Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!

The average White American could not easily understand this perspective. That's why so many of them consider Malcolm X a tyrant or trouble-maker at best and NOT a hero.

They just. don't. understand.

Sorry to hear you and your family had to experience such HORRORS.

I wish some folk would quite with the "no one is alive today who were slaves" rhetoric.


I appreciate that brother.

I don't blame them for what they don't know or for not having our experience. I blame those who presume to trash our heroes, presume to tell us who and what we should believe in.

While Mr. Cain is an accomplished man, he is also someone who denigrates the accomplishments of the people and institutions which fought so hard to open the doors for him. He attacks the NAACP with great ferver. He calls Obama a socialist.

How intelligent and enlightened couid anyone be who calls Obama a socialist? He's smarter than that, he's just playing to his audience .. at the expense of his honesty. A warning.

I agree with you on that "No one alive" crap. There are millions alive who suffer from the effects of a racist and terrorist society that only relatively ended just 45 years ago.

I imagine the average black American doesn't understand a lot about whites either.
Hopefully we are all getting closer and do not judge each other on sins of the past and the time frames of the learning curve.

That is the hope brother, and there is very good evidence that we are on that path. But we cannot get there by ignoring our past or its lessons. Tolerance won't work, only diversity will lead us there.

Only a sense of community brings that understanding, not glorification of the individual.
There are other postings on here dealing with religious issues. One on Jesus and one on Mormons. I do not want to take what I have already said on those posts, and post it here.... However, I do strongly disagree with most of what you stated....

I don't mean to step on anyone's religious toes, and I don't entirely disagree with your previous post, however, if there is to be religion it should be known that all religion is invented. All of it comes from the mind of Man. All of it is based on interpretation. None is any "better" than another.

"Better" leads to divisiveness and conflict .. and nothing kills like religion.
There are other postings on here dealing with religious issues. One on Jesus and one on Mormons. I do not want to take what I have already said on those posts, and post it here.... However, I do strongly disagree with most of what you stated....

I don't mean to step on anyone's religious toes, and I don't entirely disagree with your previous post, however, if there is to be religion it should be known that all religion is invented. All of it comes from the mind of Man. All of it is based on interpretation. None is any "better" than another.

"Better" leads to divisiveness and conflict .. and nothing kills like religion.

You really should have added ''IMO'' to that. :)
There are other postings on here dealing with religious issues. One on Jesus and one on Mormons. I do not want to take what I have already said on those posts, and post it here.... However, I do strongly disagree with most of what you stated....

I don't mean to step on anyone's religious toes, and I don't entirely disagree with your previous post, however, if there is to be religion it should be known that all religion is invented. All of it comes from the mind of Man. All of it is based on interpretation. None is any "better" than another.

"Better" leads to divisiveness and conflict .. and nothing kills like religion.

You really should have added ''IMO'' to that. :)

:eusa_angel: Thank you sister.

But in all sincerity, that feeds into the state of ignorance one must have when discussiing religion. You have to pretend that it's like .. possible. You have to suspend the wisdom of science and even common sense. You have to play make-believe with fairy-tales.

Religious history is no different than anyother history. There is a record of events.

The bible for instance reads like a horror story, and God reads like a monster. How the bible came to be has its own history, It came from Man, not God. The King James Version was written by Shakesphere and Bacon at the behest of good ol' King James, himself a pedophile and homosexual who thought Jesus was in love with John. That's not my opinion, it's part of the history of the bible and who commissioned it.

If that makes me unfair because I find the notion that God writes books to be silly, then so is science and common sense silly. This pause of intelligence is alloted for nothing else but religion. So sacrosanct that even facts and intellignece are not allowed.

To be politically correct you are absiolutely correct, I should have added "IMO."

I suffer the sin of not always looking to be politically correct, just honest about what I've researched and believe.
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I appreciate that brother.

I don't blame them for what they don't know or for not having our experience. I blame those who presume to trash our heroes, presume to tell us who and what we should believe in.

While Mr. Cain is an accomplished man, he is also someone who denigrates the accomplishments of the people and institutions which fought so hard to open the doors for him. He attacks the NAACP with great ferver. He calls Obama a socialist.

