Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

My belief includes Mr.X the muslim, ALL MUSLIMS:

"When Islam is brought up in discussion, I believe that it is important to love the sinner, but not the sin. Meaning that the people who have grown up learning and believing the tenets of Islam, are not to be blamed for what they have been taught because converting from Islam to Christianity is a death sentence for them, yet many hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and convert, knowing the truth has set them free from the bondage of Islam.

I do discuss the fact that Islam is a politicalized religion, is cult-like, and suppresses those who are under Islamic Shari'ah Law. I will use a person's name that has espoused the ideology of Islam as being "the religion of peace," however, I refuse to use a person's name, who has not put themselves into civil service as an elected or appointed public servant; those groups or individuals who receive taxpayer dollars, or Islamic terrorists, for promoting what is clearly a lie about this religion. If my tax dollars are paying his/her salary in some fashion, or funding programs for muslim outreach, you can bet I am going to say something. Why? Because Islamic teaching does not believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

As a Christian, I cannot condone the use of my money to promote a false religion. By remaining quiet, I give my consent and acceptance for Islam and the belief system it promotes. I would basically be saying that muslims have the right to murder Christians and to conquer the world for Islam, placing their anti-Christian/Jewish religious law over the Constitution and our system of government.

There is always a fine line that one must walk, how can we reach a people, whose religion tells them to hate Christians and Jews; one that demands jihad against the infidel, meaning ALL nonbelievers and practicers of Islam, if we alienate them by calling them names or openly disrespecting their beliefs?

It is difficult to talk to muslims about Jesus Christ, because "thought crimes," in Shari'ah law, result in the same punishment as one would receive for becoming an apostate, beheading, hanging, or stoning. They are told they must not listen and if they do they must lie to the person who is trying to get them to convert. Then, they must find some method of cleansing themselves of this apostasy. The only way to cleanse themselves is by murdering the person. The blood sacrifice of the "evil" person trying to convert them, cleanses their soul of this horrible sin.

So, it is critical that Christians understand this and are very careful that they approach muslim men individually, in private, because if done publicly, where other muslim men can hear this, the muslim man must act upon what the Qur'an demands, and that is to cleanse himself of this apostasy, or the other muslim men will report him to the "thought police."

It is a horrible way to have to live, being reported for one slip of the tongue or someone who hates you, reporting you for something you did not do. All reports are in secret and are believed to be true. The person is guilty until proven innocent in this repressive and suppressive religion.

Hope this helps you understand where I am coming from and my interpretation of what God wants us to do and be as Christians when it comes to Islam".

I ask, what is a "false religion?"

Aren't all religions false?

Do you believe the christianity is original .. not based on many false religions that came before it?

What is God?

Isn't that your belief in a power that defies all science, logic, and common sense?

Not trying to simply denigrate what you believe, but the notion of "false religion" .. sort of my god is bigger than your god .. seems fairly sick to me.

More people have been murdered by CHRISTIANS than have been by Muslims.

How is Islam more dangerous?

We just slaughtered countless innocent people in Iraq .. for profit .. just because we could.
I'm sure you understand that Dr. King is much more palatable to most white Americans and I'm sure you understand why. Malcolm represents "By any means necessary" a critical, most critical element in the struggle for civil rights. Without Malcom and the element of DEMAND, Dr. King would not have been as successful or welcolmed as he was.

The right trashes our heroes and wonders why we call ourselves African-Americans, wonders why we want no affinity with them.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BlackAsCoal again."

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

black conservatives are the new *******. Just as a liberal.

rev up that hillbillay musak and what 'em dance.

Dance for me bwoy....dance!!!

Login to a private Photobucket.com album
So you by-pass someone that gratuitously uses the N-word, to call me an idiot for mocking them for doing the same.


Just curious...was Bush II "an experienced business person" or was he "another lousy lawyer/politician?" How about Bush I for that matter?

Bush = Failed businessman!
Cain = Economic Genius and HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Businessman

Well at least you're honest. Thanks!

