Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

black conservatives are the new *******. Just as a liberal.

rev up that hillbillay musak and what 'em dance.

Dance for me bwoy....dance!!!

Of course you don't bert...I fully expected that response.

Whatever. If you could help to provide a list of his political views, I'd be more than happy to read it. However, you shouldn't expect me to take someone seriously who rambles on about the "evul" Liberal media and how about the GOP needs to get rid of RINOs as if they're some disease.

we know, you only take people serious if they ramble on about the evil conservatives and their evil talk radio

i know for a fact you didn't vet obama half has much as you're trying to vet this guy
Hmmm---For GOP nominee, I am still leaning towards Pawlenty.

Cain sounds too much like an AME preacher!
Mr. Cain is an asset to our Republic and the human race.... I have had many conversations with Mr. Cain on his radio show, and he is in touch with us and the serious issues that have almost destroyed us, our economy and our Country.... He is much more intelligent and experience than O'buzzard the Usurper ever dreamed of being.... I say this as a true independent.... I hold to no party membership, I do not believe in political parties anymore than I believe in denominational religion....

Read up on Mr. Cain yourselves....

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've been in the audience during a couple of Mr. Cain's debates and panel discussions. I've sat no more than 3 chairs away from him in one. He is an intelligent man and I wouldn't mind having him speak at an event for one of the schools we mentor at. Especially because in that environment, he can't talk about politics. That I would not want him to do, but to talk about his life, perspectives, and accomplishments .. that would be great.

However, sitting in debates and discussions listening to him, politically he's dangerous in my opinion, because he is a corporatist / lobbyist who believes in corporations as government. He is credited with being the leading voice that killed Clinton's healthcare plan when we had a surplus. Richard Nixon proposed a better plan in 1974 than Clinton's or the crap we got.

He's the darling of the NRA .. which before he would be allowed to speak he would have to ensure that he's not going to preach guns to inner-city at-risk students. Save that bullshit for the suburbs.

I could go on .. but the point is that while Mr. Cain is intelligent and has a wonderful story to tell, he does not belong in the White House and I have no doubt that the majority of Americans would agree.

Additionally, anybody who believes the Republican Party is going to nominate an African-American for president .. PARTICULARLY in the time of the teabagger .. well, they're dreaming.
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Just curious...was Bush II "an experienced business person" or was he "another lousy lawyer/politician?" How about Bush I for that matter?

Bush = Failed businessman!
Cain = Economic Genius and HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Businessman

I am impressed with this man's credentials, but there is one thing that bothers me. And it was a small history lesson learned not long ago.

I was absolutely shocked when we heard from Obama's church and Mr. Wright (won't call that man Reverand to save my life.) I had no idea black churches were like this at all. And I hope most aren't. But after that shock, I wouldn't want to for us to make the same mistake again. He is a minister..I want to hear the sermons from his church before I decide.

It even pains me to say that.

Herman Cain seems to be too good of a man to be involved in such hateful rhetoric.
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And he's never held elected office .. drew 24% in a senate primary.

If you think his experience qualifies him to be president .. that's funny given all the bullshit the right had to say about Obama.

That's funny. :lol:

I would rather have someone that is not a career politician.
What does bullshit that anyone states against Obama have anything to do with Herman Cain?
He is not my candidate as I support Mitt Romney but Cain is very qualified. Business experience is far more important than political experience.
The problem we have had for the last 20 years is NO president wants to make the hard CHOICES.
Choices define each and every one of us and the nation. You making the right ones in your life most of the time got you where you are.

I respect your opinion and do not laugh at them when I read them.

I appreciate that, apologize for the sarcasm.

The right took "Obama was just a community organizer" to screech level .. although he was also a sitting US Senator.

"Career politician" .. Cain isn't a politician at all .. and if you want to elect non-politicians to be politicians .. good luck with that brother, I don't.

With all due respect, I'm not sure that I agree with the choices you want made .. especially if you like Herman Cain.

I believe defense spending needs a drastic cut .. Cain does not.

That is ok. I appreciate your point of view. Might disagree with you but I value intelligent debate.
No worries.
Sarah Palin is now the biggest tv reality star on the Right.

So what we have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed conservatives, that swear that a bombastic Far RWer Talk Radio jockey, an arrogant billionaire TV reality star and a former highly-partisan RW Governor, that quit, and is now a big time TV reality star are all prime candidates for the US Presidency.



Very well said.

I agree and liked that Marc!
But Herman Cain WAS a hell of a lot more than a "far RWer Talk Radio jockey" BEFORE he ever had a media audience. Long before.
He earned his keep just like I did: IN THE TRENCHES.
If I could strap the helmet on just one MORE TIME and go 4 quarters against 300 lb. OLmen, Herman Cain is the guy I would want on my side of the line.
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.
If you vote for the same...you will get the same, and that is not good for us or our Country....

