Herman Cain Is Running For President!!!


I've been following Herman Cain for a couple of years. This PAC is very good news.

I only need him to get Kristy Noem as running mate now, and I am all in!

Palin must be STOPPED, and Herman is just the man to get that job done.

YEP. Palin is a good person...but her time is gone. And she can remain where she is speaking as she does...NO PROBLEM with that.

SHE unfortunately doesn't have a chance as she is damaged goods thanks to McCain...

Yes, her problems have more to do with Republicans than Democrats.

Albiet she has taken up with the TEA PARTY which is separate from the Republicans because the ensconsed Republican Blue Bloods have a problem with them....

As to Democrats? It is widely known that she is reviled in their ranks and therefore a DUH no-brainer moment for those that take pause to use thier greymatter....

But for her to go for POTUS? I think she knows already...
Hey guys!!! This is a Herman Cain thread! PLEASE don't make it another Palin thread! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Thanks to herself.

She does speak to liberty. *I* don't begrudge that of her...but she has fallen to "The Cult Of Personality"....

And I won't (for YOUR SAKE) Play that video as I like to do from LIVING COLOUR that *I* like to do...SO? I think you and I are square here... ;)
I haven't the vaugest clue what you're referencing, but that's okay.

I just believe and have believed since first blush, that Palin doesn't belong in the oval office, and that's nothing to do with McCain.

Oh MY...Should I pretend I didn't read this? [Not on your life my friend...]

MM? My Man?

I apologize foir this in ADVANCE...


Hey guys!!! This is a Herman Cain thread! PLEASE don't make it another Palin thread! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

You're right. But for me part of celebrating Herman is so he can DEFEAT Palin in the primaries.

I'm not sure anyone beats Barack in 2012, but between the two I would vote for Herman so fast it would make your head spin.
Hey guys!!! This is a Herman Cain thread! PLEASE don't make it another Palin thread! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

You're right. But for me part of celebrating Herman is so he can DEFEAT Palin in the primaries.

I'm not sure anyone beats Barack in 2012, but between the two I would vote for Herman so fast it would make your head spin.

Then why not back someone you think has the best chance of beating him?
I don't like blacks, token or not, so I'd prefer not to vote for him.

But I will say, although he favored the racist affirmative action program, if i had to pick between the mulatto president and the black guy, I'd go with the black guy and vote for Cain.
Hey guys!!! This is a Herman Cain thread! PLEASE don't make it another Palin thread! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

You're right. But for me part of celebrating Herman is so he can DEFEAT Palin in the primaries.

I'm not sure anyone beats Barack in 2012, but between the two I would vote for Herman so fast it would make your head spin.

Then why not back someone you think has the best chance of beating him?
There are NO GOP candidates who are acceptable to me right now, except Herman Cain.

Only Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, really has much chance of defeating Obama. And she's adamant she won't run.
I don't like blacks, token or not, so I'd prefer not to vote for him.

But I will say, although he favored the racist affirmative action program, if i had to pick between the mulatto president and the black guy, I'd go with the black guy and vote for Cain.

You're right. But for me part of celebrating Herman is so he can DEFEAT Palin in the primaries.

I'm not sure anyone beats Barack in 2012, but between the two I would vote for Herman so fast it would make your head spin.

Then why not back someone you think has the best chance of beating him?
There are NO GOP candidates who are acceptable to me right now, except Herman Cain.

Only Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, really has much chance of defeating Obama. And she's adamant she won't run.

That's crazy. Obama is more damaged than any Republican right now.
I don't like blacks, token or not, so I'd prefer not to vote for him.

But I will say, although he favored the racist affirmative action program, if i had to pick between the mulatto president and the black guy, I'd go with the black guy and vote for Cain.

You are an idiot then. :eusa_hand:

You have no basis to call me an idiot, so I don't take offense.
Then why not back someone you think has the best chance of beating him?
There are NO GOP candidates who are acceptable to me right now, except Herman Cain.

Only Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, really has much chance of defeating Obama. And she's adamant she won't run.

That's crazy. Obama is more damaged than any Republican right now.
"Right now" are the key words. You believe Obama won't get reelected? I believe it's inevitable.

I'm not a republican and not what you would call a conservative. The GOP has nothing to offer but insiders. Career politicians. Same corrupt shit as the Dems. Until now, with Herman.

I'm against Palin, and I am not supporting any candidate that's an insider or career politician. It's just that simple.

To get any real change, we have to actually change the players.
There are NO GOP candidates who are acceptable to me right now, except Herman Cain.

Only Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, really has much chance of defeating Obama. And she's adamant she won't run.

That's crazy. Obama is more damaged than any Republican right now.
"Right now" are the key words. You believe Obama won't get reelected? I believe it's inevitable.

I'm not a republican and not what you would call a conservative. The GOP has nothing to offer but insiders. Career politicians. Same corrupt shit as the Dems. Until now, with Herman.

I'm against Palin, and I am not supporting any candidate that's an insider or career politician. It's just that simple.

To get any real change, we have to actually change the players.

You may be right, but I am not as sure it is inevitable..time will tell.
I would vote for Cain because I honestly like him, not to keep Palin out. I don't think she has a chance.
I don't like blacks, token or not, so I'd prefer not to vote for him.

But I will say, although he favored the racist affirmative action program, if i had to pick between the mulatto president and the black guy, I'd go with the black guy and vote for Cain.

You are an idiot then. :eusa_hand:

You have no basis to call me an idiot, so I don't take offense.

I took offense to your racist comments though. At least you were honest.
That's crazy. Obama is more damaged than any Republican right now.
"Right now" are the key words. You believe Obama won't get reelected? I believe it's inevitable.

I'm not a republican and not what you would call a conservative. The GOP has nothing to offer but insiders. Career politicians. Same corrupt shit as the Dems. Until now, with Herman.

I'm against Palin, and I am not supporting any candidate that's an insider or career politician. It's just that simple.

To get any real change, we have to actually change the players.

You may be right, but I am not as sure it is inevitable..time will tell.
I would vote for Cain because I honestly like him, not to keep Palin out. I don't think she has a chance.
Please don't misunderstand -- I'm supporting Cain on the merits, Palin aside. I am merely pointing out he's probably the only cat out there that can beat her if she runs, so that's a bonus. Not the reason for support.

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