Mr. Cain is an asset to our Republic and the human race.... I have had many conversations with Mr. Cain on his radio show, and he is in touch with us and the serious issues that have almost destroyed us, our economy and our Country.... He is much more intelligent and experience than O'buzzard the Usurper ever dreamed of being.... I say this as a true independent.... I hold to no party membership, I do not believe in political parties anymore than I believe in denominational religion....

Read up on Mr. Cain yourselves....

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've been in the audience during a couple of Mr. Cain's debates and panel discussions. I've sat no more than 3 chairs away from him in one. He is an intelligent man and I wouldn't mind having him speak at an event for one of the schools we mentor at. Especially because in that environment, he can't talk about politics. That I would not want him to do, but to talk about his life, perspectives, and accomplishments .. that would be great.

However, sitting in debates and discussions listening to him, politically he's dangerous in my opinion, because he is a corporatist / lobbyist who believes in corporations as government. He is credited with being the leading voice that killed Clinton's healthcare plan when we had a surplus. Richard Nixon proposed a better plan in 1974 than Clinton's or the crap we got.

He's the darling of the NRA .. which before he would be allowed to speak he would have to ensure that he's not going to preach guns to inner-city at-risk students. Save that bullshit for the suburbs.

I could go on .. but the point is that while Mr. Cain is intelligent and has a wonderful story to tell, he does not belong in the White House and I have no doubt that the majority of Americans would agree.

Additionally, anybody who believes the Republican Party is going to nominate an African-American for president .. PARTICULARLY in the time of the teabagger .. well, they're dreaming.
Once again...

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

Why do you not consider Malcolm X an American Hero?
Someone from the left will label him a "token" wait for it..

I think their preferred phrase is "Republican lawn jockey"

Stenny Hoyer called Michael Steele the Republican lawn jockey

As, I think it was Cosmopolitan magazine, referred to me and [*06 Ohio and Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidates] Ken Blackwell and Lynn Swann-'well, they're the lawn jockeys of the Republican Party.'"http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=26413
Oh, I see someone brandished the "Token Card"

So why did the RNC nominate Steele to be Chairman 2 years ago guys?

Break it down for me.

Note: No one on the left, has mentioned that term, it was brought into discourse by the local Righties of USMB.
i know for a fact you didn't vet obama half has much as you're trying to vet this guy

You don't know a damn thing. :lol:

I didn't realize that asking for political positions was such a difficult thing to ask for. Never mind the fact that I didn't have to ask for Obama's because they were widely known. But keep swinging for those fences, maybe one day you won't come up short. :thup:
You voted for Obama didn't you? What did you know about his views?

Didn't vote for Obama. Though by the day of the election, I did know his views. Both the ones I agreed and disagreed with. I'm not sure why some of you think Obama's views were such a mystery or asking for Cain's views is such a bad thing.
Malcolm did change after his trip to Mecca. That is why the Nation murdered him. He exposed the hypocrisy he had been a part of, seperated himself from it at personal cost and continued to fight for what he believed in.
Would not call him a hero but what he did was gutsy.

With all due respect brother .. he may not be a hero to you, but he wasn't meant to be. He is a hero to those who suffered under ungodly oppression and terrorism.

Malcolm's death and it's circumstances do not change the truth of his life. His issue was with the Nation, and his epiphany in Mecca did not the fundamentally change the circumstances nor the direction of the struggle he dedicated his life to.

What he saw in Mecca was something he had never seen nor experienced in America, equality among people of different nations and cultures. People of every hue embracing each other. He came to believe, “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly."

On his return from Mecca, Malcolm was still Malcolm, bold and defiant as ever. On his return he said, “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people.” He knew our survival and future was not dependent on white people.

My only problem with Malcom was put the shoe on the other foot.
He didn't like whites telling blacks what to do and I fault him none for that.

He didn't like watching our children die.

Again, I apologize for my flippant remark the other day. I respect your opinions and perspectives. Feel free to slap me upside the head when I get too caught up. :0)

I remember the 3rd day of the 1967 riots in Detroit. My brother and I were walking down Davison Ave that evening after being released from a day spent on a bus where we were held because we had the audacity to laugh at National Guard soldiers who had just had their jeep stolen by the guy they were chasing on our street. One of the soldiers stuck my brother in the back with his bayonet while he had his hands in the air as directed. We were just teenagers at the time.