How intelligent and enlightened couid anyone be who calls Obama a socialist? He's smarter than that, he's just playing to his audience .. at the expense of his honesty. A warning.

I agree with you on that "No one alive" crap. There are millions alive who suffer from the effects of a racist and terrorist society that only relatively ended just 45 years ago.

I imagine the average black American doesn't understand a lot about whites either.
Hopefully we are all getting closer and do not judge each other on sins of the past and the time frames of the learning curve.

That is the hope brother, and there is very good evidence that we are on that path. But we cannot get there by ignoring our past or its lessons. Tolerance won't work, only diversity will lead us there.

Only a sense of community brings that understanding, not glorification of the individual.

Been there, done that, been living it since I first entered public schools in 1959. If a country boy done very good like me can come from what I saw to acceptance of all Americans no matter who they are anyone can.
Except Florida Gators.:lol::lol:
I imagine the average black American doesn't understand a lot about whites either.
Hopefully we are all getting closer and do not judge each other on sins of the past and the time frames of the learning curve.

That is the hope brother, and there is very good evidence that we are on that path. But we cannot get there by ignoring our past or its lessons. Tolerance won't work, only diversity will lead us there.

Only a sense of community brings that understanding, not glorification of the individual.

Been there, done that, been living it since I first entered public schools in 1959. If a country boy done very good like me can come from what I saw to acceptance of all Americans no matter who they are anyone can.
Except Florida Gators.:lol::lol:


That's funny .. but best not to talk about dem Gators too loud these days in Dawg-land. :redface:

Whoop-ass is a terrible thing. :0)

I appreciate you my friend.
I don't mean to step on anyone's religious toes, and I don't entirely disagree with your previous post, however, if there is to be religion it should be known that all religion is invented. All of it comes from the mind of Man. All of it is based on interpretation. None is any "better" than another.

"Better" leads to divisiveness and conflict .. and nothing kills like religion.

You really should have added ''IMO'' to that. :)

:eusa_angel: Thank you sister.

But in all sincerity, that feeds into the state of ignorance one must have when discussiing religion. You have to pretend that it's like .. possible. You have to suspend the wisdom of science and even common sense. You have to play make-believe with fairy-tales.

Religious history is no different than anyother history. There is a record of events.

The bible for instance reads like a horror story, and God reads like a monster. How the bible came to be has its own history, It came from Man, not God. The King James Version was written by Shakesphere and Bacon at the behest of good ol' King James, himself a pedophile and homosexual who thought Jesus was in love with John. That's not my opinion, it's part of the history of the bible and who commissioned it.

If that makes me unfair because I find the notion that God writes books to be silly, then so is science and common sense silly. This pause of intelligence is alloted for nothing else but religion. So sacrosanct that even facts and intellignece are not allowed.

To be politically correct you are absiolutely correct, I should have added "IMO."

I suffer the sin of not always looking to be politically correct, just honest about what I've researched and believe.

Sorry, but I totally disagree. This is nothing to do with political correctness. I would be one of the most politically INCORRECT people you can know.
You are making blanket statements which are your opinion, as though they are fact.
That was my point.
You really should have added ''IMO'' to that. :)

:eusa_angel: Thank you sister.

But in all sincerity, that feeds into the state of ignorance one must have when discussiing religion. You have to pretend that it's like .. possible. You have to suspend the wisdom of science and even common sense. You have to play make-believe with fairy-tales.

Religious history is no different than anyother history. There is a record of events.

The bible for instance reads like a horror story, and God reads like a monster. How the bible came to be has its own history, It came from Man, not God. The King James Version was written by Shakesphere and Bacon at the behest of good ol' King James, himself a pedophile and homosexual who thought Jesus was in love with John. That's not my opinion, it's part of the history of the bible and who commissioned it.

If that makes me unfair because I find the notion that God writes books to be silly, then so is science and common sense silly. This pause of intelligence is alloted for nothing else but religion. So sacrosanct that even facts and intellignece are not allowed.

To be politically correct you are absiolutely correct, I should have added "IMO."

