Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.


:doubt: And here in this very thread you offered an olive branch.

Please point out anything negative or untrue about what I stated above.

I'll take it back if you do.
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.


If someone like you liked them, then they'd be unelectable as Republicans.

I think you have it wrong, who I am, has absolutely NOTHING to do with those people. Its about who THEY are. And they are unelectable in Republican circles.
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.


:doubt: And here in this very thread you offered an olive branch.

Please point out anything negative or untrue about what I stated above.

I'll take it back if you do.

Not the point. But negative it what you said in general.
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.


If someone like you liked them, then they'd be unelectable as Republicans.

I think you have it wrong, who I am, has absolutely NOTHING to do with those people. Its about who THEY are. And they are unelectable in Republican circles.

So you liked Reagan, Bush, and Bush.

But you did not like Ford, Dole, and McCain?
Mr. Cain is an asset to our Republic and the human race.... I have had many conversations with Mr. Cain on his radio show, and he is in touch with us and the serious issues that have almost destroyed us, our economy and our Country.... He is much more intelligent and experience than O'buzzard the Usurper ever dreamed of being.... I say this as a true independent.... I hold to no party membership, I do not believe in political parties anymore than I believe in denominational religion....

Read up on Mr. Cain yourselves....

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Furthermore, I would vote for him because I know him, his beliefs and values as well as anyone can know without being a personal part of his life....
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I don't care for him much.

He's good at talking, but IMO he's one of those people who think that rhetoric means more than actions. He's real good and sniping from the sidelines, but doesn't have what it takes to make the hard calls.

Not a statesman, a pundit.
Very well said.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Divest itself of racists and evil .. which of course. it can't.

The Republican Party is dependent on racism and hate .. which is why they cannot take a strong stance against either. If they did they would lose the south.

Cain is just more chocolate window-dressing and republicans would never nominate him.

I live in Georgia and I hear what republicans say about him.

Pizza guy.

I hear that from Democrats in describing black conservatives...they are the new *******.

Sure .. except democrats are smarter than that .. even if they think it.

They know we have no tolerence for that even if talking about a black conservative.

Your side of the fence has no such reservation .. and like you, freely use the word .. then wonder why we have no tolerance for your party.
Yah, I didn't appreciate how easily the N word flew off his lips. It seems he was deliberately trying to offend you and/or he just finds it easy and comfortable to use. Either way...I find it reprehensible.

But...thats just how some people are I guess.

Well...regardless this NON tea party person has listened to him a lot - and I really like him, and his conservative views.

Like? I'm willing to listen to what "Conservative views" he has. I'm curious as to whether he has any real Conservative views or Social Conservative views. Concrete positions on the issue would be nice. Not just "I'll defend the U.S Constitution" and other feel good statements that mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day.

You voted for Obama didn't you? What did you know about his views?
He has my vote and I will work for his election. He is a CEO that will surround himself with other successful businessmen and women not more politicians and academics with no life experience, only what they've read about others in books.
This country needs an experienced business person, not another lousy lawyer/politician.
Just curious...was Bush II "an experienced business person" or was he "another lousy lawyer/politician?" How about Bush I for that matter?
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.


If someone like you liked them, then they'd be unelectable as Republicans.

I think you have it wrong, who I am, has absolutely NOTHING to do with those people. Its about who THEY are. And they are unelectable in Republican circles.

You are an imbecile that hides behind the image of another America hating imbecile. You have no idea who the Republican Party is, you are living in the past as you prove with the America hating jerk you obviously idolize in your avatar. Arrogant billionaire....... take a look at the asshole you helped put in the White House, an arrogant child that pouts and pitches a fit when he is called out for the low life he is...... nothing but a punk ass community vote buyer with other peoples hard earned money. That self hating clown has never earned an honest dollar in his pathetic lie of a life.
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.



Very well said.

another asshole living in the very distant past.
Not only don't Americans elect what this nation needs, they also don't even have that choice. The only choices we get are Corporatist A vs Corporatist B.

What America does not need is more corporatism. Our government is already owned by the corporate will .. and in my opinion, what we don't need is a president who has never legislated and all he knows is unfettered corporatism.

In other words, you don't know. You just hate businesses for whatever reason.

Not sure what universe you operate in. Seriously.

Obviously intelligent, but can turn an argument against corporate control of our government into "You just hate businesses for whatever reason." .. and you presumed to tell me how wonderful someone else is with comprehension in the last post.

... amazing

I own my own business and my wife and I own another. I often get to speak to groups of young people because I mentor. One of the first issues I launch into is owning your own business, especially if I'm talking to high schoolers.

Do you need a coach to help you understand the difference between "business" and a "plutocracy?"
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Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.
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And the easy answer is Americans don't elect non-politicians as president .. nor should we.

Government is not the boardroom, nor should it be.

Really? What political office did President Eisenhower have before he was elected President?


Here's what I wrote "Eisenhower, military"

Here's who Eisenhower was ..

"Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower (pronounced /ˈaɪzənhaʊər/ EYE-zən-how-ər; October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was a five-star general in the United States Army and the 34th President of the United States, from 1953 until 1961, and the last to be born in the 19th century. During World War II, he served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe, with responsibility for planning and supervising the successful invasion of France and Germany in 1944–45, from the Western Front. In 1951, he became the first supreme commander of NATO.[2]

A Republican, Eisenhower entered the 1952 presidential race to counter the non-interventionism of Sen. Robert A. Taft, and to crusade against "Communism, Korea and corruption". He won by a landslide"
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

I'm sure you understand that Dr. King is much more palatable to most white Americans and I'm sure you understand why. Malcolm represents "By any means necessary" a critical, most critical element in the struggle for civil rights. Without Malcom and the element of DEMAND, Dr. King would not have been as successful or welcolmed as he was.

The right trashes our heroes and wonders why we call ourselves African-Americans, wonders why we want no affinity with them.
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Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.



Very well said.

another asshole living in the very distant past.

Fuck you whatever you are.
Hot Off Of Neil Cavuto! Herman Cain Has Announced That He Is Putting Together An Exploratory Commitee To Run For President!!! Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



That Southern Jack Fool has done his prayerful consideration I see huh?

He'll fail.
He still would be better than obamaturd.

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