As we approached Woodrow Wilson, we could hear a big ass tank driving down the street behind us. We watched the tank as it got closer. Just before it reached where we were standing it stopped. Lots of people were watching it. Then the turrent started to turn towards an apartment building across the street. Suddenly and without warning, the machine gun on the tank opened fire on the apartment building. I'd never heard anything so loud. We watched as the windows exploded on one apartment and the bricks on the building getting blown away. People were screaming. It turned out that the gunner saw a flash he took for a gunshot and opened fire. It turned out to be a man lighting a cigarette while looking out the window. He and his 12 year-old son were killed.

This happened on the same day as the Algiers Motel Incident where three black men were murdered by the police / National Guard and two white women and eight other black people were brutally beaten by the same element .. again because of a lie, simply because they could.

Later that evening there was a massive fire-fight between the police and residents. Black men had stationed themselves all over and were fighting back. My family listened to the gunshots for hours. The fight got so intense that he police left the area. Three police men and one National Guard soldier were killed.

I have never been more proud of my community than I was that day. I am blessed to have witnessed that day. Those men, fathers and uncles, and family in the community, are heroes to me.

Put the shoe on the other foot my friend before you judge.
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Bush = Failed businessman!
Cain = Economic Genius and HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Businessman


Being a successful businessman does not automatically translate into being a successful President. By that argument, Kenneth Lay would of made a great President before the fall of Enron. Also, I'm not sure I would call someone who supports a return to the gold standard and supporting of the FAIR tax to be a "economic genius." Just my two cents though.
He didn't like watching our children die.

Again, I apologize for my flippant remark the other day. I respect your opinions and perspectives. Feel free to slap me upside the head when I get too caught up. :0)

I remember the 3rd day of the 1967 riots in Detroit. My brother and I were walking down Davison Ave that evening after being released from a day spent on a bus where we were held because we had the audacity to laugh at National Guard soldiers who had just had their jeep stolen by the guy they were chasing on our street. One of the soldiers stuck my brother in the back with his bayonet while he had his hands in the air as directed. We were just teenagers at the time.

As we approached Woodrow Wilson, we could hear a big ass tank driving down the street behind us. We watched the tank as it got closer. Just before it reached where we were standing it stopped. Lots of people were watching it. Then the turrent started to turn towards an apartment building across the street. Suddenly and without warning, the machine gun on the tank opened fire on the apartment building. I'd never heard anything so loud. We watched as the windows exploded on one apartment and the bricks on the building getting blown away. People were screaming. It turned out that the gunner saw a flash he took for a gunshot and opened fire. It turned out to be a man lighting a cigarette while looking out the window. He and his 12 year-old son were killed.

This happened on the same day as the Algiers Motel Incident where three black men were murdered by the police / National Guard and two white women and eight other black people were brutally beaten by the same element .. again because of a lie, simply because they could.

Later that evening there was a massive fire-fight between the police and residents. Black men had stationed themselves all over and were fighting back. My family listened to the gunshots for hours. The fight got so intense that he police left the area. Three police men and one National Guard soldier were killed.

I have never been more proud of my community than I was that day. I am blessed to have witnessed that day. Those men, fathers and uncles, and family in the community, are heroes to me.

Put the shoe on the other foot my friend before you judge.

The average White American could not easily understand this perspective. That's why so many of them consider Malcolm X a tyrant or trouble-maker at best and NOT a hero.

They just. don't. understand.

Sorry to hear you and your family had to experience such HORRORS.

I wish some folk would quite with the "no one is alive today who were slaves" rhetoric.


I've been following Herman Cain for a couple of years. This PAC is very good news.

I only need him to get Kristy Noem as running mate now, and I am all in!

Palin must be STOPPED, and Herman is just the man to get that job done.

Kristy Noem? What are her views? From what I've been able to find, she's just another Republican that panders to the Social Conservatives of the party.

