Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist?

Only far right wing racists say that, so they can try to duck their racism.

Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

And Ed Asner, Rep. Bennie Thompson - who He calls Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Mitch McConnell a “racist.” for opposing ACA, All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect, Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’,
“Well, I really think that President George Bush shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”-Charles idiot Rangle etc etc etc

You are hard to figure out Jake. You want to be believed conservative but can't stop yourself from sounding progressive

Well then you tell us, please, in detail, how we posters who think, rightfully, that Herman Cain is a fucking moron with a stupid set of beliefs and ideas,

can express those sentiments without having to put up with people like you calling us racists.

Go ahead. You're up.

Good grief, read. People like me? I'm not a phony conservative. Speak your mind, it will be the left not the right calling you out on racial lines.


You too pretend race card comes from the right. That the right makes jest of it in the face of liberals trying to criticize Cain, or any person not white, is us laughing and throwing their own stupidity in their faces. Don't pretend to be conservative if your not...that's was my point.
Looks like the circus will be in full forum when the repukes try to take the White House !

They are already trying to limit the number of debates between Republicans.

So Americans have no idea what these folks really think.


If that's the case they need to do it silent movie format , one peep from theses so called candidates the repukes are toast .......oh never mind they do not have a hope in hell anyway entertainment at its best :lol:
Looks like the circus will be in full forum when the repukes try to take the White House !

They are already trying to limit the number of debates between Republicans.

So Americans have no idea what these folks really think.


I can't blame them. In 2012 there was a debate every week. Candidates burn themselves out and are overexposed

The bigger problem is that the clown car candidates do not drop out until the end of the primaries. Thanks to Citizens United, which Republicans love, the clown car candidates can stay in the primaries to the end soaking up resources and attention away from the credible candidates
You know the one that stated you can't disagree with a black man, if you do your a racist?

Only far right wing racists say that, so they can try to duck their racism.

Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

And Ed Asner, Rep. Bennie Thompson - who He calls Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Mitch McConnell a “racist.” for opposing ACA, All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect, Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’,
“Well, I really think that President George Bush shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”-Charles idiot Rangle etc etc etc

You are hard to figure out Jake. You want to be believed conservative but can't stop yourself from sounding progressive

He has multiple personalities, which by the way is a mental disorder;)

He may indeed have multiple personalities but none of those personalities are right wing or conservative.
well what?

they don't like having their own names (racist) they called all of us here thrown back in their face?

tsk tsk

as we see they are the TRUE RACIST just look how they talk about this black man and Ben Carson

I'm just pointing out what other blacks call them.

Uncle Toms.

A black guy who is so anxious to get the approval of White People.

The only person slighted in that comment is Harriet Beacher Stowe, who wasn't trying to make that point with her book at all.

So now you speak for blacks, damn racist.
There is plenty of room in the GOP Clown Car

There is lots of room, because the majority of clowns are democrats.

The Democrats have a few clowns entering the race but they drop out quickly once the primaries start.

Republicans embrace their clowns and are unwilling to cast them off. The result is debates with 7-10 candidates, endless infighting and distraction away from the serious candidates
There is plenty of room in the GOP Clown Car

There is lots of room, because the majority of clowns are democrats.

The Democrats have a few clowns entering the race but they drop out quickly once the primaries start.

Republicans embrace their clowns and are unwilling to cast them off. The result is debates with 7-10 candidates, endless infighting and distraction away from the serious candidates

I will admit that the democrat party is good at toeing the party line and falling in step. What confuses you, in my opinion, is you don't understand healthy debate. You apparently can't see not following the lead and think those who don't fall in line are clowns. When in fact just the opposite is true.
There is lots of room, because the majority of clowns are democrats.

The Democrats have a few clowns entering the race but they drop out quickly once the primaries start.

Republicans embrace their clowns and are unwilling to cast them off. The result is debates with 7-10 candidates, endless infighting and distraction away from the serious candidates

I will admit that the democrat party is good at toeing the party line and falling in step. What confuses you, in my opinion, is you don't understand healthy debate. You apparently can't see not following the lead and think those who don't fall in line are clowns. When in fact just the opposite is true.