I suffer the sin of not always looking to be politically correct, just honest about what I've researched and believe.

Sorry, but I totally disagree. This is nothing to do with political correctness. I would be one of the most politically INCORRECT people you can know.
You are making blanket statements which are your opinion, as though they are fact.
That was my point.

If you believe that "God" and religion are real .. I have no problem with that .. but I don't and I don't care to pretend that I give that nonsense any credibility whatsoever.

I've never heard anyone talking about their version of God, preface their belief with IMO. They speak of their beliefs as if they were fact.

Not sure why non-believers should be held to something believers are not .. particularly when the history I posted is factual.
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

I'm sure you understand that Dr. King is much more palatable to most white Americans and I'm sure you understand why. Malcolm represents "By any means necessary" a critical, most critical element in the struggle for civil rights. Without Malcom and the element of DEMAND, Dr. King would not have been as successful or welcolmed as he was.

The right trashes our heroes and wonders why we call ourselves African-Americans, wonders why we want no affinity with them.

Only dimwits refer to themselves as african-Americans, it is the silliest of terms. None of you were born in Africa, if you venture to Africa you get your American ass killed. I work with real Africans and they think American blacks are lazy shits. Your romantic dreams of some utopia in that dreary continent are those of illiterates.
By the way, I am an American, not a white American you racist shit. You've read a couple of Afrocentric bullshit books and you think you can school the evil white man on real history. Take your bullshit history and stick it back up your ass, it smells up the room.
Malcolm X is nor was he an America hater. If anything he grew up with an America that hated him and/or his color. He was simply trying to counter that. Inspite of the hate his government and it's citizens had for him/his color he was still able to forgive and forget BEFORE he died.

Malcom X is and was one of America's GREATEST heroes.

I don't expect the likes of Sitarro to understand that. Especially considering that you still seem to be harboring that sort of hate, for what reason, only God knows. I think you still want to go back to a time when that kind of hate was rampant.

With that said, your inability to answer even the simplest of questions regarding your candidate of choice, without reverting to deflection and/or insults is quite telling. Quite telling indeed.

Have a good day sir.

I'm sure you understand that Dr. King is much more palatable to most white Americans and I'm sure you understand why. Malcolm represents "By any means necessary" a critical, most critical element in the struggle for civil rights. Without Malcom and the element of DEMAND, Dr. King would not have been as successful or welcolmed as he was.

The right trashes our heroes and wonders why we call ourselves African-Americans, wonders why we want no affinity with them.

Only dimwits refer to themselves as african-Americans, it is the silliest of terms. None of you were born in Africa, if you venture to Africa you get your American ass killed. I work with real Africans and they think American blacks are lazy shits. Your romantic dreams of some utopia in that dreary continent are those of illiterates.
By the way, I am an American, not a white American you racist shit. You've read a couple of Afrocentric bullshit books and you think you can school the evil white man on real history. Take your bullshit history and stick it back up your ass, it smells up the room.


Fuck you moron.

What moron told you that you have a say in whatever I call myself and why would it matter to you?


I don't give a shit what you are, makes no difference to me .. nor would it make any difference to anyone with a brain and a life worth having.

:lol: You racist clowns are a joke .. and I just love exposing your idiocy.

Do come again. :lol:
I imagine the average black American doesn't understand a lot about whites either.
Hopefully we are all getting closer and do not judge each other on sins of the past and the time frames of the learning curve.

That is the hope brother, and there is very good evidence that we are on that path. But we cannot get there by ignoring our past or its lessons. Tolerance won't work, only diversity will lead us there.

Only a sense of community brings that understanding, not glorification of the individual.

Been there, done that, been living it since I first entered public schools in 1959. If a country boy done very good like me can come from what I saw to acceptance of all Americans no matter who they are anyone can.
Except Florida Gators.:lol::lol:

Well said....
:eusa_angel: Thank you sister.

But in all sincerity, that feeds into the state of ignorance one must have when discussiing religion. You have to pretend that it's like .. possible. You have to suspend the wisdom of science and even common sense. You have to play make-believe with fairy-tales.

Religious history is no different than anyother history. There is a record of events.