Obama was not a Senator for any real length of time, and during that time he was absent most of the time, and his voting record bares that out.... the Usurper spent most of his time campaigning as he still does.... He is the only person in history to win a Nobel prize for Sophistry...except for maybe the devil himself....
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.

Please excuse my naivete on this issue, for you obviously know more about Malcom X than I. But for him to have a true epiphany and seeing people of every hue embracing one another, wouldn't his comment upon his return be, "Let sincere whites and blacks teach non-violence to their people?"
My belief includes Mr.X the muslim, ALL MUSLIMS:

"When Islam is brought up in discussion, I believe that it is important to love the sinner, but not the sin. Meaning that the people who have grown up learning and believing the tenets of Islam, are not to be blamed for what they have been taught because converting from Islam to Christianity is a death sentence for them, yet many hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and convert, knowing the truth has set them free from the bondage of Islam.

I do discuss the fact that Islam is a politicalized religion, is cult-like, and suppresses those who are under Islamic Shari'ah Law. I will use a person's name that has espoused the ideology of Islam as being "the religion of peace," however, I refuse to use a person's name, who has not put themselves into civil service as an elected or appointed public servant; those groups or individuals who receive taxpayer dollars, or Islamic terrorists, for promoting what is clearly a lie about this religion. If my tax dollars are paying his/her salary in some fashion, or funding programs for muslim outreach, you can bet I am going to say something. Why? Because Islamic teaching does not believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

As a Christian, I cannot condone the use of my money to promote a false religion. By remaining quiet, I give my consent and acceptance for Islam and the belief system it promotes. I would basically be saying that muslims have the right to murder Christians and to conquer the world for Islam, placing their anti-Christian/Jewish religious law over the Constitution and our system of government.

There is always a fine line that one must walk, how can we reach a people, whose religion tells them to hate Christians and Jews; one that demands jihad against the infidel, meaning ALL nonbelievers and practicers of Islam, if we alienate them by calling them names or openly disrespecting their beliefs?

It is difficult to talk to muslims about Jesus Christ, because "thought crimes," in Shari'ah law, result in the same punishment as one would receive for becoming an apostate, beheading, hanging, or stoning. They are told they must not listen and if they do they must lie to the person who is trying to get them to convert. Then, they must find some method of cleansing themselves of this apostasy. The only way to cleanse themselves is by murdering the person. The blood sacrifice of the "evil" person trying to convert them, cleanses their soul of this horrible sin.

So, it is critical that Christians understand this and are very careful that they approach muslim men individually, in private, because if done publicly, where other muslim men can hear this, the muslim man must act upon what the Qur'an demands, and that is to cleanse himself of this apostasy, or the other muslim men will report him to the "thought police."

It is a horrible way to have to live, being reported for one slip of the tongue or someone who hates you, reporting you for something you did not do. All reports are in secret and are believed to be true. The person is guilty until proven innocent in this repressive and suppressive religion.

Hope this helps you understand where I am coming from and my interpretation of what God wants us to do and be as Christians when it comes to Islam".
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Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.

Please excuse my naivete on this issue, for you obviously know more about Malcom X than I. But for him to have a true epiphany and seeing people of every hue embracing one another, wouldn't his comment upon his return be, "Let sincere whites and blacks teach non-violence to their people?"

NO .. he did not come back to preach suicide.

The racial violence was coming from white people. We were fighting back .. and fighting back was a great inspiration for white people to climb on board the freedom express. International exposure of the lie of America was a great inspiration for even conservatives to figure out that it was time to open the doors.

Dr. King was preaching non-violence .. which is why he's more celebrated. But celebration aside, Malcolm was preaching exactly what also needed to be said, "By Any Means ... "
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.

My only problem with Malcom was put the shoe on the other foot.
He didn't like whites telling blacks what to do and I fault him none for that.
With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.

Please excuse my naivete on this issue, for you obviously know more about Malcom X than I. But for him to have a true epiphany and seeing people of every hue embracing one another, wouldn't his comment upon his return be, "Let sincere whites and blacks teach non-violence to their people?"

NO .. he did not come back to preach suicide.

The racial violence was coming from white people. We were fighting back .. and fighting back was a great inspiration for white people to climb on board the freedom express. International exposure of the lie of America was a great inspiration for even conservatives to figure out that it was time to open the doors.

Dr. King was preaching non-violence .. which is why he's more celebrated. But celebration aside, Malcolm was preaching exactly what also needed to be said, "By Any Means ... "

You are right..I forgot the time.

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