator turned to dust

The man is just looking for publicity. He has ZERO chance of being the president.

Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

Yeah, that is funny. You're arguing Obama has a more impressive resume'?

Yep... that's hilarious.
I don't care for him much.

He's good at talking, but IMO he's one of those people who think that rhetoric means more than actions. He's real good and sniping from the sidelines, but doesn't have what it takes to make the hard calls.

Not a statesman, a pundit.
That may be what you want .. but it isn't what Americans want .. show me a record of it.

Cain cannot be elected president with his resume ,, and he is not what America needs.

What exactly does America need? And since when have Americans voted for what they actually need?

Keep in mind that whoever is President, needs to be an actual human being.
Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I would rather have someone that is not a career politician.
What does bullshit that anyone states against Obama have anything to do with Herman Cain?
He is not my candidate as I support Mitt Romney but Cain is very qualified. Business experience is far more important than political experience.
The problem we have had for the last 20 years is NO president wants to make the hard CHOICES.
Choices define each and every one of us and the nation. You making the right ones in your life most of the time got you where you are.

I respect your opinion and do not laugh at them when I read them.

I'm a Romney man myself! I wrote his name in, in the last election! However, I am more of a Cain man now, but Romney is still a GREAT choice!
Herman was a mathematician for the Navy, analyst for Coca Cola, Vice President for Pillsbury Corporation. You do know he worked his way from cleaning toilets at Burger King to the head of over 400 franchises in Pennsylvania?
Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City "doesn't offer qualifications for President".
Then what the hell does? Run as a Democrat?
Come on man.

And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

Yeah, that is funny. You're arguing Obama has a more impressive resume'?

Yep... that's hilarious.

You having difficulty with comprehension is not unusual.

Try this .. C a i n h a s n e v e r h e l d a n e l e c t e d o f f i c e.

Did you get it that time?
And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

Yeah, that is funny. You're arguing Obama has a more impressive resume'?

Yep... that's hilarious.

You having difficulty with comprehension is not unusual.

Try this .. C a i n - h a s - n e v e r - h e l d - a n - e l e c t e d - o f f i c e.

Did you get it that time?
and the big question is, so what?
Last edited:
That may be what you want .. but it isn't what Americans want .. show me a record of it.

Cain cannot be elected president with his resume ,, and he is not what America needs.

What exactly does America need? And since when have Americans voted for what they actually need?

Keep in mind that whoever is President, needs to be an actual human being.

Not only don't Americans elect what this nation needs, they also don't even have that choice. The only choices we get are Corporatist A vs Corporatist B.

What America does not need is more corporatism. Our government is already owned by the corporate will .. and in my opinion, what we don't need is a president who has never legislated and all he knows is unfettered corporatism.
And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

Yeah, that is funny. You're arguing Obama has a more impressive resume'?

Yep... that's hilarious.

You having difficulty with comprehension is not unusual.

Try this .. C a i n h a s n e v e r h e l d a n e l e c t e d o f f i c e.

Did you get it that time?

Yes. I get it. You're quite shallow... Sorry, I put doing things over talking about things.
Last edited:
Go apply for a job with you resume being noithing but "I got elected to the student council".
Yeah, that is funny. You're arguing Obama has a more impressive resume'?

Yep... that's hilarious.

You having difficulty with comprehension is not unusual.

Try this .. C a i n - h a s - n e v e r - h e l d - a n - e l e c t e d - o f f i c e.

Did you get it that time?
and the big question is, so what?

And the easy answer is Americans don't elect non-politicians as president .. nor should we.

Government is not the boardroom, nor should it be.

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