Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

Is Herman Cain Running In 2016? - The Daily Beast

I know people want to trash him for the BOGUS sexual harassment claims. I mean one of them was a serial sexual harassment claimer (she did it at the next two place she went to). The second one didn't file a claim and was anonymous by a leftist media hack. I believe it was a fabrication. The third was a nutjob!

That said he would be the ideal man for the job of stimulating the economy!
(1) He has a proven record of being a economic genius! Godfather Pizza was days away from liquidation. That is nearly impossible to come back from. He turned it around in ONE YEAR! He got them to growth in year two. Only a great businessman would can do that.
(2) Great ideals:
(a) 999 is mocked by douche bags, but it's brilliant (as is the fair tax that he supports). It would be the tax plan that business can plan around and would give US business a nice competitive edge over low wage companies.
(b) Chilean Social Security: Chile went from a hopeless socialist country to the most successful country in the Western Hemisphere not named US or Canada (Yes that includes Brazil). It was primarily because of their privatized SS plan. This plan is so successful many countries are copying it. Not only does it take a HUGE expense away from the Fed, the workers are getting a ton more at retirement. Cain fully supports this.

The Success of Chile's Privatized Social Security | Cato Institute
(c) Small Bills Only - Cain has stated that he will only support bills that can be read in one sitting. You know like they used to be. The ones without waste, without redundancy, without section that have nothing to do with the premise of the bill! You know bills like the constitution (considered the best piece of legislation in world history). Bills that are 10-20 pages.

The man just gets it and has my vote!

If he is out it goes to Cruz, Paul then West!


Personally, I just love Herman Cain. He's the best thing to come along in presidential politics since Pat Paulson.

Despite his complete lack of any elective office experience whatsoever, and no political base of support, the man's ego is SO huge that he just can't resist another self-indulgent run at the WH.

But perhaps the BEST thing about a Cain candidacy is watching White conservatives (who mockingly refer to Obama as the Messiah, by the way) positively swoon over Cain like a bunch of teenage girls at a Frankie Avalon concert back in the 1950s. And it doesn't seem to matter how many women he's harrassed even though we've been told that Bill Clinton's behavior was unacceptable.

But watching Cain trip over the most rudimentary questions like Sarah Palin did before him while also listening to conservatives try to explain away his stupidity as something approaching a refreshing everyman approach to governance because they feel they can relate to him. Frankly, it makes me wonder if conservatives would actually prefer a man in the WH who's as dumb as doorknob as long as he can regurgitate a few key conservative phrases, as opposed to wanting a highly qualified candidate who's moderately conservative and thinks through the issues. I wonder that because I can't see how that does anything to advance conservatism by putting a man in the WH with the intellectual heft of a Chauncey Gardiner.
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Cain enjoyed his moment in the sun and craves the attention

But he had his 15 min of fame and wilted under the lights. He will not be back
oh my, talk about comedy gold! :lol:

Cain is one of Jesse Jackson's affirmative action proteges, hence his popularity with conservatives. That's how he got the Burger King gig.

He also ran Godfather's into the ground, so he has that record of failure that conservatives demand. Stories of Cain's "success" come only from Cain and his best friend, and the "liberal media" is curiously unwilling to examine those claims. Others note that Godfather's lost sales, stores and market share under Cain, something normally not regarded as a success, unless you're a vulture capitalist.
Obama is disapproved by almost 70% of the people so they need another black man to dump on

I can say I haven't found him to be a comedy in our lives.... but a real person who has caused much and PAIN AND SUFFERING while he the wife entertain their 1%ers friends, every night of the week

some of you are just pathetic
Cain has a mostly bulletproof record on conservative issues. He can hold his own against the best minds in conservatism and has proven in the past to be a shrewd politician and a very competent, educated, manager of people.

No one will be surprised when he is handily primaried.
Obama is disapproved by almost 70% of the people so they need another black man to dump on

I can say I haven't found him to be a comedy in our lives.... but a real person who has caused much and PAIN AND SUFFERING while he the wife entertain their 1%ers friends, every night of the week

some of you are just pathetic

aww can't own your insults, huh? :smiliehug:

i can't stand obama but that has nothing to do with that i think of herman cain.

Obama is disapproved by almost 70% of the people so they need another black man to dump on

I can say I haven't found him to be a comedy in our lives.... but a real person who has caused much and PAIN AND SUFFERING while he the wife entertain their 1%ers friends, every night of the week

some of you are just pathetic

aww can't own your insults, huh? :smiliehug:

i can't stand obama but that has nothing to do with that i think of herman cain.


I said, some of you..Did I single you out?
I don't care what you think of Mr.Cain
I like him and some of his ideas, plus he's ran a real business before..unlike Obama the only thing he's ran is his mouth and what George Soros tells him

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Regretfully, he is probably trying to sell a book.
Have democrats settled on Herman Cain now? They have manufactured delusions about so many other republicans running for president ONLY to have someone to bash, this seems like just another one.
Have democrats settled on Herman Cain now? They have manufactured delusions about so many other republicans running for president ONLY to have someone to bash, this seems like just another one.

Everyone republican to them is unacceptable because they are so tolerant after all
Have democrats settled on Herman Cain now? They have manufactured delusions about so many other republicans running for president ONLY to have someone to bash, this seems like just another one.

Everyone republican to them is unacceptable because they are so tolerant after all

I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

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