Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do

that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com

Rubio is stating he plans to run; I'll take milquetoast. :D I am a Democrat, but do not want dynasties. A moderate Republican would not bother me a bit. Cruz isn't eligible, who remains? Of course, McCain was moderate, in the past, but could not bring out the hard right voters.

It wouldn't?!? :eek:

They are only moderate until they are elected. Then they appoint hard right people to the Judiciary, and nominate hard right Justices for the Supreme Court. They also, being Republicans, let regulatory agencies lapse, leading to no one policing our food, water, air, and financial markets.

'Moderate Republican' is a myth, when elected.
I love that Dems hate the idea of black people being popular and running for President in the Republican party. I am not a Republican nor am I defending that idiotic party... But man, you small minded Dems sure know your place. Without pushing racism on Republicans you are aware you have little to nothing different to offer minorities.

You're both progressive welfare parties, as minorities realize this the Dem party will continue to shrink. 2016 might be about Hillary and the female vote, it's the last scam for votes you got.

It's about time for a woman President!!! Not a good President, but a vagina to hold the office! Vote lemming vote!

Sex and race are irrelevant. Sanity and positions that can attract 270 evs are, however, important.

but they'll tell you they dont see race then back Cain based on nothing but his race
that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com

Rubio is stating he plans to run; I'll take milquetoast. :D I am a Democrat, but do not want dynasties. A moderate Republican would not bother me a bit. Cruz isn't eligible, who remains? Of course, McCain was moderate, in the past, but could not bring out the hard right voters.

It wouldn't?!? :eek:

They are only moderate until they are elected. Then they appoint hard right people to the Judiciary, and nominate hard right Justices for the Supreme Court. They also, being Republicans, let regulatory agencies lapse, leading to no one policing our food, water, air, and financial markets.

'Moderate Republican' is a myth, when elected.

No offense intended but you're falling into the same "loon hole" the RW nutters are falling into. Mainstream republicans want to limit federal govt. Moderate republicans who supported 70% tax rates, like Nixon and Ike, are long gone. But there's a difference between limiting spending and not raising the debt limit.
I think that it would be nice to see cain, carson, and west in the Republican primary Presidential debates.............

Hillary shares this view. LOL

I agree, most the Dem party has learned that if you're not a Black Democrat your an "uncle tom", the liberal's version of the word "******."

That's your own false narrative. I'm willing to bet if those guys didn't start right out of the gate with the "Yess Massa! Them Blacks dey be on tha democrat plantation." and the rest of their ignorant blanket generalizations about "the Blacks" , they probably wouldn't be referred to as "Uncle Toms". That "Blacks on the plantation" crap is the conservative republican way of calling the majority of Black people *******.

That's why many of you like the cain, west, and carson types; they say what you want to say and do say about Black people. Meanwhile solid Black republicans such as Michael Steele, J.C. Watts, and Colin Powell feel alienated by YOUR party. It's only a matter of time before Tim Scott falls out of your favor as well; he doesn't engage in that "plantation" crap and he is actually working with a Democrat (Corey Booker) and trying to do good things.

Conservative Black Chick » Blog Archive » JC Watts Tells RNC Enough with Phony Outreach; Try Inclusion

"And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.

“That language doesn’t suit me,” Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds.”

Michael Steele: For Decades GOP Pursued 'Southern Strategy' That Alienated Minorities
Rubio is stating he plans to run; I'll take milquetoast. :D I am a Democrat, but do not want dynasties. A moderate Republican would not bother me a bit. Cruz isn't eligible, who remains? Of course, McCain was moderate, in the past, but could not bring out the hard right voters.

It wouldn't?!? :eek:

They are only moderate until they are elected. Then they appoint hard right people to the Judiciary, and nominate hard right Justices for the Supreme Court. They also, being Republicans, let regulatory agencies lapse, leading to no one policing our food, water, air, and financial markets.

'Moderate Republican' is a myth, when elected.

No offense intended but you're falling into the same "loon hole" the RW nutters are falling into.
Mainstream republicans want to limit federal govt. Moderate republicans who supported 70% tax rates, like Nixon and Ike, are long gone. But there's a difference between limiting spending and not raising the debt limit.

I don't think I am. Look at Bush. He was touted as a moderate. 'True Conservatives' certainly do not see Bush as one of them. Yet he appointed Roberts and Alito. H.W. Bush, another moderate, appointed Clarence Thomas.

Those three are extremely Far-Right.
I love that Dems hate the idea of black people being popular and running for President in the Republican party. I am not a Republican nor am I defending that idiotic party... But man, you small minded Dems sure know your place. Without pushing racism on Republicans you are aware you have little to nothing different to offer minorities.

You're both progressive welfare parties, as minorities realize this the Dem party will continue to shrink. 2016 might be about Hillary and the female vote, it's the last scam for votes you got.

