Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

oh well, Democrats already elected their uncle tom so I guess it's Republicans turn

and he wasn't even a true black man...notice how you never heard about HIS white side of the family, EVER

They couldn't play their games on you if they were brought up
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libs hate it when a brother leaves the plantation and makes it on his own; and doesn't pander and pretend other brothers cant make it to; but need the government to hold their hand

The difference is that he isn't their brother. After all, like Ben Carson, he is educated he was indeed a rocket scientist. What worries the democrats the most, in my opinion, is that they worry they will lose what they think is their moral superiority position. That Blacks will see that the democrat party ain't the party for them. That is also a reason they want to trade their history and they try so hard to do so, we can't let the party of slavery get away with it.
I thought Ben Carson was the "Designated Uncle Tom" for 2016.

you need help desperately..
ugly piece of work

See how easily racism spew forth from the DNC. And it is not like Cain has a funny name, must be because he doesn't look like them.

No, it has to do with the fact he's a batshit crazy Uncle Tom who apparently can't keep his hands off the White Women.

Notice how fast he dropped out after that came to light.
well what?

they don't like having their own names (racist) they called all of us here thrown back in their face?

tsk tsk

as we see they are the TRUE RACIST just look how they talk about this black man and Ben Carson

I'm just pointing out what other blacks call them.

Uncle Toms.

A black guy who is so anxious to get the approval of White People.

The only person slighted in that comment is Harriet Beacher Stowe, who wasn't trying to make that point with her book at all.
I thought Ben Carson was the "Designated Uncle Tom" for 2016.

you need help desperately..
ugly piece of work

No, I just find it amusing that you guys get some clown like Carson or Cain or ALan Keyes to get up and say, "Yup, we sure are shiftless, boss!" and you wonder why no one takes your attempts at "diversity' seriously.
I encourage as many Republicans as possible to pile into the clown car

It diverts attention away from credible candidates and eats up Republican campaign funds
well what?

they don't like having their own names (racist) they called all of us here thrown back in their face?

tsk tsk

as we see they are the TRUE RACIST just look how they talk about this black man and Ben Carson

I'm just pointing out what other blacks call them.

Uncle Toms.

A black guy who is so anxious to get the approval of White People.

The only person slighted in that comment is Harriet Beacher Stowe, who wasn't trying to make that point with her book at all.

ok, and I was doing the same in my post about Obama being an Uncle Tom and not even a true "black man" since he was RAISED by his white side of his family...the only thing he knew about black people is what he learned in Reverend Wrights church...where he said, Americas chickens have come to roost after 9/11
yet you all still ELECTED that man..shows how you all can be easily, duped
so stuff you comments on other black men being, uncle toms
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Oh yay; this time it will be the 8-8-8 tax plan.

Buy one tax break, get two free!

If Herman happens again, it will be

1. another publicity stunt for a self-promoter like his first run was.

2. one more split of the rightwing GOP primary vote in that already crowded field, thus making it even more likely that a moderate Republican (to the extent there is such a thing) will win the nomination.
libs hate it when a brother leaves the plantation and makes it on his own; and doesn't pander and pretend other brothers cant make it to; but need the government to hold their hand

Once again PROOF that it's the rightwingers, not the liberals, who inject the race card into any conversation about black conservatives.

This retard and his perfect match Stephanie are the ones talking about race in this thread.
You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist?

Only far right wing racists say that, so they can try to duck their racism.

Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

And Ed Asner, Rep. Bennie Thompson - who He calls Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Mitch McConnell a “racist.” for opposing ACA, All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect, Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’,
“Well, I really think that President George Bush shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”-Charles idiot Rangle etc etc etc

You are hard to figure out Jake. You want to be believed conservative but can't stop yourself from sounding progressive
You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist?

Only far right wing racists say that, so they can try to duck their racism.

Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

And Ed Asner, Rep. Bennie Thompson - who He calls Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Mitch McConnell a “racist.” for opposing ACA, All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect, Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’,
“Well, I really think that President George Bush shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”-Charles idiot Rangle etc etc etc

You are hard to figure out Jake. You want to be believed conservative but can't stop yourself from sounding progressive

Well then you tell us, please, in detail, how we posters who think, rightfully, that Herman Cain is a fucking moron with a stupid set of beliefs and ideas,

can express those sentiments without having to put up with people like you calling us racists.

Go ahead. You're up.
You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist?

Only far right wing racists say that, so they can try to duck their racism.

Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

And Ed Asner, Rep. Bennie Thompson - who He calls Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Mitch McConnell a “racist.” for opposing ACA, All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect, Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’,
“Well, I really think that President George Bush shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”-Charles idiot Rangle etc etc etc

You are hard to figure out Jake. You want to be believed conservative but can't stop yourself from sounding progressive

He has multiple personalities, which by the way is a mental disorder;)

ok, and I was doing the same in my post about Obama being an Uncle Tom and not even a true "black man" since he was RAISED by his white side of his family...the only thing he knew about black people is what he learned in Reverend Wrights church...where he said, Americas chickens have come to roost after 9/11
yet you all still ELECTED that man..shows how you all can be easily, duped
so stuff you comments on other black men being, uncle toms

You know, Staph, I could explain it to you again and you still wouldn't understand it.

ok, and I was doing the same in my post about Obama being an Uncle Tom and not even a true "black man" since he was RAISED by his white side of his family...the only thing he knew about black people is what he learned in Reverend Wrights church...where he said, Americas chickens have come to roost after 9/11
yet you all still ELECTED that man..shows how you all can be easily, duped
so stuff you comments on other black men being, uncle toms

You know, Staph, I could explain it to you again and you still wouldn't understand it.

you know Joey, most of us here don't care about your explanations, right?
Looks like the circus will be in full form when the repukes try to take the White House !
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the hateful smear "circus" is run by you on the left...everyone of you should look in a mirror

it's already started with this thread
Good. The comedy performer has been taken care of. Now just need Paul,Cruz and Santorum for some more roles of Nut case,War Monger, and Bends whichever way wind blows.

Remember the old liberal talking point? You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist? Well guess what? Your a racist in your own words.

Exactly. The Left needs to be held accountable to its own standard: black men seeking the White House or serving as President cannot be criticized or else you are racist. Herman Cain was my top choice in 2012. Looking on the Conservative side for 2016 potentials, so far, only Cain and Ben Carson are bringing confidence and conviction to the table. Otherwise, the field is replete with a lot of milquetoasts like McCain and Romney that want to be liked by Democrats and their Liberal Media. Plain would be a nice addition to the field from that standpoint that she does not seek to be liked by Democrats.

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