The most I've been able to find out about her otherwise is her driving record which is nothing to be proud of.

KELOLAND.com | Sioux Falls News & Weather, South Dakota News & Weather, Minnesota and Iowa News

KELOLAND News checked the records for all five candidates for U.S. House and Governor; Noem has the longest list of violations, including 20 speeding tickets, three stop sign violations, two seat belt violations, and no driver's license. Noem also has six court notices for failure to appear and two arrest warrants.

Maybe she believes they're "speed suggestions" instead of speed limits? :lol:
And I bet the Hopey Changy slogan's were all Modbert needed to back him too. He needs more information my ass. :eusa_angel:

Again, what is so wrong with wanting to know someone's political positions? I find this hilarious. They just keeping saying Cain's a successful businessman as if you keep saying it enough, he'll become President on that one thing alone. Mitt Romney is also what some if not most would consider a "successful businessman." Don't see too much support going around for Mitt on USMB these days.

As for Obama, I'll repeat what I said not too long ago. Come election day 2008, I knew exactly what Obama's political positions were. I didn't like many of them, but I still knew them.
He didn't like watching our children die.

Again, I apologize for my flippant remark the other day. I respect your opinions and perspectives. Feel free to slap me upside the head when I get too caught up. :0)

I remember the 3rd day of the 1967 riots in Detroit. My brother and I were walking down Davison Ave that evening after being released from a day spent on a bus where we were held because we had the audacity to laugh at National Guard soldiers who had just had their jeep stolen by the guy they were chasing on our street. One of the soldiers stuck my brother in the back with his bayonet while he had his hands in the air as directed. We were just teenagers at the time.

As we approached Woodrow Wilson, we could hear a big ass tank driving down the street behind us. We watched the tank as it got closer. Just before it reached where we were standing it stopped. Lots of people were watching it. Then the turrent started to turn towards an apartment building across the street. Suddenly and without warning, the machine gun on the tank opened fire on the apartment building. I'd never heard anything so loud. We watched as the windows exploded on one apartment and the bricks on the building getting blown away. People were screaming. It turned out that the gunner saw a flash he took for a gunshot and opened fire. It turned out to be a man lighting a cigarette while looking out the window. He and his 12 year-old son were killed.

This happened on the same day as the Algiers Motel Incident where three black men were murdered by the police / National Guard and two white women and eight other black people were brutally beaten by the same element .. again because of a lie, simply because they could.

Later that evening there was a massive fire-fight between the police and residents. Black men had stationed themselves all over and were fighting back. My family listened to the gunshots for hours. The fight got so intense that he police left the area. Three police men and one National Guard soldier were killed.

I have never been more proud of my community than I was that day. I am blessed to have witnessed that day. Those men, fathers and uncles, and family in the community, are heroes to me.

Put the shoe on the other foot my friend before you judge.

The average White American could not easily understand this perspective. That's why so many of them consider Malcolm X a tyrant or trouble-maker at best and NOT a hero.

They just. don't. understand.

Sorry to hear you and your family had to experience such HORRORS.

I wish some folk would quite with the "no one is alive today who were slaves" rhetoric.


I appreciate that brother.

I don't blame them for what they don't know or for not having our experience. I blame those who presume to trash our heroes, presume to tell us who and what we should believe in.

While Mr. Cain is an accomplished man, he is also someone who denigrates the accomplishments of the people and institutions which fought so hard to open the doors for him. He attacks the NAACP with great ferver. He calls Obama a socialist.

How intelligent and enlightened couid anyone be who calls Obama a socialist? He's smarter than that, he's just playing to his audience .. at the expense of his honesty. A warning.

I agree with you on that "No one alive" crap. There are millions alive who suffer from the effects of a racist and terrorist society that only relatively ended just 45 years ago.
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Judaism or the Hebrew religion is the oldest Religion on the planet from which all other religions flow, and this inhrenetly includes Christanity. All other religions including Islam is an attribute of Judeo-Christianity....

Judaism - The oldest religion

Judaism - The oldest religion in the world.