It's about time for a woman President!!! Not a good President, but a vagina to hold the office! Vote lemming vote!

If the republicans nominated Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, or Tim Scott, those gentlemen along with Huntsman would have my vote. But hey, keep focusing on the "Black are on the plantation" crowd, they are more your speed. :)
It wouldn't?!? :eek:

They are only moderate until they are elected. Then they appoint hard right people to the Judiciary, and nominate hard right Justices for the Supreme Court. They also, being Republicans, let regulatory agencies lapse, leading to no one policing our food, water, air, and financial markets.

'Moderate Republican' is a myth, when elected.

No offense intended but you're falling into the same "loon hole" the RW nutters are falling into.
Mainstream republicans want to limit federal govt. Moderate republicans who supported 70% tax rates, like Nixon and Ike, are long gone. But there's a difference between limiting spending and not raising the debt limit.

I don't think I am. Look at Bush. He was touted as a moderate. 'True Conservatives' certainly do not see Bush as one of them. Yet he appointed Roberts and Alito. H.W. Bush, another moderate, appointed Clarence Thomas.

Those three are extremely Far-Right.

I don't think W was ever a moderate. A drunkard, spendthrift, ill educated, egomaniac perhaps.

But consider, the DOMA decisions were in part by conservatives. I think Roberts would like to see a pre-new deal understanding of the constitution. Perhaps Soc Sec and Medicare would be ok, maybe not. W wanted to privatize them.

I don't think there are moderates in the party. And, that's my basic question on the gop, does it still represent the middle class? Reagan was philosophically opposed to medicare, but he raised taxes to help fund soc sec. That would be unacceptable to the gop today.

No offense intended but you're falling into the same "loon hole" the RW nutters are falling into.
Mainstream republicans want to limit federal govt. Moderate republicans who supported 70% tax rates, like Nixon and Ike, are long gone. But there's a difference between limiting spending and not raising the debt limit.

I don't think I am. Look at Bush. He was touted as a moderate. 'True Conservatives' certainly do not see Bush as one of them. Yet he appointed Roberts and Alito. H.W. Bush, another moderate, appointed Clarence Thomas.

Those three are extremely Far-Right.

I don't think W was ever a moderate. A drunkard, spendthrift, ill educated, egomaniac perhaps.

But consider, the DOMA decisions were in part by conservatives. I think Roberts would like to see a pre-new deal understanding of the constitution. Perhaps Soc Sec and Medicare would be ok, maybe not. W wanted to privatize them.

I don't think there are moderates in the party. And, that's my basic question on the gop, does it still represent the middle class? Reagan was philosophically opposed to medicare, but he raised taxes to help fund soc sec. That would be unacceptable to the gop today.

Well, either he was a moderate or he was a conservative. Only a brain-dead retard would ever say that Bush was a Liberal.

I think most conservatives consider Bush a moderate.
I don't think I am. Look at Bush. He was touted as a moderate. 'True Conservatives' certainly do not see Bush as one of them. Yet he appointed Roberts and Alito. H.W. Bush, another moderate, appointed Clarence Thomas.

Those three are extremely Far-Right.

I don't think W was ever a moderate. A drunkard, spendthrift, ill educated, egomaniac perhaps.

But consider, the DOMA decisions were in part by conservatives. I think Roberts would like to see a pre-new deal understanding of the constitution. Perhaps Soc Sec and Medicare would be ok, maybe not. W wanted to privatize them.

I don't think there are moderates in the party. And, that's my basic question on the gop, does it still represent the middle class? Reagan was philosophically opposed to medicare, but he raised taxes to help fund soc sec. That would be unacceptable to the gop today.

Well, either he was a moderate or he was a conservative. Only a brain-dead retard would ever say that Bush was a Liberal.

I think most conservatives consider Bush a moderate.

Well, W's drunken spending spree and elective war for nationbuilding were feathers in Randian Paul's cap, for sure. Frankly, I consider W to be off the charted course of the gop. People like Bartlett and Frum hold that view. I view him as neither liberal, moderate or conservative. He got Lugar, Bennett and most likely Cochran Tea Partied.
I prefer Chris Christie, or Huntsman, still too early to make any decision.

this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do

that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com

lol, thanks I didn't bother looking up the spelling
Is Herman Cain Running In 2016? - The Daily Beast

I know people want to trash him for the BOGUS sexual harassment claims. I mean one of them was a serial sexual harassment claimer (she did it at the next two place she went to). The second one didn't file a claim and was anonymous by a leftist media hack. I believe it was a fabrication. The third was a nutjob!

