Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

Have democrats settled on Herman Cain now? They have manufactured delusions about so many other republicans running for president ONLY to have someone to bash, this seems like just another one.

Everyone republican to them is unacceptable because they are so tolerant after all

I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do
Everyone republican to them is unacceptable because they are so tolerant after all

I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do

that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com
When a man tells you that it took a team to come up with the 9-9-9 tax plan, and that the numbers were set at such for a very important reason, only to switch it to the 9-0-9 plan on a whim because people didn't like the 9 - 9- 9 plan.... You know he is full of shit.

Maybe this round Cain will have more to talk about on ANY OTHER subject outside of his bold and always changing 9-9-9 tax plan.

I love how your racist picture makes all "his people" white. I expect nothing less than pure racism for a low life bottom feeder like you RW. And like you have no credibility to ever talk about someone's job. Read my sig.
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When a man tells you that it took a team to come up with the 9-9-9 tax plan, and that the numbers were set at such for a very important reason, only to switch it to the 9-0-9 plan on a whim because people didn't like the 9 - 9- 9 plan.... You know he is full of shit.

Maybe this round Cain will have more to talk about on ANY OTHER subject outside of his bold and always changing 9-9-9 tax plan.

He can always talk about his Ubecki becki beckistan foreign policy
Have democrats settled on Herman Cain now? They have manufactured delusions about so many other republicans running for president ONLY to have someone to bash, this seems like just another one.

Everyone republican to them is unacceptable because they are so tolerant after all

I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

I like Huntsman, he seems the most balanced.
I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do

that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com

Rubio is stating he plans to run; I'll take milquetoast. :D I am a Democrat, but do not want dynasties. A moderate Republican would not bother me a bit. Cruz isn't eligible, who remains? Of course, McCain was moderate, in the past, but could not bring out the hard right voters.

I love how your racist picture makes all "his people" white. I expect nothing less than pure racism for a low life bottom feeder like you RW. And like you have an credibility to ever talk about someone's job. Read my sig.

I didn't notice.........you seem to be obsessed with color

So either you did notice and you just lied, you're an idiot who does not even look at the pictures you post... or maybe you're colorblind? I don't see many options outside of that.

You hate Cain because he's black, so you try as hard as you can to make him white. I love all the cigars and pin strip suits, like evil batman villains.
I think that it would be nice to see cain, carson, and west in the Republican primary Presidential debates.............

If they all ran at once, they would split the black vote.....all six of them
I love that Dems hate the idea of black people being popular and running for President in the Republican party. I am not a Republican nor am I defending that idiotic party... But man, you small minded Dems sure know your place. Without pushing racism on Republicans you are aware you have little to nothing different to offer minorities.

You're both progressive welfare parties, as minorities realize this the Dem party will continue to shrink. 2016 might be about Hillary and the female vote, it's the last scam for votes you got.

It's about time for a woman President!!! Not a good President, but a vagina to hold the office! Vote lemming vote!
I love that Dems hate the idea of black people being popular and running for President in the Republican party. I am not a Republican nor am I defending that idiotic party... But man, you small minded Dems sure know your place. Without pushing racism on Republicans you are aware you have little to nothing different to offer minorities.

You're both progressive welfare parties, as minorities realize this the Dem party will continue to shrink. 2016 might be about Hillary and the female vote, it's the last scam for votes you got.

It's about time for a woman President!!! Not a good President, but a vagina to hold the office! Vote lemming vote!

Sex and race are irrelevant. Sanity and positions that can attract 270 evs are, however, important.
I love that Dems hate the idea of black people being popular and running for President in the Republican party. I am not a Republican nor am I defending that idiotic party... But man, you small minded Dems sure know your place. Without pushing racism on Republicans you are aware you have little to nothing different to offer minorities.

I love that black people are gaining recognition in the Republican party. It's a good thing for the country.

But his ass is going to be primaried so fast.
The party has pretty much given up hope for finding a black who is not loony tunes. Rubio has been give a gazillion chances to ex-nay on the creationism thing. He's pushed himself to the limit on immigration though.
I think that it would be nice to see cain, carson, and west in the Republican primary Presidential debates.............

If they all ran at once, they would split the black vote.....all six of them

LOL, I think that the debates would be interesting, especially when you add some contenders like cruz, Christie, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, et al. You can cross west off of that list, I don't think that he will get enough support. In fact I think that the debates would be pretty funny and revealing as well.
Sure is fun watching liberals who would never ever be open minded enough to vote for a Republican tear down Cain as if they would if only he were sane. I seriously doubt someone can be more racist then to say that a man who actually was a rocket scientist is insane.

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