Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

Sure is fun watching liberals who would never ever be open minded enough to vote for a Republican tear down Cain as if they would if only he were sane. I seriously doubt someone can be more racist then to say that a man who actually was a rocket scientist is insane.
Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?
Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?

There is something creepy about Huntsman. My guess...gay (not trying to flame...he just has that vibe)
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.


But he’s wholly unqualified to be president as a consequence of his adherence to failed conservative dogma.
If we had someone like Cain, and not a RINO like McCain or Romney in 2008 and 2012, perhaps we would have been able to verify your er ... theory. However, adherence to the so-called failed conservative dogma appeared to have worked for Bush in 2000 and 2004.

Both prior to December 2007.

And of course that Cain is unqualified to be president isn’t limited to the individual himself, but includes the equally unqualified people he’d have in his administration, the propensity of republican presidents to start illegal, unjustified wars, and the appointment of judges to the Federal courts – including justices to the Supreme Court – hostile to Americans’ civil liberties and the jurisprudence that safeguards their civil rights as originally intended by the Framers.
Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?

That would depend on his position concerning civil rights.

If he’s hostile to privacy rights for women, equal protection right for gay Americans, voting rights for minorities, and due process rights for immigrants, then such a candidate for president wouldn’t qualified.
Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?

There is something creepy about Huntsman. My guess...gay (not trying to flame...he just has that vibe)

I must admit... I have also gotten that vibe from him. I wouldn't call it "creepy", though. Unless I wanted to come off like a pussy or something.
[No, it has to do with the fact he's a batshit crazy Uncle Tom who apparently can't keep his hands off the White Women.

Notice how fast he dropped out after that came to light.

Funny how every scandal of the Obama admin gets hit with liberal douches like you say not true, but when obvious lies and fabrications are reported on republicans from non-creditable anonymous sources!

Always a partisan hack for the greater good of your party!

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As I said, the proof in the pudding is what Cain did.

Let's review for those playing along at home.

Cain was the fringe of the clown car, along with Bachmann and a couple others I don't even remember at this point.

But there was a week or so when he was the "Designated Not Romney". I think between the week when Rick Perry imploded and Newt sprung up when people forgot who he was.

Which means he was leading the "Oh my God, please not Romney" vote for a week.

Which means the media had to finally do their jobs and look into this guy.

And they found all these nice ladies who worked for him who said he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

And after that came to light, he spent a week denying it and then dropped out of the race. Even his wife wouldn't stand on the podium with him when he denied it. She knew what was up.

Come on, guys, if you need an Uncle Tom to stand up on the stage before you have to vote for the Rich White Guy the established TELLS you that you will support, Ben Carson is a much more attractive guy than retreading Herman Cain.
Herman Cain is no slouch. The GOP frontrunner in the fall of 2011, at one point he was ahead of Obama. He is a committed conservative, and would no doubt get the conservative vote if he were to run.
What qualifies him in your estimation?

Were you actually a fan of that 9-9-9 nonsense? Say it ain't so.
The initial 9-9-9- plan was intended by Cain to stimulate the economy. I surely don't mind paying only 9% tax. It means more money in my pocket, which means more money to spend, which is good for the economy.
[No, it has to do with the fact he's a batshit crazy Uncle Tom who apparently can't keep his hands off the White Women.

Notice how fast he dropped out after that came to light.

Funny how every scandal of the Obama admin gets hit with liberal douches like you say not true, but when obvious lies and fabrications are reported on republicans from non-creditable anonymous sources!

Always a partisan hack for the greater good of your party!

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As I said, the proof in the pudding is what Cain did.

Let's review for those playing along at home.

Cain was the fringe of the clown car, along with Bachmann and a couple others I don't even remember at this point.

But there was a week or so when he was the "Designated Not Romney". I think between the week when Rick Perry imploded and Newt sprung up when people forgot who he was.

Which means he was leading the "Oh my God, please not Romney" vote for a week.

Which means the media had to finally do their jobs and look into this guy.

And they found all these nice ladies who worked for him who said he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

And after that came to light, he spent a week denying it and then dropped out of the race. Even his wife wouldn't stand on the podium with him when he denied it. She knew what was up.

Come on, guys, if you need an Uncle Tom to stand up on the stage before you have to vote for the Rich White Guy the established TELLS you that you will support, Ben Carson is a much more attractive guy than retreading Herman Cain.

And Clinton did far worse and lied about it under oath and the left wing didn't give a damn. Seems the only time the left cares about ethics is when they are applying it to someone else. Cain needed destroyed and he was duly done in. Why he would do it to himself again is anyone's guess.
And Clinton did far worse and lied about it under oath and the left wing didn't give a damn. Seems the only time the left cares about ethics is when they are applying it to someone else. Cain needed destroyed and he was duly done in. Why he would do it to himself again is anyone's guess.

Well, no, Americans didn't give a damn because Clinton brought home the bacon.

3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, a booming stock market, technical innovation, Clinton presided over a golden age.

If "Lying about a blow job" was the worst thing we had to worry about, we had it good.

Not to worry. BUsh quickly gave us Recessions, Wars, factories being moved overseas, a busted stock market.

But dammit, he wasn't cheating on his wife, and that's the important thing!
Funny how every scandal of the Obama admin gets hit with liberal douches like you say not true, but when obvious lies and fabrications are reported on republicans from non-creditable anonymous sources!

Always a partisan hack for the greater good of your party!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

As I said, the proof in the pudding is what Cain did.

Let's review for those playing along at home.