That said he would be the ideal man for the job of stimulating the economy!
(1) He has a proven record of being a economic genius! Godfather Pizza was days away from liquidation. That is nearly impossible to come back from. He turned it around in ONE YEAR! He got them to growth in year two. Only a great businessman would can do that.
(2) Great ideals:
(a) 999 is mocked by douche bags, but it's brilliant (as is the fair tax that he supports). It would be the tax plan that business can plan around and would give US business a nice competitive edge over low wage companies.
(b) Chilean Social Security: Chile went from a hopeless socialist country to the most successful country in the Western Hemisphere not named US or Canada (Yes that includes Brazil). It was primarily because of their privatized SS plan. This plan is so successful many countries are copying it. Not only does it take a HUGE expense away from the Fed, the workers are getting a ton more at retirement. Cain fully supports this.

The Success of Chile's Privatized Social Security | Cato Institute
(c) Small Bills Only - Cain has stated that he will only support bills that can be read in one sitting. You know like they used to be. The ones without waste, without redundancy, without section that have nothing to do with the premise of the bill! You know bills like the constitution (considered the best piece of legislation in world history). Bills that are 10-20 pages.

The man just gets it and has my vote!

If he is out it goes to Cruz, Paul then West!

I'll vote for him if he turns us onto some Godfather's Pizza....
this isn't a time for milk toast like them in my opinion
it's time to fight as dirty as Democrat/progressives do

that's why i hope christie runs cuz at least he isn't milquetoast, which will make for some real challenging discussions, hopefully...

Milquetoast | Define Milquetoast at Dictionary.com

lol, thanks I didn't bother looking up the spelling

But isn't milquetoast a word play on milk toast?
Obama is disapproved by almost 70% of the people so they need another black man to dump on

I can say I haven't found him to be a comedy in our lives.... but a real person who has caused much and PAIN AND SUFFERING while he the wife entertain their 1%ers friends, every night of the week

some of you are just pathetic

aww can't own your insults, huh? :smiliehug:

i can't stand obama but that has nothing to do with that i think of herman cain.


To the tune "The Night The Drove Old Dixie Down"

Herman Cain is the name and I served on the GOP gravy train
'Til the Politico reporters dug up the facts again
It was the winter of '95, I was horny, layin' down my jive
You wouldn't believe the women who fell
It was a time I remember oh so well

The night they drove old Herman down
And all the bells were ringin'
The night they drove old Herman down
And all the people were singin'
They went, Ooh, la la la la la

Back home in Geogia, my wife said to me
Herman quick come see, they found a woman named Ginger Lee
Now, I don't care what my fishin' buds know
But these reporters, they gotta go
Else, how will I ever keep this on the down-low

The night they drove old Herman down
And all the bells were ringin'
The night they drove old Herman down
And all the people were singin'
They sang, Ooh, la la la la la

Like John Edwards before me,
I can work the crowd
And like John Kennedy above me
And all the fields he plowed
Showed even a President must have his crave
Before he can go to his grave
And those women have no cause to complain
About all they got from Herman Cain

The night they drove old Herman down
And all the bells were ringin'
The night they drove old Herman down
And all the people were singin'
They sang, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na

No offense intended but you're falling into the same "loon hole" the RW nutters are falling into.
Mainstream republicans want to limit federal govt. Moderate republicans who supported 70% tax rates, like Nixon and Ike, are long gone. But there's a difference between limiting spending and not raising the debt limit.

I don't think I am. Look at Bush. He was touted as a moderate. 'True Conservatives' certainly do not see Bush as one of them. Yet he appointed Roberts and Alito. H.W. Bush, another moderate, appointed Clarence Thomas.

Those three are extremely Far-Right.

I don't think W was ever a moderate. A drunkard, spendthrift, ill educated, egomaniac perhaps.

But consider, the DOMA decisions were in part by conservatives. I think Roberts would like to see a pre-new deal understanding of the constitution. Perhaps Soc Sec and Medicare would be ok, maybe not. W wanted to privatize them.

I don't think there are moderates in the party. And, that's my basic question on the gop, does it still represent the middle class? Reagan was philosophically opposed to medicare, but he raised taxes to help fund soc sec. That would be unacceptable to the gop today.

Justice Kennedy is a conservative but not an ideologue, the Chief Justice might be as well – but the jury’s still out, as it were.

Scalia and Alito are rightist ideologues, Thomas is a libertarian extremist, his ‘concurring dissent’ in McDonald is proof of that.

Otherwise, the Court won’t be returning to pre-Lochner jurisprudence, the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts have had ample opportunity, and have refrained from dong so. There might be further appropriate and limited modifications to Commerce Clause case law, such as Lopez/Morrison, but for the most part necessary and proper regulatory measures consistent with a 21st Century industrialized nation such as the United States will remain in place.
Sure is fun watching liberals who would never ever be open minded enough to vote for a Republican tear down Cain as if they would if only he were sane. I seriously doubt someone can be more racist then to say that a man who actually was a rocket scientist is insane.
Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

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