Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

I thought Ben Carson was the "Designated Uncle Tom" for 2016.

Hey loser, Carson is a we'll accomplished doctor! He is what all children white or black should strive for! If he was our candidate I would be excited!

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and if he was using those skills to cure people, he'd have my respect.

However, he's given up medicine for the lucrative line of telling old white folks what they want to hear, so not so much.
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.
I thought Ben Carson was the "Designated Uncle Tom" for 2016.

Hey loser, Carson is a we'll accomplished doctor! He is what all children white or black should strive for! If he was our candidate I would be excited!

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and if he was using those skills to cure people, he'd have my respect.

However, he's given up medicine for the lucrative line of telling old white folks what they want to hear, so not so much.

That's probably more than you'll every accomplish
You dear leader wrote two fairy tales about himself before he ever ACCOMPISHED anything outstanding in his pathetic life
rein in your green eyed monsters you all live with
Sure is fun watching liberals who would never ever be open minded enough to vote for a Republican tear down Cain as if they would if only he were sane. I seriously doubt someone can be more racist then to say that a man who actually was a rocket scientist is insane.
Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Hey loser, Carson is a we'll accomplished doctor! He is what all children white or black should strive for! If he was our candidate I would be excited!

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Along with every democrat.

but of course you only have SMEARS to get elected
they have trained you all well

Clayton is a PISSANT. He knows nothing. HE isn't as smart as he thinks he is. IGNORE HIM.
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.


But he’s wholly unqualified to be president as a consequence of his adherence to failed conservative dogma.
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.


But he’s wholly unqualified to be president as a consequence of his adherence to failed conservative dogma.
If we had someone like Cain, and not a RINO like McCain or Romney in 2008 and 2012, perhaps we would have been able to verify your er ... theory. However, adherence to the so-called failed conservative dogma appeared to have worked for Bush in 2000 and 2004.
Is Herman Cain Running In 2016? - The Daily Beast

I know people want to trash him for the BOGUS sexual harassment claims. I mean one of them was a serial sexual harassment claimer (she did it at the next two place she went to). The second one didn't file a claim and was anonymous by a leftist media hack. I believe it was a fabrication. The third was a nutjob!

That said he would be the ideal man for the job of stimulating the economy!
(1) He has a proven record of being a economic genius! Godfather Pizza was days away from liquidation. That is nearly impossible to come back from. He turned it around in ONE YEAR! He got them to growth in year two. Only a great businessman would can do that.
(2) Great ideals:
(a) 999 is mocked by douche bags, but it's brilliant (as is the fair tax that he supports). It would be the tax plan that business can plan around and would give US business a nice competitive edge over low wage companies.
(b) Chilean Social Security: Chile went from a hopeless socialist country to the most successful country in the Western Hemisphere not named US or Canada (Yes that includes Brazil). It was primarily because of their privatized SS plan. This plan is so successful many countries are copying it. Not only does it take a HUGE expense away from the Fed, the workers are getting a ton more at retirement. Cain fully supports this.

The Success of Chile's Privatized Social Security | Cato Institute
(c) Small Bills Only - Cain has stated that he will only support bills that can be read in one sitting. You know like they used to be. The ones without waste, without redundancy, without section that have nothing to do with the premise of the bill! You know bills like the constitution (considered the best piece of legislation in world history). Bills that are 10-20 pages.

The man just gets it and has my vote!

If he is out it goes to Cruz, Paul then West!

Good... there is always room on the crazy train for Hermy.

Herman would be a welcome addition to the GOP clown car. Bring it on!

Herman would be a welcome addition to the GOP clown car. Bring it on!
What's wrong LaDorka? Can't fathom the thought of another Black Man in office after Obama?


lakohta, that is one disgrace of a human being
Real Indians had honor, values, principles...I lived around many Alaskan natives...they had honor
that fake is a loser
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We have our first halfie.

Now is it not time for the real thing?

How about TWO, one as a backup in case some crazed liberal vents his/her/its wrath in some extremely anti-social way?
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.
What qualifies him in your estimation?

Were you actually a fan of that 9-9-9 nonsense? Say it ain't so.

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