The bible for instance reads like a horror story, and God reads like a monster. How the bible came to be has its own history, It came from Man, not God. The King James Version was written by Shakesphere and Bacon at the behest of good ol' King James, himself a pedophile and homosexual who thought Jesus was in love with John. That's not my opinion, it's part of the history of the bible and who commissioned it.

If that makes me unfair because I find the notion that God writes books to be silly, then so is science and common sense silly. This pause of intelligence is alloted for nothing else but religion. So sacrosanct that even facts and intellignece are not allowed.

To be politically correct you are absiolutely correct, I should have added "IMO."

I suffer the sin of not always looking to be politically correct, just honest about what I've researched and believe.

Sorry, but I totally disagree. This is nothing to do with political correctness. I would be one of the most politically INCORRECT people you can know.
You are making blanket statements which are your opinion, as though they are fact.
That was my point.

If you believe that "God" and religion are real .. I have no problem with that .. but I don't and I don't care to pretend that I give that nonsense any credibility whatsoever.

I've never heard anyone talking about their version of God, preface their belief with IMO. They speak of their beliefs as if they were fact.

Not sure why non-believers should be held to something believers are not .. particularly when the history I posted is factual.

I really do not want to turn this post into a forum for religiuos debate. That headache is being debated under the religious forms on this web site. However, I do want to point out that secular humanism is a religion as well and takes faith to believe in, and is also deficient in accurate divine prophecy like all religions except for Judeo-Christanity....
Sorry, but I totally disagree. This is nothing to do with political correctness. I would be one of the most politically INCORRECT people you can know.
You are making blanket statements which are your opinion, as though they are fact.
That was my point.

If you believe that "God" and religion are real .. I have no problem with that .. but I don't and I don't care to pretend that I give that nonsense any credibility whatsoever.

I've never heard anyone talking about their version of God, preface their belief with IMO. They speak of their beliefs as if they were fact.

Not sure why non-believers should be held to something believers are not .. particularly when the history I posted is factual.

I really do not want to turn this post into a forum for religiuos debate. That headache is being debated under the religious forms on this web site. However, I do want to point out that secular humanism is a religion as well and takes faith to believe in, and is also deficient in accurate divine prophecy like all religions except for Judeo-Christanity....

I tend to stay away from religious debate in religion threads. People are free to believe whatever they want .. however, within the political sphere, religion takes on a different context. It doesn't belong.

Let me just say that it takes no doctrine, no preacher, no leader, no claim to divinity, no belief in the mysterious, no temple, no tithes, and no rejection of science or intelligence to be humanist. All it requires is spiritualiy and love of Nature.
I, agree that the pulpit does not belong in the seat of politics. However, the moral code...Godly principles and values do belong exactly there to keep Man or Woman from playing God and imposing their own.... I do not wish to live under such regimes where mass murder justifies the means.... Natural or not....

Yeah, they are working on openning the borders wider to further bankrupt all us. Here in NY our newly elected GOV. wants to cut medicaid and medicare to cut out dental and hearing aides funding.... How progressive of him and the Republicans who support such meniacal endevors.... All the crooks in gov't want to do is keep taking away from and robbing the American people even when we are down.... So much for spread the wealth and nationalized healthcare.... The death panels begin next....

What do our Founders suggest we do under such circumstance as our Republic now faces and how do the American people go about organizing like the Founders did to make what is needed happen?
I, agree that the pulpit does not belong in the seat of politics. However, the moral code...Godly principles and values do belong exactly there to keep Man or Woman from playing God and imposing their own.... I do not wish to live under such regimes where mass murder justifies the means.... Natural or not....

I'm sure that you recognize that you already live under a regime where mass-murder justifies the means. God never prevents that from happening, no matter whose God it is.

I believe in a moral code, but not one that is dependent on God or anyone's interpretation of what God wants. You don't need God to be moral, honest, or loving my brother.

Humans are responsible for their lives and their families .. not God. I can't listen to "godly people" who care more about money than life lecture me on unborn life (not you of course). Once born, they don't give a damn about that life.

Yeah, they are working on openning the borders wider to further bankrupt all us.