Islam or Mohammed barrowed from Judeo-Christianity...thus, false religion...



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Judaism or the Hebrew religion is the oldest Religion on the planet from which all other religions flow, and this inhrenetly includes Christanity. All other religions including Islam is an attribute of Judeo-Christianity....

Judaism - The oldest religion

Judaism - The oldest religion in the world.

Islam or Mohammed barrowed from Judeo-Christianity...thus, false religion...




I disagree a bit.

The roots of christianity can be found in the practice of Mithraism. In fact it was Constantine who blended them together. The Council of Nicea 325 AD, determined that Jesus was divine, the Son of God .. by vote.

Prior to that vote, Jesus was determined to be a man.

Christianity owes more to Constantine than it does to Moses.

The story of Jesus is the story of Hercules .. which was told hundreds of years before Christ.

All religion is false to everyone but the believer.
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He didn't like watching our children die.

Again, I apologize for my flippant remark the other day. I respect your opinions and perspectives. Feel free to slap me upside the head when I get too caught up. :0)

I remember the 3rd day of the 1967 riots in Detroit. My brother and I were walking down Davison Ave that evening after being released from a day spent on a bus where we were held because we had the audacity to laugh at National Guard soldiers who had just had their jeep stolen by the guy they were chasing on our street. One of the soldiers stuck my brother in the back with his bayonet while he had his hands in the air as directed. We were just teenagers at the time.

As we approached Woodrow Wilson, we could hear a big ass tank driving down the street behind us. We watched the tank as it got closer. Just before it reached where we were standing it stopped. Lots of people were watching it. Then the turrent started to turn towards an apartment building across the street. Suddenly and without warning, the machine gun on the tank opened fire on the apartment building. I'd never heard anything so loud. We watched as the windows exploded on one apartment and the bricks on the building getting blown away. People were screaming. It turned out that the gunner saw a flash he took for a gunshot and opened fire. It turned out to be a man lighting a cigarette while looking out the window. He and his 12 year-old son were killed.

This happened on the same day as the Algiers Motel Incident where three black men were murdered by the police / National Guard and two white women and eight other black people were brutally beaten by the same element .. again because of a lie, simply because they could.

Later that evening there was a massive fire-fight between the police and residents. Black men had stationed themselves all over and were fighting back. My family listened to the gunshots for hours. The fight got so intense that he police left the area. Three police men and one National Guard soldier were killed.

I have never been more proud of my community than I was that day. I am blessed to have witnessed that day. Those men, fathers and uncles, and family in the community, are heroes to me.

Put the shoe on the other foot my friend before you judge.

The average White American could not easily understand this perspective. That's why so many of them consider Malcolm X a tyrant or trouble-maker at best and NOT a hero.

They just. don't. understand.

Sorry to hear you and your family had to experience such HORRORS.

I wish some folk would quite with the "no one is alive today who were slaves" rhetoric.


I appreciate that brother.

I don't blame them for what they don't know or for not having our experience. I blame those who presume to trash our heroes, presume to tell us who and what we should believe in.

While Mr. Cain is an accomplished man, he is also someone who denigrates the accomplishments of the people and institutions which fought so hard to open the doors for him. He attacks the NAACP with great ferver. He calls Obama a socialist.

How intelligent and enlightened couid anyone be who calls Obama a socialist? He's smarter than that, he's just playing to his audience .. at the expense of his honesty. A warning.

I agree with you on that "No one alive" crap. There are millions alive who suffer from the effects of a racist and terrorist society that only relatively ended just 45 years ago.

I imagine the average black American doesn't understand a lot about whites either.
Hopefully we are all getting closer and do not judge each other on sins of the past and the time frames of the learning curve.
There are other postings on here dealing with religious issues. One on Jesus and one on Mormons. I do not want to take what I have already said on those posts, and post it here.... However, I do strongly disagree with most of what you stated....
There are other postings on here dealing with religious issues. One on Jesus and one on Mormons. I do not want to take what I have already said on those posts, and post it here.... However, I do strongly disagree with most of what you stated....


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