Cain was the fringe of the clown car, along with Bachmann and a couple others I don't even remember at this point.

But there was a week or so when he was the "Designated Not Romney". I think between the week when Rick Perry imploded and Newt sprung up when people forgot who he was.

Which means he was leading the "Oh my God, please not Romney" vote for a week.

Which means the media had to finally do their jobs and look into this guy.

And they found all these nice ladies who worked for him who said he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

And after that came to light, he spent a week denying it and then dropped out of the race. Even his wife wouldn't stand on the podium with him when he denied it. She knew what was up.

Come on, guys, if you need an Uncle Tom to stand up on the stage before you have to vote for the Rich White Guy the established TELLS you that you will support, Ben Carson is a much more attractive guy than retreading Herman Cain.

And Clinton did far worse and lied about it under oath and the left wing didn't give a damn. Seems the only time the left cares about ethics is when they are applying it to someone else. Cain needed destroyed and he was duly done in. Why he would do it to himself again is anyone's guess.

You forgot to mention that it was Republicans destroying Cain
Is Herman Cain Running In 2016? - The Daily Beast

I know people want to trash him for the BOGUS sexual harassment claims. I mean one of them was a serial sexual harassment claimer (she did it at the next two place she went to). The second one didn't file a claim and was anonymous by a leftist media hack. I believe it was a fabrication. The third was a nutjob!

That said he would be the ideal man for the job of stimulating the economy!

Only a low information voter would support Herman Cain who promotes the expansion of Congress' taxing arm with the alleged fairtax, H.R.25.

The irrefutable fact is, Herman Cain's fairtax would create two new taxes, a 23 percent tax upon articles of consumption, and another 23 percent tax upon the sale of labor, and it would keep alive Congress' power to lay and collect taxes calculated from profits, gains, and other incomes.

If Herman Cain was sincere about real tax reform he would be promoting the following H/S Resolution which, if adopted into our Constitution would return us to our Constitution's ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as our Founder's intended it to operate:

House/Senate Joint Resolution

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the sixteenth article of amendment and end taxes calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other “incomes”.

Section 1: The sixteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

Section 2: Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.

Section 3: This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by three fourths of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission thereof to the States by the Congress.


Are we really to believe the founder of fairtax.org., Leo E. Linbeck Jr. and Herman Cain, both former ringleaders of the federal reserve banking cartel which plunders our national treasury?
Looney libs call republican candidate's clowns, while their own man releases 5 high ranked terrorists. Then yesterday admits that one of them will probably harm americans. Liberals still support the idiot in chief.
Looney libs call republican candidate's clowns, while their own man releases 5 high ranked terrorists. Then yesterday admits that one of them will probably harm americans. Liberals still support the idiot in chief.

the gop candiates are clowns because the KEEP LOSING to the guy.
Well, no, Americans didn't give a damn because Clinton brought home the bacon.

3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, a booming stock market, technical innovation, Clinton presided over a golden age.
You leftist are so disingenuous. The Clinton years were the MAIN reason for the housing collapse, up-coming student loan crisis, Chinese take-over, Faux and Unemployment rankings.

(1) Student Loan Up Coming Crisis: Clinton's administration over-saw the making student loans non-dischargable via BK, the careless handing out of just loans and the sky-rocketing of tuition costs. College used to be expensive but affordable for the middle class. Now it's unfordable to the middle class and only getting more expensive. It started with Clinton he "reformed" student loans making them non-dischargable and lenders just gave away student loans and the colleges charged what they wanted to. It's coming to a hedge and the crash will be worse that an housing burst.

(2) Mortgage Meltdown: Overturning Glass-Steagall, giving Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae the power to created the disastrous secondary market, making the CRA a requirement for tax benefits, subsidies and other benefits that made the big banks have to make risky loans etc. The snowball started on Clinton's watch, grew during Bush's watch and still here today.

(3) Chinese Barriers: I still don't get why they did this. China utilizes unfair market manipulation. Clinton tore down the barriers to our markets and help steam-roll them in the WTO. STUPID or better word CORRUPT.

(4) NAFTA: Yes signed on his watch and yes not a good deal for the US.

(5) Unemployment Rate: Did you know that the Clinton Regime was the first regime to change the unemployment rate so it stopped counting the long-term unemployed or people that hadn't looked for work in that last month. It's a faux manipulation of the number for the benefits of politicians. It skews the numbers and misrepresents the current state of unemployment. Obama is benefiting from it today and it's BULLSHIT!

If "Lying about a blow job" was the worst thing we had to worry about, we had it good.
It was not even the most immoral thing he did. See the Paula Jones case brief. He is a borderline rapist.

The good things that came out of the Clinton administration was due to the GOP taking both houses and Clinton coming around to the fact that he has to give in or he would get nothing:

(1) Low Unemployment Rate: Due to the faux dotcom bubble that burst and caused a recession towards the end of his Presidency and the changing to the unemployment calculations as stated above.

(2) Welfare Reform: It was the Republican Congress that did this not Clinton.
The democrat's got tired of their manufactured Mitt Romney candidacy, now they are trying to manufacture a Herman Cain candidacy.

It gives them something to talk about amongst themselves.
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?

There is something creepy about Huntsman. My guess...gay (not trying to flame...he just has that vibe)

I must admit... I have also gotten that vibe from him. I wouldn't call it "creepy", though. Unless I wanted to come off like a pussy or something.

LOL...you calling me a pussy!

As for the creepy gay thing...sort of like child molester gay.

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