Another area I don't get. The borders and the people who get through them are not bankrupting us .. this is ..


Now, I'm the one who doesn't believe in God, don't look to God for morality .. yet you'd have tolisten real hard to find "God's people" who take a strong stand against our ungodly fetish for weapons of mass-murder that ONLY a demon would love .. or even possess.

You cannot place the blame for America's failure of intellect on the backs of poor people looking for a better life .. whom the historical Jesus would welcome with open arms.

Here in NY our newly elected GOV. wants to cut medicaid and medicare to cut out dental and hearing aides funding.... How progressive of him and the Republicans who support such meniacal endevors.... All the crooks in gov't want to do is keep taking away from and robbing the American people even when we are down.... So much for spread the wealth and nationalized healthcare.... The death panels begin next....

Americans are invented people good brother. EASILY manipulated. You can tell us anything.

We don't value healthcare, seniors, children, or our fellow countrymen in any significant way. What we care about is MONEY, not God, not God's "values." We don't give a damn about the whole of our community, just the individual, ie; ourselves.

What do our Founders suggest we do under such circumstance as our Republic now faces and how do the American people go about organizing like the Founders did to make what is needed happen?

From my perspective the most important American historical document is the Declaration of Independence. It clearly defines the difference between a citizen and a subjset. It clearly defines the duty and responsibility of what citizens must do.

Unfortunately, we are a nation of subjects to the Crown .. the Crown being the corporate will. We have no understanding of the Declaration.

We cannot look to God to save this nation, we must find the intelligence within ourselves to do that.

God just gets in the way.
I strive for spiritual progress rather than perfection founded in a moral code higher than mans because man is imperfect were temptation and corruption assails us all in our striving to achieve spiritual perfection....

A moral code based on a higher authority than man made our country great, and the secular progressive moral code of man's situational ethics has almost destroyed our Republic and for which it once stood that was establish by our Founders... Men of Godly Character....

I believe Mr. Cain to be a man of Godly principle...and that is good for the Republic....

Here are a couple posts on religious discussion...


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I strive for spiritual progress rather than perfection founded in a moral code higher than mans because man is imperfect were temptation and corruption assails us all in our striving to achieve spiritual perfection....

A moral code based on a higher authority than man made our country great, and the secular progressive moral code of man's situational ethics has almost destroyed our Republic and for which it once stood that was establish by our Founders... Men of Godly Character....

I believe Mr. Cain to be a man of Godly principle...and that is good for the Republic....

Here are a couple posts on religious discussion...



I respect what you believe brother, But Cain is exactly why religion has no place in politics. The Founders you refer to understood that.

Cain is just another bible-touting warmongering gun-fetish money-before-life right-wing republican.

How you reconcile war, guns, and money-before-life is up to you .. but I find that so hypocritical and soooo very unlike anything remotely considered godly that it is just mindless.

What good is your god that he/she/it can't even teach its disciples that needless war is demonic?

No brother, that mindfuck has no place in any arena where truth and and a sense of humanity are required.
Cain does take stands on issues that are religion based.
I believe gay marriage is a strange thing but it doesn't affect my 35 year marriage and if 2 people love each other I am not bothered at all and encourage them to marry.
Who gives a shit? Get me another beer out of the box.
Cain is not a true conservative wasting government's time on the gay marriage issue.
Gays are a non issue with me. Let them marry and be miserable like the rest of us. (Grin)
You are wrong. The majority of our Founders were in fact Christian scholors, and believed that Godly character is prerequiste to holding public office.... Study the Founders and learn the truth for the truth will set you free indeed...

zeitgeist2012's Blog | New age Spartans? or New age global Babylon?

No they weren't. 60% of the signers were Episcopalian/Anglican and they didn't study scripture often. The Treaty of Tripoli states that we are not a nation founded on Christianity. Washington never declared himself a Christian. James Madison "religous bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise". Ben Franklin was a Deist.
There is NO religous prerequisite to hold public office for a reason.
Article VI Prohibition on Religous Tests to Hold Public Office "No religous test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"
Founders RAN from that in Europe and wanted no part of religion ruining this country.
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