Current potential GOP candidates

Credible Candidates

Clown Car

Idiots who just like to get on camera

The sooner you clean out that Clown Car, the quicker attention can shift to credible candidates

I will admit that the democrat party is good at toeing the party line and falling in step.

Is that your explanation as to how Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee and quintessential establishment Democrat,

easily defeated Barack Obama in 2008?

lol, think before you post.
I thought Ben Carson was the "Designated Uncle Tom" for 2016.

Hey loser, Carson is a we'll accomplished doctor! He is what all children white or black should strive for! If he was our candidate I would be excited!

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Is Herman Cain Running In 2016? - The Daily Beast

I know people want to trash him for the BOGUS sexual harassment claims. I mean one of them was a serial sexual harassment claimer (she did it at the next two place she went to). The second one didn't file a claim and was anonymous by a leftist media hack. I believe it was a fabrication. The third was a nutjob!

That said he would be the ideal man for the job of stimulating the economy!
(1) He has a proven record of being a economic genius! Godfather Pizza was days away from liquidation. That is nearly impossible to come back from. He turned it around in ONE YEAR! He got them to growth in year two. Only a great businessman would can do that.
(2) Great ideals:
(a) 999 is mocked by douche bags, but it's brilliant (as is the fair tax that he supports). It would be the tax plan that business can plan around and would give US business a nice competitive edge over low wage companies.
(b) Chilean Social Security: Chile went from a hopeless socialist country to the most successful country in the Western Hemisphere not named US or Canada (Yes that includes Brazil). It was primarily because of their privatized SS plan. This plan is so successful many countries are copying it. Not only does it take a HUGE expense away from the Fed, the workers are getting a ton more at retirement. Cain fully supports this.

The Success of Chile's Privatized Social Security | Cato Institute
(c) Small Bills Only - Cain has stated that he will only support bills that can be read in one sitting. You know like they used to be. The ones without waste, without redundancy, without section that have nothing to do with the premise of the bill! You know bills like the constitution (considered the best piece of legislation in world history). Bills that are 10-20 pages.

The man just gets it and has my vote!

If he is out it goes to Cruz, Paul then West!

Im in !

I will admit that the democrat party is good at toeing the party line and falling in step.

Is that your explanation as to how Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee and quintessential establishment Democrat,

easily defeated Barack Obama in 2008?

lol, think before you post.

So I guess you are agreeing with me and rightwingers, the democrats are a bunch of clowns?

Didn't take Hillary long to fall into line with the DNC and then get to be appointed SOS for her efforts.
you need help desperately..

ugly piece of work

See how easily racism spew forth from the DNC. And it is not like Cain has a funny name, must be because he doesn't look like them.

No, it has to do with the fact he's a batshit crazy Uncle Tom who apparently can't keep his hands off the White Women.

Notice how fast he dropped out after that came to light.

Funny how every scandal of the Obama admin gets hit with liberal douches like you say not true, but when obvious lies and fabrications are reported on republicans from non-creditable anonymous sources!

Always a partisan hack for the greater good of your party!

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or maybe a 6-6-6 tax plan:)

Or the 9 9 9 tax tax plan.

They mock the 999 plan but it is brilliant. Everyone splits the payroll tax with their employer - with is 6.5% a piece. Even minimum wage workers pay this quasi-income tax. Then most Americans pay the income tax. I know you heard 47% of Americans don't pay income taxes, but break down that 47% and you will see that more than HALF are retirees that paid their fair share of income taxes. There it's more like 15-20% that don't pay income taxes.

EVERYONE gets an immediate decrease in their payroll and income tax burden. This also helps small businesses. (1) Small business are most taxes at the income tax level via the flow-through taxation, so they immediately get a tax savings on themselves and on the payroll tax they pay for their employees and (2) the 999 is easier to plan around.

The corporations, who are employers benefit big time also. I know you heard the stories that many corporations like GE pay no taxes, but it's simply not true. Many pay the corporate tax, but they have to find tricky ways to reduce their tax burden. Most through shell companies and accounting tricks. Here the 9% is very managable. It would be of the lowest in the world. I think the UAE and Hong Kong are lower. With lower taxation less cost gets pushed on the consumer and prices come down.

The 9% consumption tax makes up for the loss for payroll and less income and corporate tax.

It's a brilliant plan that only an economic genius would devise!

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